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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Not some of my students, apparently.
  2. Final grades now posted, 23½ hours before the deadline. A new personal record!
  3. Last day of the Quarter today. Tomorrow is a non-student day, the first half of which will be spent off-site at a "this could really have been an e-mail" type of meeting. Final grades must be posted by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. I'm hoping to get it all done tonight.
  4. Is it bad that for my QM course, I bought the "Not to be sold in North America" version of the textbook from Amazon?
  5. You would know, wouldn't you? (Actually, I have no idea whether you'd know or not. )
  6. Q: Why is Mary Marvel's dress charcoal grey? A: I wouldn't buy that for a dollar, but I'd certainly rent it.
  7. You discover that her "Name Your Price" tool isn't the only tool she has. She also carries a cattle prod.
  8. The vocalist/bassist is the same as on Aqua (John Payne). The drummer and the two guitarists were members of Asia with Payne and Geoff Downes in the early 2000s, before Downes broke up the group to reunite with the original lineup. They (drummer and guitarists) stuck with Payne in his spin-off bands, Asia featuring John Payne and GPS. The keyboardist (Erik Norlander, from Rocket Scientists and Lana Lane) replaced Downes in AfJP. Payne and Norlander decided to discontinue the use of the name 'Asia' after John Wetton's death last year, so now they're calling themselves 'Dukes of the Orient'. Yeah, keeping track of Asia's lineups is a little complicated. Given that the band is a direct descendant of Yes and King Crimson, this is hardly surprising.
  9. It just feels like Hovhaness kind of day to me.
  10. Is it too much to ask that we just welcome aylwin13 back without all these questions?
  11. Asking stupid questions is easier than fixing stupid mistakes.
  12. How about legendary versions of real people (Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley, Porter Rockwell, etc.)?
  13. Q: If I accelerate Dan Brown to relativistic speeds, will he behave as a wave or as a particle? A: Oranges as big as softballs!
  14. 1963. The remake didn't need to happen. More Remakes: Walk This Way (Aerosmith) vs. Walk This Way (Run DMC)
  15. Q: So, I understand that you're a college professor. What's that like? A: In his case, PhD stands for "Piled Higher and Deeper".
  16. The student who thought it was okay to use his cell phone during today's test.
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