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Everything posted by jtelson

  1. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion
  2. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion
  3. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion God no Some more nice genre books would be welcome, but The Ultimate line used to be one or two steps away from the d20 Complete books but my understanding is the UEP has begun to seriously blur the line.
  4. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion Even without the figured characteristics STR nets you, Damage, Movement, Lifting cap, Range, and entangle/obstacle effect mitigation. Compared to say an EB it's just hands down more valuable. And in frameworks the Damage portion can be aquired at a cost equal to that of EB with an adds STR component rather than the ranged component.
  5. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion Character Classes for Hero? Next thing you know we'll need to buy the Complete Brick, Complete Energy Projector, Complete Martial Artist etc for all the applicable rules.
  6. Re: The Cost of STR & Other Characteristics: An open discussion Well, considering the general utility of STR (PD, REC, Stun, Damage, Lifting Cap, Throwing Range, Movement) I generally houserule it to 2:1 and remove the mandatory/cludgey limitation on the HtH Damage power (Thus 5 points as a power gets you 1DC either at range or adding to STR). In the grand old days when Supers were around 250 pts, I could almost see the point to the obviously low STR cost, but even w/ the general inflation of Skill costs that has taken place from edition to edition, the extra 100 points that most supers are built on now makes the low STR cost an unneeded artifact.
  7. Re: Low-Action Hero? I've run a lot of episodic horror. It tends to be very research and interaction heavy without much combat (Since in a standup fight between normals and the monster of the week, the normals aren't going to fare well.) So weeks would go by without combat. The combat lightest Champions campaign I've run was The Psi-Lords of Metro City which was investigation/conspiracy driven. That would easily go 3 or 4 sessions without a battle. I would say that ultimately action isn't reliant on combat. Combat's just one tool in the box; Interaction, Investigation and Obstacle Resolution can all make a game action packed without there ever being a shot fired.
  8. Re: Most Oscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game Yes
  9. Re: Most Oscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game Not sure how obscure these are but two spring to mind Homicide Detective; Inspector Hubbard Parapalegic Villianess w/ Iced based armor; Mattie Silver
  10. Re: Most Oscure Reference You've Ever Worked Into a Game Is there a source other than the Depp picture? (The Ninth Gate) I can't remember the name of the book it was based on.
  11. Re: Hero All-Stars 2008 When I last tried one of these I had Victor Frankenstein (Brought back by his creation) Rebecca Thatcher Annie Oakley John Carter Quincey Morris (Texan from Dracula) Paul Bunyan Villians Included Dr Moreau HH Holmes Crowley & Regardie
  12. Re: 1 pip RKA, Penetrating Except of course that a 2DC Killing attack penetrating will only get 1 pt through half the time (It's 0 pts the other half averaging .5 pts per DC) and a 3DC averages .33 pts per DC. At no point after 1DC is it 1 per DC for Killing Damage.
  13. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central For your consideration Lord Victor Alexander Seymour Background: Born in December of 1959, Lord Victor Alexander Seymour was the youngest of the ten children of Francis George Hugh Seymour, 5th Marquess of Hertford and the Lady Emily Murray. The blood of the Plantagenets shown through clearly in Victor as a young man. Physically fit, and mentally sharp, Victor dedicated himself early on to the service and cause of Great Britain. He served in the field during both the first and second Boer Wars. In 1903 he began doing ‘unofficial’ covert work for the Admiralty across Europe and Africa. He was heavily involved in the formation of the Secret Service Bureau in 1909 and at the beginning of the War to End All Wars he helped put together the organization and training regimen for the Directorate of Military Intelligence Section 6. Disinterested in day to day operations he immediately volunteered to be MI6’s first field operative, having considerable combat and covert experience he was immediately accepted and given a code number. The Directorate had expected that the total number of field operatives would eventually be more than 100 but never greater than 1000, Victor was assigned number 001. Throughout the Great War, Victor operated all across Europe but mostly in Germany. At the war’s end he was horrified by the terms of the Treaty of Versailles; recognising that in the short term it would punish the people of Germany rather than it’s government and in the long term give rise to something far more dangerous. In 1920 he resigned his commision and began traveling the world spending much time in the Americas. Description: Standing at 6’1” with dirty blond hair, clear blue eyes, a strong chin and a muscular build, few people would suspect that Lord Seymour is actually a man of xx years. Always impeccibly dressed, with a bowler and walking stick, Victor is the very model of a British gentleman. Abilities: Competent with firearms, fencing and fisticuffs. Speaks several languages, including German idiomatically, and comfortable moving within almost any social circle. Victor is an old school gentleman, never looking ruffled, dirty or out of place and capable of taking the measure of a man with a handshake and a steely gaze. Victor also keeps a handful of ‘tricks’ up his sleeve from the old days.
