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About rravenwood

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  1. Hadn't listened to this album in a while. It still holds up
  2. Condolences to you and your family, Cancer.
  3. Yikes, if that doesn't call for a MacReady-Ripley flamethrower team-up then I don't know what does!
  4. Gygax had said that a cheap plastic toy was the inspiration for the owlbear. (The URL I'd saved in reference to this and some other D&D monster origins no longer works, but it was from Enworld forums, a Q&A thread with Gary Gygax.)
  5. ...and don't forget the trip uphill through the snow to just GET to the cave!
  6. Hunt Demons is Vera Farmiga from the Conjuring films. No idea about the eat your soul but she looks familiar... I think that's Rebecca Ferguson?
  7. If I actually did implement any of this, that's what I'd probably do, and just leave the rest alone. This is pretty much what "Skill Rolls Based On Alternate Characteristics" (6E1 55-56) suggests. If a particular situation calls for a different Characteristic to come into play than the normal one used for the Skill Roll, then do a quick recalc of the character's Skill Roll based on the different Characteristic. Makes a lot of sense to me. (Not that I've actually played in multiple dog's ages, but...)
  8. Your guess that it's like a Haymaker is correct: maneuvers listed as 1+1 "require a Full Phase plus one Segment and land at the end of the Segment after they’re begun." (HSMA p.6).
  9. I'd nearly forgotten about that one - not sure if I saw the whole thing or not, but a local UHF station broadcast this serial when I was a teenager many decades ago, and I remember getting a kick out of it at the time.
  10. Glad you're starting to get better, Duke, and I hope you really do recover fully! I know someone who has been suffering from long-term brain fog, and it has not been fun for them.
  11. Half-dice and "+1" were present even back in 1st edition, although they were not explained very clearly there (they could be extrapolated to Powers from usage in the STR table and the "Weapons" section). 2E really made it clearer, however, offering specific explanations of half-dice in the "Determining Damage" section.
  12. Yep, exactly right. In old character writeups, "m" denoted a normal Multipower slot, while "u" denoted an "ultra" fixed slot. (2E Howler and Pulsar are examples of both.)
  13. For the example of a right-handed shooter firing around a corner to their left, let's assume they are facing north, so they are firing to the west. In my mind's eye I picture it as the shooter keeping most of their body behind the corner, still facing north, and only leaning their torso and head out enough so that their right arm (holding the gun - which I see as being a handgun) is pointing west, to the left, and can make the shot. Their head is turned to the left (west) as well. So their target would see the gun just clearing the corner, along with the attacker's shoulder and head. (This is unlike your first photo above, where the shooter is using their left hand.) For the example of the right-handed shooter firing around a corner to their right, they're now firing to the east. I picture this (again, using a handgun), as the shooter at the very least having to lean out their torso and head much further so their whole right arm can point to the right (to the east), and probably also expose some of their left leg for added stability. This is closer to your second photo, but I'm picturing the shooter as being a little less exposed than that. Does that help? I'm assuming a handgun here because Espionage! is spy-centered, and most spy characters would presumably be running around with handguns (because they're more concealable, etc.)
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