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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Well, it's not immediately obvious, but Simon (board admin) wants to keep all of the political discussion in one thread, here: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/93102-political-discussion-thread-with-rules/ Best to read the first post of the thread before posting in it. Political discussions got a bit . . . lively . . . a while back, so they're being contained in one thread now.
  2. These guys are kind of silly, but the factory tour is cool:
  3. I hate people who post in all caps and type "it's" instead of "its." Sincerely, A Firefly Fan <-- This is the humor indicator. I don't really hate you.
  4. Big nail in the coffin of my geek cred: I've never seen why fans drool over Gillian Anderson. She seems quite ordinary to me in both looks and charisma.
  5. On his third reboot. That should really temper expectations. Not even the MCU tie in boost will overcome that completely.
  6. Hmm, I better check Snopes to see if that's real.
  7. The Democrats tend to take a living document view of the Constitution, so I'd say that about half the voters aren't being trained that way.
  8. I saw the trailer for the Shadowrun Buddy Cop thing today. It's a movie, not a series. At least if it's bad, it'll only waste a couple hours of my life max.
  9. It'll be on Netflix outside the US. If you're in the US, you're stuck with the CBS streaming service. I plan to wait until the CBS service fails, then watch it when it finally makes it to US Netflix.
  10. It was my favorite CW/DC show last season. It was actually fun, fairly light in tone and they mostly kept the plot under control.
  11. From 0:19 to 1:05 or so was the new stuff. The first 19 seconds were the last 19 of last season. The stuff after the minute five mark was a mashup of mostly last season stuff with a couple new things tossed in, probably to advertise the DVD of last season at the end.
  12. Bazza learned to spell from Wheel of Fortune. He's deeply indebted to Pat Sajak for all the vowels he's used over the years.
  13. Watched this last night. I swear that I saw the same basic plot with a guy wanting to be an action hero, getting a break but losing the girl, etc. a few years back. Also played a bit for comedy. I think it was another Hong Kong film, but for the life of me can't remember the title. There was also a little person who was the comic relief/crotchety friend/relative of the main character. The details were different, but the core was the same.
  14. I'll try to increase my geek cred when we go to a cred-based economy (if the exchange rate is good).
  15. You do realize that it was just a stupid question a reporter was asking to voice actresses, who said, "sure, that'd be great!"? So, it really stems from someone's desire to write a click bait headline. It's not an actual idea Disney has floated.
  16. "Disney Princesses" was the article that started this derail, not just "any random selection of Disney-owned characters." The Princesses are a bit more conceptually relevant to each other, and they've been a marketing thing for years now. As I said earlier, it's already been done quite well on TV. (Making it unlikely they'd do it as a movie, I think.) The main issue is whether the creators have the chops to pull it off, and whether the backers are motivated by making a quality product or by greed. Hollywood generally works on the basis of "Give me something just like that -- but different!" So, pretty much any project that bears any resemblance to another needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I was doubtful about both Once Upon a Time and Grimm starting at the same time, because I figured one was going to be a ripoff of the other. Turned out both were really fun, and it wasn't a concern. But that copycat tendency always makes me wonder.
  17. This thread's getting weird, even for NGD.
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