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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Really just one spot. They parked half in the handicap spot and half in the no-parking area next to it for unloading.
  2. Or defeat a cow and cook it up to eat with some spirits, thus heralding in the age of agriculture!
  3. They're both good, but take different approaches, so it'd be hard to say if one was better than the other. The new one has good acting all around, good writing, catches The Tick vibe perfectly IMO, and has decent production values. I wasn't expecting to like a non-Warburton Tick, but I do. The current actor does a great job.
  4. Same here, though the new guy, whose name I can't spell or remember, does a good job IMO.
  5. Good thing that The Tick isn't on TV, then, because it's FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR better than Powerless ever was. Just finished the first half of season one on Amazon Prime. If you haven't seen it, then you might want to see it. Our tastes differ a bit, but the show's pretty consistent from the first episode on, so you should be able to tell pretty fast if you're going to like it.
  6. Your party meets while sitting around a fire at the Cave of the Bear Clan . . .
  7. Step 1: Round up people who survive the Tour de France.
  8. Seems the same to me. The female officers probably assumed you were using the "Sir" insultingly. Which is how I ever heard it used. Not like she could actually do anything except yell at you about it, though. That it's a proper form of address doesn't really factor into rage fueled ass chewings. Edit: <-- This may not be true. Edit: I can't find a single reference to back me up on this one. I clearly remember this being taught in Basic Training and being in my soldier's handbook thing (S.M.A.R.T. Manual, can't remember what the acronym stood for). I'm just going to go with Mandela Effect here.
  9. "Sir" is a proper form of address for female officers in the current real world military. At least it was up until 1993 when I got out. The thing is, you'd usually call a female officer "Ma'am," because, you know, she's female. Unless you were trying to subtly be a dick to her in a way that you couldn't get into trouble for. Mr. Penis Drawing Pilot doesn't like Ex-O wife, ergo that was an appropriate use (plot-wise) of "Sir" to address her. Assuming that they're carrying over real world military regs/tradition. IMO, it wasn't the show, the showrunners, or the writers being sexist. It was the character. By the end of the episode, he'd gained some respect for her, so it'll be interesting to see if he switches over to "Ma'am" or some more casual form of address.
  10. It's parody enough to avoid legal issues IMO.
  11. It seems like one of those shows that's going to take a few episodes to get its legs under it. If it does.
  12. Too bad they aren't both coming back. Back on topic: Saw first episode of The Orville tonight. Was pretty OK. They need to get out of the habit of explaining the jokes fast, IMO. We're going to keep watching and see if it gets better or at least stays watchable.
  13. I just had a thought, what if I'm keeping the voices up at night?
  14. Or madness causes insomnia . . . The voices keep me up at night, don't know about the rest of you.
  15. So you admit you used to lick your butt?
  16. My parents are on the Panhandle side, so they're going to have some serious weather but should be OK. If the last map posted is accurate. I was looking at another map that showed a bunch of both US and EU models for the path that basically put the whole state in the path, depending on the starting assumptions for each model.
  17. We've got to keep up with Jupiter, you know. One day we'll have an even bigger giant red eye.
  18. I'm just glad Irma will only have mild 120 mph winds by the time it reaches my parents' end of the state.
  19. I'm not too great at the breathing thing most days. Smokey days, I just hide and sit around with my brain in idle mode due to low fuel supply. Here's to clear air for you guys too!
  20. The new Bladerunner is a sequel, not a remake. Even has Harrison Ford in it. I'm not saying it'll be good or anything, just that it's not a remake.
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