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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. I've always been suspicious of Len Goodman. We're amazed to discover that Grond really has some great moves. Good thing, too, because nobody wants to vote him off.
  2. I have to admit, it's a bit disconcerting to see all these cute pictures of animals that Cygnia posts, with *shank-shank-shank* diretly underneath. I feel like... "Oh what a cute wet puppy..." (*shank-shank-shank*) "... um, never mind. Well, how about that little lamb cuddled up to that kid?" (*shank-shank-shank*) "Hmmm... guess Cygnia was hungry for some lamb chops. Oooo! what a cute baby seal!" (*shank-shank-shank*) "I guess now I know why it's eyes were so wide. It wasn't a look of cuteness; it was a look of terror."
  3. "If Foxbat isn't running, I'm not voting!" NT: Surprising things to find on Charles Manson's wedding registry. [Difficulty: nothing escape-related.]
  4. The CEO of Fox, so I can turn the movie rights to Fantastic Four and all related characters back over to Marvel. Maybe then we can finally get a decent FF movie.
  5. You're the world's greatest neurosurgeon, inventor of the "screw-top cranial surgery" technique. NT: You're in a horrific accident, and Dr. Hfuhruhurr is going to transplant your brain into a celebrity's body. Which celebrity are you hoping for, and why?
  6. You forgot "doze." At least for Cancer's three, I think you need to swing by New Yawk some time. Head down to Toity-Toid Street. Anybody dere will tell you dey don't need none of dem electrocution coaches to correct deir speakin'. The internet really, really needs a sarcasm font.
  7. Obviously, we need a genderless pronoun to continue having a full discussion of robot sexuality. That way, we can avoid saying "she," "he," or "it" and just use something like "s/he-it" (for example). After all, when you really get down to it, I think most of us here, myself included, are full of "s/he-it". I think many people on both sides of this issue should keep that in the forefront of their brains -- in other words, have "s/he-it fore-brains." The problem is, the various posters think their own "s/he-it" doesn't stink. (Okay, I'll stop now, and take myself out back to be beaten profusely. Maybe I'll get the "s/he-it" knocked out of me.)
  8. I finally got to see "Plastique" yesterday. Overall, I liked it, except that Barry's and Iris's interactions that episode seemed to be getting progressively infected with "teh Stupid."
  9. "Sir, we're from the ASPCA. You do know that it's illegal to tie a cat's tail to a rope on a pole and allow the neighborhood dogs to play 'Tethercat', don't you?"
  10. And exactly how is this different from normal? A war-hammer will be used on the next Mars lander to break apart rocks, simply so the scientists can say "It's Hammer Time!" every time they instruct the probe to use it.
  11. I've been rather enjoying the show, to the point that I half-forced my wife and oldest daughter to watch the first four episodes last night. They both enjoyed it quite a bit.
  12. Protecting London from a Godzilla attack. (It's easier than you'd think. Just put up a bunch of big signs saying "TOKYO" and a big arrow pointing east.)
  13. Actually, one of the robots is trans-gender. It was booted with Windows 8, but self-identifies as Apple OS X.
  14. So I was thinking about Harrison Wells last night. Just wondering if his middle name starts with "G".
  15. My thanks to all of you for recommending this show. I finally watched it last night - at least the first 3 episodes - and enjoyed it very much. Made sure to recommend it to my daughter away at college. I found it amusing that one of Flash's "sidekicks" is played by the same actress that played the plant-controlling "sidekick" from Sky High. Sorry, "Hero Support."
  16. You have discovered, quite to your shock, that your new bride/groom is, in fact, Kim Kardashian/Kanye West. I'm sorry, I appear to have repeated Pariah's post.
  17. This being a Captain America movie and not an Avengers movie, I can't see Iron Man being the driving force, and therefore having roughly equal screen time and equal billing. If that were the case, I'd think they'd have it as Captain America / Iron Man: Civil War. I could, however, see the fallout from Ultron and Hulk giving impetus to Hydra elements working covertly in the US government to gleefully push for superhero registration and restrictions on heroes. Stark and others might be part of this, duped by Hydra. So, foes in a few side fights or the big battle, but not the main driving element against Cap. I'm cautiously willing to wait and see what they come up with. As Hermit said, if they honor characterization, it's possible to do it well.
  18. I would have preferred a root canal to Civil War, at least as presented in the comics.
  19. I dunno. Seems like a self-correcting problem to me. They get to feed the bears and tidy up the gene pool at the same time.
  20. I figured Dan was the son of the main Mum and Dad of the team.
  21. OT: Just read an old post of mine in that thread, from back when I was all creative and stuff. Gonna have to get back into that sometime, but don't have the time right now to put something like that together. Dan Fountain has always been a tinkerer and tech-head. Even as a kid, he would disassemble and reassemble household appliances and other devices just to see what makes them tick. So it's no surprise that Danny supplies the family's weapons and gear. If it's necessary for him to go into the field, he wears a special armored battlesuit, akin to Iron Man. Calling himself Master Armorer, he is starting to enjoy his time out of the lab and is starting to spend more time upgrading his armor instead of working on new blasters and what-not.
  22. The zombies are all dancing to Michael Buble songs. I thought it was supposed to be Michael Jackson. ("Ooooo, I just haven't et you yet....")
  23. Because shouldst thou then proceed to three, thou wouldst have to lobbest the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch. (And "five" is right out.)
  24. I'd heard good things about Unknown Movie. Marvel's really committed to that one, doing 6 movies about the character in the next 5 years. But I hear they're changing his costume, so the whole series is dead to me.
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