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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Let's see, with the wife, I've been watching The Gilmore Girls. Just started season 7. We watched it for about four seasons when it was originally on, but work schedules and life made us lose track. Wouldn't make it past the PC police today, and the characters are so flawed as to be downright unlikable at times (but rounded humans, who also have their good sides). It's one of those love it or hate it shows. Been watching some K-dramas and Anime also. Uncanny Counter: Recently finished Season 3, which may be the final one. The show chronicles the adventures of a team of humans, empowered by higher powers to hunt down evil souls escaped from the underworld. These souls possess and empower their human hosts. The method of exorcism involves beating the possessed human to a pulp, then extracting the possessing spirit. Mostly lighthearted adventure that doesn't veer as much into darker subplots as a lot of Korean shows, though it has its moments. (Thinking of all the cute K-drama romcoms with scary a** serial killer subplots.) Sweet Home: An apocalypse where people are suddenly monsterizing. Just finished Season 2, which was much different from Season 1. Season 1 was OK, but took a hit from its brevity, as it mostly ignored the psychological angle of the monsterizations. Season 2 was a confusing mess, adding a ton of new characters without much time put into giving them any distinctiveness, odd time jumps, a lot of lack of spotty plotting. Season 3 is coming, and Season 2 did end up with a reasonable launch point for it after much zig-zagging. Hopefully, Season 3 will return to the somewhat serviceable storytelling of Season 1. Overall, thin fare. Alchemy of Souls: Brings over the actor from Uncanny Counter who played the gruff but lovable middle aged guy, reprising his stock character. (I can't recall the name, but I like the actor. Must watch with subtitles, b/c the American dub actor does not at all capture his vibe.) It's a world of kung-fu wizards, turned upside down by the forbidden sorcery of the Alchemy of Souls (body snatching by soul swapping, and other dastardly soul manipulations). Season one was decent, with a great female lead and great supporting cast. Season 2 diverges quite a bit from Season 1, and is pretty lacking in internal consistency, but was serviceable. It's a romance with some decent humor and some fairly dark subplots. (Still not as dark as those serial killers in the Park Bo Young romcoms -- and I recommend anything with her in it, though the quality varies a little. She's great as a romcom lead.) Good Night World: Anime based on a manga that was apparently much better executed. Virtual reality game shenanigans, with plot points that are all over the place and zero internal consistency and poorly realized tech elements. (As in, the writers no bupkiss about tech and online gaming.) The worst thing about it is that it was short. It tried to cram 52 issues of a manga into 12 episodes of anime. The best thing about it is that it was short, so your suffering will also be short if you watch it. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Just started watching this classic, which I haven't seen before. I'm about 8 episodes in and liking it. Watching the dub, because the dialog flows better than the subtitles. Voice acting quality seems good. Netflix has re-voiced this edition, apparently. Barbie: We laughed all the way through this one. Another win for Margot Robbie's production company, IMO. You'll probably like it if you're not a member of
  2. Well, I did specify Cyborg Guardian. IIRC, that one didn't do much emotion, so seemed like a fit. 😀
  3. Let's see, for Keanu: Ghost Rider (he's expressed interest, and he's into motorcycles), The Shroud (stoic guy with martial arts and darkness powers), or maybe Guardian (James Hudson, cyborg version) from Alpha Flight.
  4. Well, we all know Fox News anchors are paragons of manliness, so it's not surprising.
  5. I'm mostly familiar with her from some appearances in the X-books from the late 80s, early 90s, where she's shown to be a competent team player. Granted, the character has been around for a very long time, and like many characters has a garbage back story, but I'm sure there are several incarnations better than what they put on screen.
  6. I think that was one of only two ways it goes. MS offering jobs to anyone wanting to jump ship was a clear shot across the bow: Either get your act together or they're done.
  7. Here's a summary of things MS CEO said in an interview with Bloomberg:
  8. Here's the very latest on the OpenAI drama. Looks like it was fueled by a massive conflict of interest from a disgruntled board member with an interest in a competing company that was undercut by the release of the costomizable GPTs. And here's another update video with more information: It looks like MS may just cannibalize OpenAI over this drama. I'd say at least 50/50 odds that OpenAI is sunk unless they get their stuff together.
