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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. One could do a trio of Roger Dean covers for every band he's worked with.
  2. Colorado State wore "State Pride" uniforms vs. Boise the other night. I'm not normally a fan of one-off gimmick uniforms (for example, the all-blacks that BYU wears once a year can all be dropped in a vat of acid, as far as I'm concerned), but these are pretty slick. I just wish they'd worn them the previous week, in the rivalry game against Wyoming. (via Uni-Watch)
  3. That's the problem with Oedipus. If it isn't one thing, it's your mother.
  4. One thing I found objectionable about the original list: They limited it to one album per artist, and their selection for the Beatles was Revolver. Really? I think all of the following are better options for the Beatles:
  5. I don't know if Sting was to blame, but that's exactly what happened when he contributed "I want my MTV" to Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing". (The melody for those words is the same as in "Don't Stand So Close To Me".)
  6. U.S. Soccer: "We're the biggest World Cup qualifying disappointment!" Italy: "Hold my beer."
  7. Yesterday on the Book of Face, I saw a patently absurd article on the most iconic album covers of all time. I think we could do better than that. So this week's topic: Top Three Iconic Album Covers
  8. I think it's called 'Inner Mongolia'. You know, like Siberia used to be for the Soviets.
  9. I'm a high-school teacher. It's damn sure not the first option. Dead End Job: Fast food worker vs. Telemarketer
  10. Careful, you'll have to give Sting writing credits (and probably royalties) if his lawyers find out.
  11. Which is weird, considering that pretty much every submarine movie I've ever seen involves lots of people smoking like locomotives.
  12. Sadly, it doesn't seem to be affecting Alabama. So far. We can still hope, I suppose.
  13. Tron couldn't turn into a reindeer. Enough said. Mundane Sci-Fi Melee Weapons: Klingon Bat'leth vs. Minbari Fighting Pike
  14. Which is a pretty good operating definition of this whole season so far.
  15. I used to work with a guy who made it his mission in life to learn the phrase "No smoking allowed in the submarine" in as many languages as he could. He was up in the forties, if I recall correctly.
  16. This, in one play, is Florida's 2017 season.
  17. Yeah, not helpful. Our school now has a full-time ASL teacher. I learned some sign language years ago and can remember just enough to say hello in the hallway.
  18. A: The toll is €314.16, payable in gold bullion or Bitcoin. Please have exact change. Q: Nothing a good romp in the sack wouldn't take care of, I'm sure.
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