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Everything posted by Cygnia

  1. Spice up your turkey – with Flamin’ Hot Cheetos?
  2. Can you actually microwave a Thanksgiving turkey? Butterball responds to viral prank
  3. The case for puns as the most elevated display of wit
  4. Avocado actually can work well in sweet dishes like mousses.
  5. http://johnwickpresents.com/updates/unreview-wwe-2018-survivor-series/?fbclid=IwAR2ec5vBejTuNcw2BOLB0FaRq9wXODXiQ4dJ4qrMIirJJMiIskNh7NsDmyc
  6. My husband has a conservative fanboy crush on Rice and he says she's a big football fan, but even he'd prefer someone who has actual coaching experience for the job. Mind you, if Rice took over for Gooddell, on the other hand...
  7. That has happened far too many times for me. What's worse is when there's no concrete reason to the anger -- and you know it and you still can't shake it.
  8. We're frellers in our household too.
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