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Posts posted by Clonus

  1. Colorado has a Romeo and Juliet law (also called “the close-in-age exemption” to statutory rape). Under this exception:

    1. minors under 15 may have consensual sex with partners who are less than four years older, and
    2. minors age 15 or 16 may have consensual sex with partners who are less than 10 years older.
  2. 3 hours ago, Duke Bushido said:

    Oh Dear Fates!  Of all the-- !


    Dude!  "Many of us blah blah blah in the days of wall-mounted home phones."


    I hate to break it to you, but I remember when houses were built with special recessed areas in the wall actually called "phone alcoves" specifically to house the thirteen-pound beast that kept you in touch with the word, and,when a phone jack looked like a headphone jack (and I will not,be taking question about what happens after you notice this and own headphones).

    I remember when not eberyone had a telephone!  Our house was a house with no phone!



    I just bought a wall mounted phone.  

  3. 5 hours ago, Tom said:

    The first stories I saw on CNN and BBC had to explain the origin of the phrase so I understood why I was supposed to be offended. 


    There's the other consideration of course.  They were asking black people whether it was OK to be white.  At least some of them would take it in the really weird way.  Which is to say "It's OK for them, the black people to be "white"."

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