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Doc Shadow

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Everything posted by Doc Shadow

  1. Or you could just follow the European model. If neither candidate has a 51% majority you have a run-off election 3 weeks later, with only the top two candidates and no write-ins allowed.
  2. Reagan was asleep or watching old movies most of the time.
  3. Some watchdog group went and compiled a list of all the violent acts in each series. It turned out that WWW had a lot. The acts weren't that violent, mostly punches the show had a lot of fist fights, but they were high in number. But let's be honest, it was an action series. You can't have an action series without action.
  4. 8 % I am tremendously innocent and I get to go to the head of the line in the mass immigration to Canada if he wins.
  5. If there were no photographs of her in action to prove she was there, she could have very easily faded into legend. "Yeah, my Dad told me this story that his grandfather told him. Never believed it though." That sort of thing.
  6. You can never be sure how good a movie will be from the trailer. But I'll admit this looks good, damned good.
  7. It should also be noted that the studio only gets half of the gross box office. The other half goes to the distributor. The venues don't get any. They make their money on the concessions. (That's why they get so pissed when you try to sneak in your own) So lets say a movie costs 100 million to make, plus another 100 million in printing and advertising for a total outlay of 200 million. The movie has bring in 400 million at the box office before the studio breaks even. And that doesn't even count any points that go to the talent! And unless you're making a straight drama or comedy, $100 million production cost is not that much these days. Your average action movie costs about $150 million+, and for effects laden genres add another 100 million!
  8. He's a helluva nice guy that Chris Evans. Damn fine actor too. You know he and I were born in the same hospital. It was like three decades apart, but it was the same hospital. I, of course, am the better actor. But he's got the better physique, and he's younger so he got the part. Otherwise that would be me in those interviews.
  9. Voted today, so for me the election is over. Now it's just a matter of the counting.
  10. 58, a year older than me. And I think she still looks good. I know women a lot younger who wish they looked that good.
  11. It's like George Carlin said: "When you're born in this world you get a ticket to the Freak Show, and when you're born in America you have a front row seat."
  12. I believe that she was trying to throw him high enough that he would explode harmlessly. Obviously she couldn't contain the explosion long enough to clear the building that they were all near.
  13. Now there's a name I haven't seen around here in a long time. What ever happened to him?
  14. I think what Christopher is saying is: if Superman's punch couldn't hurt Zod, he shouldn't have been able to break his neck either. The bit about glass spines was just sarcasm.
  15. Summer Wind by Frank Sinatra Summer in the City by the Lovin' Spoonfull Those Lazy Crazy Hazy Days of Summer by Nat King Cole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOV96BCAvZc
  16. Vogue La Isla Bonita This Used To Be My Playground https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TysbN6HfJ8&list=LLGTZerA9uY9LEOyqc83SL8g&index=2
  17. Might have had something to do with Perlmutter. As I understand it until Feige managed to unthrone him, he held the purse-strings and thus the power. http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/09/marvel-studios-ike-perlmutter-kevin-feige
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