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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Haven't done it. Here's a guide, which isn't a guide, but links to guides: https://liliputing.com/2019/01/amazon-fire-hd-8-2018-you-can-root-it-and-unlock-the-bootloader.html
  2. My 80% and above results: Steven Hyde (That 70's Show): 84% Sirius Black (Harry Potter): 83% Alex Karev (Grey's Anatomy): 83% Malcolm Reynolds (Firefly + Serenity): 83% Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender): 82% Han Solo (Star Wars): 82% Haymitch Abernathy (The Hunger Games): 81% Bronn (Game of Thrones): 80% Donna Pinciotti (That 70's Show): 80% Bunk Moreland (The Wire): 80%
  3. I can only elaborate in general terms. We're involved heavily in the handling of patients who are high risk behavioral concerns. A typical briefing may include the words, "He's on all the drugs," and the person would be speaking literally. Many of these people are suicidal and/or homicidal. This isn't a population who's really got a firm grasp on concepts related to infectious disease control, such as social distancing and keeping your bodily fluids to yourself. So, toss in Covid-19 and the fact that I'm a bit fat and a bit asthmatic, and over 50 . . . so, lucky me!
  4. I just hope I keep making my CON rolls . . . hospital security is interesting these days.
  5. https://www.businesstoday.in/current/economy-politics/stay-indoors-or-will-issue-shoot-at-sight-order-says-telangana-cm/story/399156.html I'm hoping that this guy's statement is just hyperbole.
  6. He said he was tested and it came back negative. That was some days ago. Not sure which day. Time's kind of a blur for me at the moment, and I catch most of the news on the car radio during the commute. Edit: It was the 14th.
  7. Yeah, I noticed after I read into the article. I work in a hospital, where "provider" is synonymous with "doctor" for the most part. Either way, I hope she doesn't fall prey to the stupidity of hording unproven medicine she needs.
  8. My niece has lupus. I hope her doctor isn't this foolish.
  9. What I was trying to say -- and probably failed to, sorry -- is that many younger people feel like they're immune to serious repercussions, and acting accordingly. Just look at the news clips with comments from the morons on Spring Break. But we've known it's possible to have a serious reaction in the younger population for a long time. The article is acting like this is news. It's not. I mean, we've had some young people getting seriously ill already in the US, weeks ago. Including in ICUs. This statement makes it seem like some switch has been flipped or the virus has suddenly mutated. It hasn't. It's the kind of statement that causes undue alarm. The fact is that coronaviruses as a group don't mutate very quickly, which is a good thing.
  10. Younger people (in their 20s, at least) have been getting seriously ill from the virus all along. The news just seems to have been equating the low death rate to younger people being safe from the virus. There's a pretty wide gap between "everything's fine" and "not quite dead."
  11. That's because he was just a pickin' and a grinnin'.
  12. Plot twist: We don't just need toilet paper: We're on septic, so we need one ply. So, finding TP will be fun when we run low, b/c morons who don't need the 1 ply are also buying it up.
  13. It makes sense though, as the volunteers who staff the voting locations tend to be older. The last time the wife and I voted in person, every volunteer looked at least 80+. It might take some time to find an alternative solution.
  14. I saw only unprepared reading. He seems like a deer caught in the headlight every time he reads one of those prepared statements, as if he can't take five minutes to read it over a few times before addressing the nation. I think the delivery as much as the content of his speeches is contributing to the market crashes and public unease. Every time he speaks, we have a run on the stores here.
  15. MREs aren't really suited for that, but I agree with the gist of this idea. I found the recommendation to not pull kids from school asinine for this reason. So what if the kids can't die from it? There are many situations where the kids cohabitate with grandma and grandpa, including my in-laws and their granddaughter. She's brought us home plenty of nasty stuff from that petri dish they call a school. Kids should have been pulled out of school up here from the get go.
  16. Your HOA is asking for a lawsuit, Scott. Nevermind, LL already mentioned it. Ah, the joys of asynchronous communication.
  17. That's a very Hawaiian thing to run out of.
  18. I'm OK with the exposed engine, as long as it doesn't have machine guns.
  19. I'm in Washington state, just up the road twenty minutes or so from the epicenter of our outbreak. I could pick up some OT manning entry control points at work, then again, I'm over 50 and have asthma, so I'm going to take a pass on that. Going to do my short weeks and long weekends until this blows over. Rest of the family working from home starting today and tomorrow.
  20. Well, one just clobbered himself with the globe, if that counts.
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