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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Twilight


    My apologies. I didn't mean to lump all film critics into the same boat. I guess where I live we're just infested with film critics like the kind I described in my earlier post and am sensitive on the subject cause of that. My bad.
  2. Twilight


    Critics, BAH! The critics rake everything over the coals now a days, especially if it's a movie that's actually entertaining. I loved the Hulk and Pirates of the Carribean and the critics raked both of those over the coals as well. Really the only good movies, if memory serves, of late that the critics actually liked was the Lord of the Rings and, I belive, the Harry Potter movies.
  3. If you want some more ideas, I reccomend trying to find the episode of Batman: The Animated Series that featured Jonah Hex. The airship that R'as Al Ghul used in that episode sounds like just the thing you're looking for.
  4. I suppose it would be too much to hope that you were running this game online would it? Say in a Yahoogroups or something? Cause if you were that would be very cool and helpful to certain folks, namely myself, who've wanted to play in a Legion of Superheroes style game using Champions rules.
  5. I know there is a myth where somebody wanted Thor's daughter as a bride. Not saying I could be wrong about the particular myth I suggested, but I do remember reading such a myth.
  6. All I remember about Thor's daughter from the Norse myths that I read is that she's supposed to be fairly beautiful. After all, when Odin hires the dwarf [i think it was a dwarf anyway] to rebuild the walls of Asgard after the war with the Vanir, part of the deal was that the dwarf got Thor's daughter as a bride if he didn't complete the wall in a certain amount of time.
  7. Oh Baba Yaga will show up, I can virtually assure that. However I can't say she could properly be refered to as an Allied Hero. *evil grin*
  8. No no, that's not it. It has to be a reference to an episode of the Real Ghostbusters, where the Headless Horseman was hunting the decendents of Ichabod Crane. Only know he was a biker on a Harley toss flaming pumpkin heads.
  9. Dr. Anomaly that idea simply rocks! Most definetly have to use that one, though I'm not going to say online just WHO his follower will be, just in case my players are watching. Suffice it to say he's somebody who can cause a lot of trouble for my players. *evil laughter* Of course, Mack hasn't just scared the local police force shitless but the local Mafia as well. Even the local mob boss steps carefully around Mack the Knife!
  10. Well I really hadn't intended to get that psychological with the whole thing, I just wanted a big scary villain around before I brought in the Nazi's. However the idea of Mac having a vast criminal empire appeals to me. Something for them to work towards before the Nazi's start hogging the limelight 24/7. Good idea sir, I'll add it to the list.
  11. Oh I completely agree with you Wyrm. He's definetly not gonna be karate chopping or backflipping. But he will be slipping through the shadows as the police guns blaze at him, yet never getting hit, the cops on the other hand....*evil grin* Any other ideas? *takes notes* Liked the vanishing teleport bit, good thing you reminded me about that.
  12. Oh I assure you Tom, it's Mack the Knife. In my game he's somewhat of an urban legend and quite feared amonst those who know even part of his story. I figure he's got the rep: uber nasty badass killer at 14- The limited desolidification thing is good Tom. Figure he has it with RSR: Acrobatics or only while dodging. That way he avoids blazes of police gunfire easily, but still has to run when they bust out tear gas. It also means if the heroes get close, they can hurt him. Good ideas there Tom. Not that the rest of ya didn't have good ideas, they were just WAY to nasty for the power level of the game I'm running. Also, perhaps a cosmetic transform to clean up after a kill. The song says he wears fancy gloves so theres "never ever a trace of red." What do you think people?
  13. Desolidification? I have maybe one character who can for sure nail somebody with that power. I mean sure it would make him really scary but.... I just had images of most of my players getting slaughtered here. Perhaps I should be more specific. The character is a Golden Age character for one. My players are a TK-defined flagsuit brick, a genius with a rocketpack, a female doctor with animal powers, a Blonde Phantom type character, a Batman style vigilante, a Guardian type character, a Native American shaman and a stretchy guy in a bright orange zoot suit. Perhaps you could suggest skills and powers that would be scary to these guys and gals without overshadowing my already established big bad.
  14. Alright you fine people, as you may have guessed from the topic, I've thought up a new villain and would like to get your suggestions for powers and such. The villain is called Mack the Knife, yes the guy from the song of the same name. Since he's a villain with his very one song he's going to be famous in my game world, almost an urban legend. That said, what powers should the guy have? I mean obviously he's got the knife, but what else?
