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Doc Shadow

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Everything posted by Doc Shadow

  1. No it's not. She's not wearing stripper-heels. How can it be stripperrific if it doesn't have stripper-heels?
  2. I wasn't happy with Wonder Woman's new costume. But I have much more positive feelings about Supergirl's.
  3. Reading another Douglas Reeman book. This time it's Strike From The Sea. From the back cover: The Beast. She was the largest submarine in the world, an undersea cruiser with twin turret guns, her own spotter plane, and forty "fish" in her tubes. She was Soufriere, and she was French, but it was 1941 and Hitler's legions held Paris... Ainslie's men. They were the hand-picked best of the Royal Navy and de Gaulle's Free French, armed with Bren guns and revolvers, shuddering through the straits of Borneo on an ancient rust-streaked tramp, steaming for the lagoon where Soufriere lay hidden. Their job: seize her.
  4. I don't know if anyone has brought this up before, I'm not searching through 1400+ posts, but let's be honest here. Just about every superhero costume is a cat suit so tight it looks like it's been sprayed on. There's plenty of fan service to go around for both sexes. And always has been.
  5. Secret Heroes Stalag Luft C XIII, 4 kilometers south of Osnabrück, Germany, January 1943. The Colonel could still remember the day the Brass had pitched the idea at him three months ago. At first he had joked that it was six months too early for April Fools. Nobody laughed. Nobody even cracked a smile. They were serious. MI-6's top deep cover agent in Lower Saxony had discovered an old abandoned iron mine beneath a POW camp. The ore had played out long ago and the mine hadn't been worked in over three hundred years, the entrance was overgrown and partly collapsed, no one even new it was there. It was the perfect base for an intelligence/underground/sabotage operation. And being prisoners in the camp was a perfect cover. It had taken some work to get the right people in the right jobs but they'd managed it. Von Kleinmann was career Air Force but vain, gullible, and not especially bright; he was also a decent man at heart and hated the Nazis though he was too terrified of them to show it. Getting him assigned as Camp Kommandant hadn't been too difficult. Then there had been the Sergeant of the Guard. That had been the agent's choice. She knew a grandfatherly old World War One retread named Schmidt who would do perfectly. Schmidt preferred things quiet and was perfectly willing to look the other way to keep them that way. He also harbored a secret hatred of the Nazis for closing down his little toy shop and calling him back into uniform again. Then there was the MI-6 agent, she was a stunner and smart as a whip and able to wrap any kraut around her finger in minutes. She was Von Kleinmann's secretary and had arranged to have the Colonel and his team transferred to C XIII after their capture two months ago. Now the mine's tunnels were outfitted, exits and entrances carefully camoflaged, radio set up, printing press ready to give them any false papers they needed, photo lab in place, German uniforms fitted for everyone and ready for use. Just yesterday the Colonel had reported to London that they were ready to go into action. Now the moment had come. The radioman held out a sheet of paper, "Orders from London, Colonel." [for GURPS: World War Two or HERO]
  6. I usually set mine in a pulp era Hudson City. Just adapting "Justice, Not Law" for the early 30s. Here's the paradigm for the Doc Hawkstar campaign. It includes the changes for Hudson City. Doc Hawkstar paradigm.doc
  7. I don't know if this will help any but way back before ENT, I did up a mod for the FASA Trek RPG that was set in that general era. The very early days of the Federation. Hope it's useful. To Sail a Starry Sea a campaign for Star Trek: the role-playing game Stardate: 0/3603.10 (Old calendar date 10 March 2136) Starship: USS Hyperion, NCC-21 Heavy Cruiser, Horizon class Gross - 43,750 tons Crew complement - 203 (national make-up as follows) 80% Earth 10% Alpha Centauri 5% Vulcan 5% Tellar Assignment: Galaxy Exploration Command 3 year Cruise Homebase: Trolak Fleet Base, Calgary, Griswald 3489 Commodore C. Elliot Penhaligon; SUSF, F.S. Orders To: Captain Jean-Pierre du Gracey; SUSF, F.S., commanding UES Jellicoe, SCC-74, Warp Cruiser - Union class From: Admiral Savaj; VSSP, F.S., Commander - Starfleet - Quadrant II Stardate: 0/3601.08 I. It is the decision of the Starfleet Commanding Admiral that in view of the case of the UES Marconi SCC-97 on Stardate 0/3510.21, the Union class Cruiser is to be withdrawn from active Starfleet service. The UES Jellicoe SCC-74 is to be delivered to Trolak Fleet Base where the Starfleet Material Command will prepare the vessel for transportation to Earth. II. Upon arrival at Trolak Fleet Base the Officers and Crew of the UES Jellicoe shall be paid off and disbursed to new assignments. You are therefore posted to command the following: USS Hyperion, NCC-21 Heavy Cruiser-----------------Horizon Class DWT----------------------------43,750 tons Crew Complement------------203 persons Drive----------------------------Second Generation Warp Drive Range---------------------------4 