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Doc Shadow

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Everything posted by Doc Shadow

  1. I'm sorry but I never found Kirsten Dunst remotely attractive, and felt her casting was weak at best. But then I also hated the idea of Peter being in high school, considering he graduated back in ASM # 28. All those years showing him as a student, he was a College student, not High School. So what do I know?
  2. Here's your MJ. I have no idea who she is but based on looks alone she'd make a great Mary Jane Watson.
  3. Me too, LL. But there were some good stories into the 80s as well. Walt Simonson's magnificent run on Thor for example. Basically, for me at least, the Bronze Age was the best age. You can take this Iron Age Grim/Dark crap and throw it in the trash for all I care. I really wish they'd bring back Bronze Age stories, but I know they never will. It's why I stopped buying comics. Well, that and the price tag. I've got too many expenses these days to support a 10 to 15 title a month habit.
  4. Not if Fat F*%&ing Joey has anything to say about it. And unfortunately he does.
  5. You mean when she cut his head off and took his quickening in the Wonder Woman animated movie?
  6. I remember that someone over at the Trek BBS was working on an updating of the McQuarrie design, oh, a good 2+ years ago. Here's what he came up with. I think it looks much better than the "professional effort" from CBS
  7. Did anyone else notice that Trevor is in a German uniform? With the Blue Max no less.
  8. I'm only going to say this once and then I'll shut up. A vote for Jill Stein, or any vote for a third party, is a vote for Donald Trump. Trump knows he's not going to get the vote of Sanders supporters. And he doesn't want them. All he wants is for Hillary not to get them. If that happens, either by the votes going to a third party candidate or the voters just staying home on election day, he knows, he doesn't think, HE KNOWS, he'll win! So unless you want to see Trump as President, do what I'm going to do. Hold your nose and vote Clinton. No matter how bad she may be, I'm not afraid of her having the nuclear launch codes. That should be reason enough but if you need another try this one on for size …
  9. Rewatched The Thomas Crown Affair (1999). Still one of my favorites, even with it's flaws in logic, because of the fantastic chemistry between Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo. Oh, and the music was pretty good too. I'm not a Sting fan, but he really did a great job with Windmills of My Mind.
  10. This week I watched both GI Joe movies The Rise of Cobra and Retaliation. I saw the two-pack in the $5 bin and figured what the hell. For a couple of popcorn action movies they weren't bad. I can definitely say I got my five buck's worth out of them.
  11. Hong Kong could be very interesting. Especially if set pre-1997 with the hand-over looming and super villains trying to prevent it. For there own nefarious purposes of course.
  12. Some years ago I found an app that determined if your character was a Mary Sue by the answers you gave to a few dozen questions. I was intrigued so I ran a number of well known fictional heroes through it. They all came up as Mary Sues. Jim Kirk, Spock, Batman, Superman, James Bond etc, etc, etc. All Mary Sues! So if Doc Savage is a Mary Sue he's in good company.
  13. No. Doc's five followers are for comic relief and being rescued by Doc. Even in their own fields, where they're supposed to be the best in the world, Doc was better than they were. Frankly this is one time that I'm actually hoping for major changes. And this is from a guy who hated the character changes in Star Trek 09 and Casino Royale.
  14. Thank you, Scott! I really appreciate it. This campaign was a special one for me. It was the first time that things really clicked with my players. I remember the first time I used a Cut-Away Cliffhanger. They all literally stood up, clapped, and cheered!
  15. I would really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really appreciate some feedback here, guys. Hello?
  16. Some time ago, back during the days of the BBB, I was in talks with Bruce Harlick about bringing my Flash Gordon homage out as a campaign book for Justice Inc. It didn't happen because that version of HERO Games was imploding due to various reasons at the time. But I always hoped to bring it out someday. The recent success of the Strike Force kickstarter had me thinking about Aaron's Lands of Mystery, which led me back to the Zarkon campaign and the aborted attempt to bring it to a wider audience. I like to see if now is the time. In our current sue-happy world I've had to change things that I didn't bother changing back in the mid 80s, when I shamelessly "borrowed" quite a bit, often without even changing the names. Hopefully this will keep King Features Syndicate of my back. But the flavor and feel remains the same, just the details have been changed. For example: instead of one race of Lionmen there will be at least three Catmen races each comprising a caste ala the Apes in the original Planet of the Apes, Warriors, Scientist/Philosophers, and Workers. I'd have to conform to the current rules of course but I'd also like to include a set of stats as per JI for those dinosaurs, like myself, that prefer the original system. So my question is do you guys think this would be viable? In other words would you be interested in supporting it and buying it? Here's a look at the outline to help you decide, and please feel free to ask questions Zarkon.pdf
  17. He's not the only one. I pledged at the Lightrune level. Strike Force was one of the most influential game books I've ever read. The only book that I used more was Aaron's JI sourcebook Lands of Mystery. Both were groundbreaking works.
  18. I prefer this variant of the costume. So needless to say I'm not happy with the costume. The actress looks too old as well. I've always thought of Supergirl as being in her late teens, at least to start with. She looks about 10 years older than that.
  19. And it stars the absolutely gorgeous Haley Atwell, what's not to love?
  20. Did you make it? I think it's fantastic! I particularly like the Ancient Space God's Lawn and the Catgirl Empire
  21. If you need a map of the galaxy I think this one could make for a fun campaign.
  22. I'll just drop this here. It might help. Creating a Sci-Fi Campaign.doc
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