  15. Ok, after going through my copy of CKC and reading the write up for Black Harlequin, I've decided that he'd make an excellent enemy for my PC. One of them anyway. However my Batman type PC, Blind Justice, seems a little TO like a natural to put up against BH. Sure Bats inspired Blind Justice [as did Daredevil and the Shadow, yes I liked that amalgmam enough to create a character out of him ] but I don't want to make him to Batman-like. Then the solution hit me, Black Harlequin is an evil clown, why not have him be hunted by a GOOD clown? Yes ladies and gentlemen, I'm officially bringing Merry Andrew out of retirement as a PC of mine. What I want to know is, do you have any suggestions on how to do him as a 350 pt PC?
  16. A valid point Barbara. One of the PC's is a mage and there will of course be magical villains. However, since Merlin's probably gonna show up at some point in the game [me being a huge Arthurian Mythos fan] I'm pretty sure that covers things for the Brits. However, if you can suggest a few others, go right ahead.
  17. Oh I have just GOT to swipe this for a character origin, it's simply too good. Whatever it takes I must convince my GM to let me play a character with this origin. Already the ideas are coming. Hehe.
  18. Umm....YIKES!!!! Dude that's diabolical! That's nasty! In other words....BRILLIANT!!!! However, I wouldn't suggest tossing that particular combination against any hero made on less then 500 pts or so.
  19. Just some ideas off the top of my head. Blind Justice: Young Matthew Wayne was a happy child with loving parents. At least he was untill that fateful day when they crossed through an alley as a shortcut when coming home from the movies. They were accosted by thugs and his parents were shot and killed, and young Matthew left for dead. The last thing he ever saw was his parents falling to the ground and laying in a pool of thier own blood. Raised by his family's butler, Matthew's soul cried out for revenge. Unwilling to see his blindness as a handicap, he travelled the world learning all the skills he would need in order to fight his war on crime and searching for ways to overcome his blindness. It wasn't untill he travelled to a monostary in Tibet that he found the answer. Training with the monks there, they taught him thier secrets and he learned techniques to use the full potential of his mind. Returning home, he created the persona of Blind Justice, a mysterious figure that soon became the bane of criminals everywhere. Noted for his seeming ability to appear and disappear at will, his apparent ability to read minds and his chilling laugh. [A mix of Batman and Daredevil, with the Shadow thrown in for extra coolness.]
  20. I'm also liking White Rose, he/she sounds like a character with great potential for roleplaying and stories for when my characters have to infiltrate Nazi Germany. Considering that the White Rose orginization was a Christian one [according to the one mention of it in Golden Age Champions] it would be interesting to see how the White Rose character would balance his/her faith with the fight against the Nazi's. Yes, I'm liking this character quite a bit. Thinking he/she works with Allied spies and what not as well. Perhaps a ring working in accordance with a Col. Hogan? [Yes I'm a huge Hogan's Heroes fan, I just had to work them in there. ] Siberian Tiger, to me Pax sounds like the Vatican's contribution to the war. As I recall they weren't terribly fond of Mussolini and his fascists and Pax just seems like a character a Pope would create. For some reason I'm getting a mental image of William Christopher as Father Mulcahey here. Southern Cross. Maui does sound cool, but he seems a titch more powerful then I'm looking for here. Don't want to overshadow the PCs after all.
  21. Bump again. Come on people, I need more ideas!
  22. Oh! Good idea! The latest weilder of Durandal comes forth to aid the French Resistance against the Nazi's and those Vichy collaborators. I LOVE IT!!
  23. Good idea, except that the British ranks are getting kinda crowded at the moment. I mean we already have Mr. Fog, Colnel Sterling, Hammer Sullivan, the Sky Knight, the Hooded Man and eventually Arthur and Merlin! Allied heroes are cool but we don't want TO many of them running around.
  24. Actually Black Cobra I was going to use a similar but slightly more obscure legend, at least in the beginning. Oh who am I kidding? Of course I'm gonna use Arthur but not untill later when things get really bad as he only pops up when Britain really needs him. But the idea I had for another eternal protector of Britain went somewhat like this. He's also a somewhat mysterious gentlemen, though some might find him familiar. He two has a shining sword, though he relys equally as much on his bow and arrow, which seems ancient. When asked about his identity he only refers to himself as the Hooded Man, which is quite appropriate as he's always seen wearing a hood. Legend claims that this is the son of Herne, the stag headed spirit of the forest but that couldn't be possible, could it?
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