years at std. Cruise speed Registry------------------------Calgary, United Star Ship III. Nature and duration of mission: 3 year Galaxy Exploration Patrol IV. You will patrol Quadrant II sector 3, within a 10 parsec radius of Griswald 3489 system and Trolak Base. V. Consistent with the limitations of your vessel and equipment you will confine your landings and contacts to class "M" planets approximating Earth/Vulcan conditions VI. You will conduct this patrol to accomplish primarily: a.) Scientific investigation to add to the Federation's body of knowledge of alien life forms and social systems, and b.) Federation security via exploration of intelligence and social systems capable of a galaxial threat, and c.) Any required aid to the several Federation Colonies in this sector and the enforcement of appropriate statutes effecting such Federated commerce vessels and traders as you may contact in the course of your mission. VII. On Arrival at Trolak Fleet Base you will report to the Officer commanding: C. Elliot Penhaligon; Commo. SUSF, F.S.; for patrol parameters and operational orders. You will be under the authority of the Commandant - Trolak Fleet Base until re-assignment or termination of your present mission. In the course of your patrol USS Hyperion shall be assigned to independent duty, you are therefore expected and required to exercise command initiative as necessary to the successful performance of all General and Specific Starfleet Operations. Savaj Admiral, VSP, F.S. Commander Starfleet Quadrant II Adaptations The following skills are not available at this time: Transporter Operational Procedures (TOP) and Transporter System Technology (TST) Please make the following changes to the Character Generation system: In the Space Sciences Curriculum replace TOP with Shuttlecraft Pilot. In the Engineering Branch School Curriculum replace TST with Shuttlecraft Systems Technology. In the Core Curriculum replace Federation Culture/History with Native. In Command School replace Federation C/H with any race of your choice. Uniforms in these early days of Starfleet were somewhat different. They consisted of black trousers, with black boots and gray leggings. A turtle-necked jersey color-coded for department and a gray jacket with a wide belt. The right shoulder of the jacket bears the National Fleet symbol (example the Solar Union Space Fleet) and the left the Ship patch (example the USS Hyperion), while the Federation Starfleet emblem is seen in its old familiar position on the left breast. Rank is designated by a secession of 1, 2 and 6 centimeter black stripes on the left sleeve of the uniform jacket as follows: Midshipman - one 1 cm stripe Ensign - one 2 cm stripe Lieutenant j.g. - one 1 cm stripe over one 2 cm stripe Lieutenant - two 2 cm stripes Lieutenant Commander - one 1 cm stripe between two 2 cm stripes Commander - three 2 cm stripes Captain - four 2 cm stripes Fleet Captain - one half disk over four 2 cm stripes Commodore - one 6 cm band Admiral - one 2 cm stripe over one 6 cm band Flag Admiral - two 2 cm stripes over one 6 cm band Admiral of the Starfleet - three 2 cm stripes over one 6 cm band The space between stripes is always 1 cm. Also by 3, 5 and 10 millimeter by 14 millimeter barred silver pins worn on the right side of the turtle-neck in a similar secession: Midshipman - one 3 mm bar Ensign - one 5 mm bar Lieutenant j.g. - one 3 mm bar to the right of one 5 mm bar Lieutenant - two 5 mm bars Lieutenant Commander - one 3 mm bar between two 5 mm bars Commander - three 5 mm bars Captain - four 5 mm bars Fleet Captain - one half disk over four 5 mm bars Commodore - one 10 mm bar Admiral - one 5 mm bar to the right of one 10 mm bar Flag Admiral - two 5 mm bars to the right of one 10 mm bar Admiral of the Starfleet - three 5 mm bars to the right of one 10 mm bar The space between bars is always 2 mm. The initials after an officer's name indicate the national fleet in which he holds his commission and whether or not he has qualified for Starfleet service. SUSF - Solar Union Space Fleet CFC - Concordium Fleet Command VSP - Vulcan Star Patrol TTSN - Tellerite Territories Star Navy AIF - Andorian Imperial Fleet FS - qualified for Federation Service Some of the newest officers have been commissioned by the Federation itself and use SFC for Starfleet Command in place of a national fleet. Weapons - Standard Lasers with the following changes: Power packs only have half the normal power available and pistols do 60 points of damage rather than 80. There is no stun setting. Communicators are larger, about 4"x3"x1.5" and have a small 2"x1.5"x1" microphone connected by a retractable 2' cord. The mike is usually clipped to the jacket slightly above the Starfleet emblem while the main unit is attached to the belt. They have a maximum range of 10,000 km. Bicorders are sensor devices that can scan and record out to a maximum range of 50 m. but are only effective at ranges of 10 to 15 meters. Unlike Tricorders, Bicorders are not able to analyze the readings taken; the officer must do this himself. There are no "Universal" Translators although translation programs can be loaded into the communicators in the case of known alien languages. Other items that don't exist are the Life Support Belt and Subcutaneous Transponder. Subspace