  14. Re: New Pulp Hero Game on Hero Central I'm hashing a couple out and should have something by the end of the day tomorrow (Saturday, January 5)
  15. Re: "I shoot the escape pod!!!" That's "Whispers of the Vampire's Blade" isn't it? We ended up derailing the plot on that one by literally derailing the plot. 3 or 4 encounters down the line we end up on the same train as the Vamp. Tired of the cat and mouse game we force the train off the rails and searched for the Vamp in the confusion. As a GM I've had it happen to me, I was running Justice inc (Guess how long ago that was.) and had our Heroes interacting with various sides of a Union vs. Company conflict. The Players knew that the factory's boilers needed to be regularly 'bled off' or they were likey to blow (Like the Hotel in The Shining), and that Strikers were going to be keeping people out of the plant. They also had discovered that smugglers were using disused sections of the factory as a base and had captured this weeks damsel in distress. So despite knowing the Girl was likely in the factory and the factory was likely to blow, they went back to their hotel to get some sleep and try to sort things out in the morning. I was dumbfounded, and also younger and less experienced, so at about 4 in the morning theywere woken up by the sound of a very large explosion that killed the smugglers, most of the strike busters and strikers, and of course the DID. I'd like to think I could come up with a better solution now, but for our group 'Going back to the Hotel' has become a running joke.
  16. Re: Move or Shoot Weapon Just to be contrary. Extra Time: Full Phase -1/2, No other actions (eliminating the ability to move and shoot) -1/4 for a total of -3/4 rather than just the -1/2.
  17. Re: PRE Attack Find Weakness? Sorry, I should have said, to build what you're looking for I'd probably go with extra PRE only for PRE attacks that requires time and observation.
  18. Re: PRE Attack Find Weakness? There is normaly no 'defence' against PRE attacks. PRE attacks generate an effect total which is compared to PRE or EGO much like Mind Control generates an effect total (after Mental Defense that can be halved; I think) which is compared to EGO. If someone has purchased a PRE defense power of some kind (PRE only vs PRE attacks (-1) maybe?) then you might rule that the value of that could be halved by Find Weakness, but even that would seem a bit dodgy to me as it is still just extra PRE.
  19. Re: Is this worth a -1/4 lim I guess I'm just so used to looking at the system and deciding how I want this electrical/fire/cosmic power to function; that the idea of now having a new laundry list of modifiers that tell me how most electrical/fire/cosmic powers are supposed to function seems contrary to the core premise of the system. Put another way, I'm an Alton Brown fan and these are serious uni-taskers.
  20. Re: Is this worth a -1/4 lim I haven't picked up UEP, but don't Advantages/Limitations like this (Real Electricity)fly in the face of reasoning from effect?
  21. Re: Surviving a Fire It makes the sample characters more generically useful. It's easier to fit a character with a -1/2 limitation into a campaign that normally sets it at -1 than the reverse.
  22. Re: Fair vs Concept Wow, Chris'd be right at home with my players.
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