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Everything posted by jtelson

  1. Re: Clinging, UAA In order for that to work the inanimate object (The ground) would have to be of approximately human mass unless you purchased it to effect greater mass. The ground's mass is considerable, and since your build is focused very much on things that are technically legal we can't really handwave being able to effect a section of an object in this instance.
  2. Re: Clinging, UAA What's confusing me (currently) about this discussion is that no where in the description does it say you can't move while exerting clinging to resist being pulled from a surface. If the word immobile appeared in the text I could maybe see where people were coming from. Can't leave a surface; sure. Can't move along a surface; nothing in the clinging text to support it.
  3. Re: Clinging, UAA If you're playing in a game where the GM requires you to buy a power to bolt your footlocker to the wall, I'd suggest Transform (Footlocker to footlocker attached to wall) or perhaps Entangle. Of course I'd probably just go ahead and make my footlocker an extradimentional space at that point since it would probably cost less.
  4. Re: Clinging, UAA Well, I'm not sure if they changed it from 5th to 5th Revised but Flight usable as an attack was described as being of dubious legality because TK was the appropriate and legal way to achieve that result (5th not revised page 178). So I would tend to think of clinging the same way and steer my players towards a more appropriate power (Entangle, TK)
  5. Re: Top Signs that you need to rethink your GMing. hmmm, I'd have said that number 1 indicates an issue with the players rather than the GM.
  6. Re: A Game on the Run? I've run a near future campaign where the group was on the run from an artificial intellence program. They spent the campaign operating below the radar, having adventures while trying to figure out what it was up to and how to stop it. The campaign petered out before the thrilling conclusion but the individual arcs went pretty well.
  7. Re: Burn Notice Well they set up from the beginning that Weston is a serious player (The Russian Special Forces believe it's one name for many men, no one person can cause so much trouble) and the possibility that he was discredited so he would be available for a different job offer. Killing his contact is just putting pressure on him to encourage him to play ball.
  8. Re: Favorite Damage Shields? My favorite was a very basic one that caught my players completely off guard. Talion, a rifle wielding villian, had as one of his MP slots a simple physical EB DS. He would have it active in phases he wasn't planning on shooting anyone (Covering people, Dodging, Moving into Position etc). The effect, I slam them with the butt of my rifle. After he laid out the DCV martial artist the players always thought twice about engaging the 'Rifle Guy' in HtH.
  9. Re: How To Build A GRASER Great Heavens, that's a laser. Yes Doctor Scott, a laser capable of emitting a beam of pure antimatter. That's from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  10. Re: 10 Global disasters that YOU team might encounter...
  11. Re: Gurps Deadland Hero : Husckster Interesting, these are based on a 5 card hand? An important part of Huckstering is doing things to get yourself extra cards (i.e. Draw 9, to make your hand with 5 cards). Also Deadlands decks have both Jokers in. Draw a Joker on a hex and interesting things happen.
  12. Re: Cruiseship Deckplans Whenever I need cruise ship plans I did up my copy of Operation: Lady in Distress for 'Top Secret'. Great game friendly deck plans.
  13. Re: Painful shot giving me pain! You're building on 0 base points iving you zero active points.
  14. Re: help with building powers The Lightning Reflexes Talent does that at an (in my opinion) overpriced 3 points for +2. Your pricing seems more appropriate but doesn't allow for the downscaling they included in the talent.
  15. Re: Rules to ignore, or replace I suppose we could add a sinking slowly in water power, and a getting towed in water power rather than removing redundent moving through air powers, if that makes more sense to you.
  16. Re: Suppress Running? The issue I see with the TK/entangle build is that they are all or nothing. No one will ever be slowed and they rule out the potentially cool scenes where if I push my strength or my running I can slowly crawl across the room towards the caster - maybe I'll make it before I run out of end/stun and collapse.
  17. Re: Heroes and Nukes! Is anyone else having a strange sense of Dejavu? I seem to recall having this conversation before, in the early 90's, with almost identicle points being made on all sides.
  18. Re: Killing Attack + Explosion Advantage? I don't know if there's a rule, I've generally allowed characters to dive for cover onto a grenade to shield others (Depending on the situation I've applied a dice upcharge for absorbing the AOE/EXPL portion of the damage)
  19. Re: [Movie] Day Watch Still no sign of it in the Albany area, sigh, may end up seeing on DvD.
  20. Re: Killing Attack + Explosion Advantage? It's a little more complicated for Killing attacks but not really to bad. You still order the dice from highest to lowest but instead of flat out removing them you reduce/change how you read them them - so Full D6 > halfd6> 0d6+1> Remove die leaving the next Full D6 > etc... Hope that was more helpful than confusing
  21. Re: Teleport as a defensive move Someone shoots at the character, it misses them but hits another target. Does Missile Reflection have an option for that?
  22. Re: New Density Question I think I've circled back in my brain to TK, uncontrolled, continuous only to negate/reduce weight of object.
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