  9. The Captain Marvel characterization in the MCU so far has been, to be charitable, bad. They decided to go with a female version of Maverick from Top Gun, which was lazy shorthand, inaccurate to the character known to comics fans, and failed to actually capture the essence of the Maverick character. Movies are a group effort, so it's hard to say how much of that is the actress, and how much is what is asked of the actress. I don't care what she does off screen (within reason), but I don't like this iteration of Captain Marvel. Given that the actress likely has less input into what were some cringeworthy scenes in the movie, I suspect the issues lie more with the director/production side. (She doesn't seem to be a comics fan, so I'm seeing a lot of her ideas of the character being driven by what she was told by production.) Captain Marvel wasn't the worse MCU effort, but it was low-middle of the pack at best. I've only seen Larson in United States of Tara, where she played a supporting part, but didn't have any issues with her acting there. My wife has seen another movie with her that she said was good, so I'll take her word for it. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how good or bad she is, or whether she has given a good or bad impression in interviews. The question is: Is this a good representation of Carol Danvers? I think she's off the mark, personality-wise. I'm hoping it's because of the origin shift and intentional to represent the trauma of the brain washing. One review I saw suggested this angle is at least somewhat addressed by The Marvels, so I intend to watch it when it comes to streaming and find out. I think the bigger problem than any one actor is that Marvel has continually brought in directors, producers and writers who have no understanding of the comic book genre or respect for it. It will take creators with an understanding of the material and the insight to pull out the best of it and shape it into an enjoyable movie to move the franchise forward.
  10. So, Microsoft ended up hiring Altman over the weekend, heading off a price drop of their stock.
  11. This is kind of interesting. I'm not sure this guy is quite right on a few things, but probably worth a listen. In the news, drama and corporate infighting as OpenAI fires their CEO . . . then tries to woo him back:
  12. You know, reading this thread, it struck me why they need to ditch Kang: The Kang in Loki is, by definition, the most competent of the Kangs. And he's been dealt with already. Loki's Kang already won the Kang multiversal war. The threat of another war is moot with Loki being elevated to a cosmic being, and the TVA monitoring the timelines for Kang variants. I just saw a video (read: take this with a huge grain of salt) saying that there was only one Marvel movie slated for 2024 release. I think they're taking the opportunity to catch their breath and try to get their mojo back. IMO, they should be looking to replicate the earlier success of building up a longer storyline with a big event conclusion. They aren't going to do it with a bunch of second stringer characters. Iron Man wasn't as well known to the general public as Hulk, Spider-Man, and Captain America, but he was a lot more familiar than anything that came around in the second/third wave of heroes. Ms. Marvel was popular with comics readers, and although I never read her book I thought it was one of the better Disney+ shows. Most people panned it as another M-She-U project, but the story was well done. The same happened with Hawkeye, which I thought was great. Two of the strongest shows in the line up were dismissed because the general audience weren't familiar with the characters involved, and didn't want to give them a chance after other projects soured their taste. A local radio idiot the other day said the title for The Marvels was boring, because it was the same as the name of the company, and unoriginal. Another critic complained that Ms Marvel and Captain Marvel's uniforms were too similar, showing an apparent lack of knowledge of the concept of legacy characters in comics. Many, many idiots have complained that they didn't need to make a female Hulk who's better at controlling her change than Bruce, where we see her as a classic character, and know that she'd gained control over her powers and decided to live as She Hulk full time in the comics at one point. There's a lot of stuff comics readers understand, and many characters we recognize, that the general public doesn't. IMO, they should focus on putting Avengers and Avengers legacy characters (like all those Young Avengers they've introduced) on the small screen on Disney Plus shows, and keep them disconnected (even if they share continuity) from the movie universe. Then they move forward with a Fantastic Four or X-Men franchise that builds up to something. Or both. They can run one cosmic/multi-dimensional adventure track with Fantastic Four, and run a largely Earthbound track for X-men. There's also crossover potential for events once the X-men introduces their own cosmic and multidimensional threats. There's enough material in both franchises to keep each its own phase. Any way they approach it, they need to find new, fresh spaces to play in, but with highly recognizable characters. (I probably wouldn't start with Fantastic Four due to their prior history on screen possibly tainting the franchise given the public's lowered expectations of quality from the studio.)
  13. I'm still at 1150. Been feeling under the weather this last week. I might try to knock out some words tonight.
  14. Condolences, losing a pet is tough. I'm likely to finish today at 0. Had a long day of visiting family for my niece's birthday party today, so that wore me out. It didn't help that I woke up at 330 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep.
  15. Ugh. New day! Headache is gone, so I'm going to try to buckle down and catch up some.
  16. I'm closing out below par, too. My sleeping schedule is all messed up, so I only did the initial post-midnight session last night. Ending with the 1150 I posted above. Still, that's not nothing. We're still in the game, Cancer!
  17. Another example of disgustingly careless implementation of an AI feature by Microsoft: https://www.axios.com/2023/10/31/guardian-microsoft-generative-ai-poll-death
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