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Everything posted by jtelson

  1. Re: Anyone ever tried a stat block auction in HERO?
  2. Re: 1 pip RKA, Penetrating You're call, but that entry isn't an errata it's just descibing how penetrating has always worked.
  3. Re: FRPG Ideas from D&D that ain't necessarily so True but a rogue with the same int as a wizard is likely to have sacrificed a lot of his other stats to improve one that is generally considered less useful for the class (Note: Int is generally my highest stat when I play a rogue so I'm well aware of what is costs me in other attributes.)
  4. Re: 1 pip RKA, Penetrating At work and so without rules but here's a section of the FAQ
  5. Re: 1 pip RKA, Penetrating Easier way to phrase it, For purposes of 'penetrating body damage' read killing attack damage dice as body for normal damage dice (Thus 1 = 0, 2-5 = 1, 6 = 2).
  6. Re: 1 pip RKA, Penetrating In the case of a penetrating killing attack rolling 1 does 0 'penetrating body', that's why absent the erraatta a 1 pip penetrating killing attack would do 0 'penetrating body' vs non-hardened resistant defenses.
  7. Re: 1 pip RKA, Penetrating I'd probably say do this as 1/2d6 penetrating The idea that 1 pip always does 1 body but 1/2d6 only does 1 body 1/2 the time seems poorly concieved. (Hmmm lets see, 1pipRKa, AOE Hex, Autofire, Penetrating. That's a 15 point endorsement for hardened defenses)
  8. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales
  9. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales No; in the region defined by NCM.
  10. Re: FRPG Ideas from Hero that ain't necessarily so First make your luck cost end, then make the fate of the world relay on you being licky, then we'll talk
  11. Re: Flying Dodge It's listed as a half phase action in UMA, it's a Combat Maneuver which means it's a terminal action (Is that term still used?) but generally you're allowed a half phase non-terminal (non-attack?) action prior to a combat maneuver so you should be able to half-move before performing it. Changing it to a full phase action is something that might help balance it a bit more.
  12. Re: Flying Dodge Just looked up Flying dodge, It's a half phase action that allows a full move, so it reads like you can half move (Say with running) and then flying dodge (With other Movement Power) to get a move and a half. It needs some combination of loose the abort, be a full phase action, provide less DCV, only allow a half move, and/or include the You Fall Element (Which I had assumed was in it from the name based on Flying Tackle). As to the original question, if the maneuver is allowed there should be no problem using it with Teleport, Gliding, Swinging, Tunneling etc.
  13. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales For our group it's more like saying this is the baseline around which characters are built. Characters that have a reason to have stats beyond that of mortal man, do; Characters that don't have a reason, don't. In other words if your base concept isn't I've been bitten by a radioactive bug and so have spider-like agility or the like then your Dex and Speed are likely to be in the Human range.
  14. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales I'm pretty bright but you don't need to be to be capable of telling the difference betweeen the system and the source material. It's really not that difficult. Brilliant system, poorly applied. I always assumed it was because the system was so complex that sample characters needed to be presented in a simplified manner to make the game more accessible.
  15. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales Telepathy and Retrocognition, nice build. I didn't have any trouble figuring out the normal people had a 10 dex and a 2 speed even without Champs 2e, and I even managed to work out that thugs were, for the most part, normal people. Figuring stats up from that accordingly didn't take a whole lot a brains and realizing that heroes didn't need a 23 dex 5 speed to deal with a mess of normal thugs could have been worked out with experience but I've always been good at math/modeling so it didn't even require that.
  16. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales OK, since before DI or JI we're available to us my group felt that the stats for the sample superheroes were too high, I think I can safely say that there were people who felt the Champs stats were pre-inflated.
  17. Re: Max Human attributes in Street level vs full Superheroic scales Also some of us feel that stats were pre-inflated for our convenience, and Kenn at least experienced inflation in his campaign(s) which has nothing to do with theprovided source material.
  18. Re: Yet Another Build Question: rubber-morph going splat Assuming the GM is using the optional rule that allows leaping to negate falling damage, you'd probably be allowed to do that (So +58" Leaping (Only to reduce falling damage: 29 points, less if your Str is higher than 10)
  19. Re: Do opposed skill rolls work? In the event that this wasn't a joke, It's the mechanic that's being discussed, try not to get hung up on the specifics of any given example.
  20. Re: Do opposed skill rolls work? I think perhaps the example is causing some hangups. Replace Gambling with PS:Chess or any other scenario that's opposed but not necessarily resisted and has little or no random element.
  21. Re: Disads, how would one do this one! Berserk When haven't expelled energy in >x time (Uncommon) Chance to Go 8<, Chance to recover 14 <, 15 points. Assuming GM agrees Berserk always results in use of 'Firestorm' power which would need to be built to last for 10 minutes (Uncontrolled, Continuous, lockout, maybe a specific limit that renders you immobile while using it and the assumption that if you're berserk you pump as much end into as you can). This power would always be an option even w/o going berserk but perhaps w/ more control over end spent. After x time roll every round to maintain control, once Firestorm is released roll ever round to regain control. Could also consider Accidental change to a Firestorm Form
  22. Re: Do opposed skill rolls work? 5Re page 44 on Skill vs Skill contests.
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