Radio has yet to be invented. Ships are therefore equipped with the slower Warp Communication. The system only works within a Warp Field and has a maximum transmission speed of Warp Five at this time. As a Horizon class Starship Hyperion is powered by an Orion III plasma fusion plant and is driven by two SA-12 2nd generation warp engines with three Geodyne IV fusion engines for sub-light travel. Hyperion's standard cruising speed is Warp 3.25 at a maximum Cochrane's Factor (warp speed multiplier) of 80, her emergency speed is Warp 3.8 and she can reach a maximum velocity of 2744 c. The average CF of her patrol area is in the low twenties. Hyperion's armament consists of two forward mounted Proton Cannons with maximum effective range of 200,000 km, four dual Laser Banks with one mounted to fire in each direction and a maximum range of 300,000 km and finally two forward and one aft torpedo tubes for 75 Mk. III Fusion Torpedoes with a maximum range of 5,900,000 km. Defense is provided by a Thermo-Kinetic Force-field which can deflect away 50% of the incoming fire and 20 cm of Adaman Alloy hull armor which will absorb the first 2 points of damage to punch through the force-field per salvo. As for your weapons for the time being consider your lasers to do 3 points of damage at out to 100,000 km, 2 points at 100,000 to 200,000 km and 1 point at 200,000 to 300,000 km; forcefields have no effect on laser fire. The Proton Cannons can do up to 5 points of damage depending on how much power is routed to them, out to their maximum range but are affected by the forcefields. The Fusion Torpedoes take 1 point of power to arm and do 10 points of damage each, they are affected by forcefields.
  8. Oh I didn't bump it Bubba. That was done by our master of obscure and not so obscure information TheQuestionMan. I just seconded it in the strongest possible terms. One of these days I simply have got to play in a Hermit run campaign! I don't supposed you'd consider moving to southern New England, would you Hermit?
  9. It's an idea whose time has come. And in all seriousness, it's worthy of the bump. If you'd like to run it I'd definitely be interested in playing in it.
  10. 1 - They would fight for their lives, doing anything it took to survive. It would be a total war situation with either normals or mutants going down for good. 2 - You can't. That's the campaign you set up. You created an us/them campaign when you had the authorities go to those extremes. Your players will respond in kind. If you don't want to go there, then don't send your campaign there to start with.
  11. Mack Bolan you say. Hmmm. Do I know anything about this guy? The Executioner.RTF
  12. Unfortunately this is very true. Individuals may be smart, but people, as a group, are f***ing stupid!
  13. When he's poorly written, you're absolutely right. But then that can be true of any character. One More Day anyone? Civil War maybe? Anything involving Sniktbub?
  14. The thing to remember is that Superman considers himself to be an unofficial Police Officer. He thinks and acts like a police officer. Police officers are not out there to kill the bad guys. Only to capture them, provide evidence of their guilt in a court of law, and then let the Officers of the Court and the Jury take it from there. The Punisher, on the other hand, is a soldier. Soldiers are not out there to capture the enemy. A soldier's job is to kill the enemy. Usually, but not always, in open combat. If the enemy surrenders, then the soldier will capture him and he will be sent to a POW camp. If the enemy isn't surrendering the soldiers will do his level best to kill him. That's the soldier's job. This is why it isn't a case of which is right and which is wrong. It's a case of which is the appropriate response for the individual situation. Depending on the circumstances, both can be right and both can be wrong. And LL, what the Punisher does is far from easy. It is never easy to take a human life. Unless one is a sociopath, it will always cost you. I'm most reminded of the line from Unforgiven when William Munny tells the Schofield Kid, "It's a helluva thing to kill a man. You take away all he's got, and all he's ever gonna have."
  15. I believe it was established that he was under the influence of some form of mind control when he did that and unable to judge a crime's severity. Thus all crimes were capital offences.
  16. Just thought I'd drop this here. Centurion.doc
  17. I just watched Hammer's The Vampire Lovers on youtube. Damn but Ingrid Pitt had a fantastic body. I warn you if you watch it, there are strong lesbian overtones and the movie is uncensored. You'll see every inch of Ingrid as she steps out of a bath in one scene. You've been warned. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DsITJc3WGs&list=HL1382484729&feature=mh_lolz On the other hand it's really not that scary. And there's a second Where Eagles Dare veteran in the cast. The first is Ingrid of course. See if you can spot her cast-mate.
  18. And she wasn't lame enough to marry a toaster.
  19. Let's face it most guys had, and still have, no idea how to write for female characters. Particularly back then. So they went to the stereotypes that conveniently fed their fantasies.
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