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Everything posted by psychonaut_raz

  1. Re: WWYCD: The Coverup Icestar would keep it secret, figuring it would do more harm than good to tell.
  2. Re: When Do Your Characters Know When The S**T Has Well And Truly Hit The Fan? And for the opposing viewpoint (just to show sometimes it's the players who let the GM know when it's hit the fan).....I ran a game where it was revealed that the big bad guy had been manipulating one of the PC's lives for years, and not just her but every alternate timeline version of her as well - using every version of her that had ever been as a mother, he created Homo Tempus; literally the merging of human genetic material with the actual timestream, and he intended on using his new baby to rule every existing and potential line of probability. Things went pear-shaped and the power was too much for his creation to control, so instead of ruling all of existence he ended up wiping it out. There was literally only the PC, the bad guy and the Homo Tempus NPC left, and the PC was given the choice of letting the bad guy's creation wipe the three of them out or using the power of Homo Tempus to recreate everything as it had been with the exception of the Homo Tempus NPC itself (reason being it would exhaust its own power fixing everything, thus unmaking itself). She decided that it was worth letting all of existence end to get her revenge...cue lots of dropped jaws from other players and myself as we all realised that she had just quite consciously destroyed the campaign forever... (EDIT: I did save it with a little deus ex machina; it wasn't nearly as satisfying as if she had been the hero of the piece, but it was pretty much agreed by everyone else that we all liked the game so much it was worth the cheat...and it did teach me a lesson about giving players that kind of complete power over the course of events...oy...)
  3. Re: Politics or not Politics doesn't really interest me either as a player or a GM, so I tend to gloss over it as much as possible....maybe the odd storyline every now and then, but it's not at all something I'd call a recurring theme in my games..
  4. Re: WWYCD: Dr. Destroyer vs Takofanes woah, WAY out of her depth. Icestar would focus all on her attention on evacuating the city and keeping people as safe as she can unless someone else can come up with a way she could be more directly useful..
  5. Re: When Do Your Characters Know When The S**T Has Well And Truly Hit The Fan? In the old Marvel game I played, it was usually when Dr Doom rocked up because it meant there was something WAY bigger going on than a standard superhero/villain fight.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... haha that was awesome....good work.
  7. Re: WWYCD "super" registration Icestar would be quite happy to register....unless they want to classify/confirm the source of her powers. She pretends to be a mutant, but she really gets her powers from a mystical artifact and she can't afford to have that discovered. So while she would be wholly supportive of the registration act in theory, she would try and come up with any kind of dodge she can to get out of having her own powers investigated in any real way...
  8. Re: What are you playing now? ....currently playing Icestar, a 16 year old who gets her powers of cold/ice generation from a mystical artifact called the Heart of Winter. What she doesn't realise is the Heart is a prison for Ymir and it's his power that she's drawing on; and every time she does it, she brings him that much closer to breaking free...
  9. Re: WWYCD: Dead before your time... First thing Icestar would do would be to tell her parents and friends she's alive, because they must be FREAKING... Next thing, if SHE was assumed dead and here she is 4 months later....and the rest of the team was declared dead a month after her; she'll assume they're gonna rock up in a month's time as well. Of course she won't WAIT a month....she'll do what limited research she can on her own to try and figure out what happened to them all, then if (or more likely when) that fails, she'll hook up with another hero team and wait for her dead teammates to pop up so they can all work on it together. If she has no actual memory of the fight she'd be more annoyed at having missed 4 months than anything else....
  10. Re: Tigra Check out New Avengers #35..
  11. Re: Tigra I think she's one of the most badly written characters in the Avengers - she was an effective crimefighter even before she had her powers, so that in itself would indicate some combat levels at least if not actual martial arts......then with the upgrade she got in West Coast Avengers when she got her tail, she's physically pretty much on par with Spider-Man - yet, she always gets jobbed. Considering how much Marvel loves its teeth&claws animalistic types (see Wolverine, Sabretooth, Feral, Wolfsbane etc), it's surprising that Tigra never gets any respect...
  12. Re: Tigra Something that has been ignored pretty much from the time that it was introduced is that when Agatha Harkness gave Tigra the ability to look human, that's all it was; the ability to look human. So technically she shouldn't have ANY powers as OIHD (except for possibly senses due to the different shaped-eyes etc) because her Greer Nelson form is only an illusion anyway... Plus, given that she kicked SO MUCH ASS in human form in the Tigra mini-series from a few years back, even if you do go the "two separate forms" route, her human stats should have STR, DEX and CON all in the 20's, plus some major martial arts skills... (it's not like she's one of my favourite characters or anything....)
  13. This is my first thread I've started here.....sorry if it's not in the right place; I figured it was either here or general roleplaying, and I play champions, sooo.... Okay, does anyone keep a journal for their character? I find it helps me with characterisation....I've got one I've started for Icestar - we've only started the game recently, so there are only two entries so far, but I'm finding it quite fun; is here if anyone wants to check it out. Does anyone else do this? Would be interested to see any!
  14. Re: Why do you like to play Super Hero Games? I like this answer. I grew up reading Marvel and DC comics from the 60's through to the 80's as a kid, then started collecting them as they came out from the 90's on....pretty much the answer is that I love superheroes. I love comic books. Pretending to be a comic-book superhero in a roleplaying game is the closest I'm ever gonna get to actually being one. I have played other genres before (my Cyberpunk character Glam and my Star Trek Dr Jessica Ventura are two of my favourite characters that I've played), but what I enjoyed about those games were the roleplaying opportunities more than the actual genre itself. Make something about superheroes and you will have a hard time making me not wanna play it...
  15. Re: Need to get the Creativity Flowing... I never got around to actually designing her in any system, but I have a character named China I always wanted to play....she's a Chinese woman with skin that looks like porcelain but is actually extremely resistant to injury. Her strength is equal to anyone else within ten feet of her....so she's a brick if you throw her against another brick (or a semi-brick against a mob of goons), but has to use her brains if she's fighting someone whose primary attribute isn't physical strength. Someone else I did design and used once or twice was Fetish, literally a sentient animated gimp suit. Fetish attacks the strongest opponent in the group, forces them to wear him with a successful hold, and then controls their body while they wear him and attacks the victim's teammates. Heroes have to be careful how they fight him because he's only made of PVC so any damage will pass straight on to the person wearing him....meanwhile, the wearer is completely conscious and aware of what's going on, but unless they can beat a STR of 60 to break out of the suit, has no choice but to watch their own body attack their teammates...
  16. Re: WWYCD: The Nightmare on Hero Street Icestar wouldn't really have much in the way of combatting this...I'm wondering though if she tried to use her powers in the dream realm, if Ymir could have more influence? (she draws on his power without actually realising it) Let this Nightmare dude face the King of the Frost Giants!
  17. Re: Name help...Queen of the Jungle! I really like this name! It also sounds like one of those pulpy explorer type names as well... If her actual name sounds cool on its own, does she need a codename? ie: Rhyssa, Defender of the Jungle? Something along those lines maybe...?
  18. Re: WWYCD Genocide - or Genocide? I've played a lot of Marvel Comics characters, so if we take those out of the mix and use only home-made.....I can't think of a single one of my characters who wouldn't ultimately kill them. Different characters would have different breaking points, but none of them are so reverent of life that they would just flat out refuse to kill the aliens. There is Chrysalis, but I never actually got around to playing her....she's a total pacifist and wouldn't do it under any circumstances. I expect she would probably drive a lot of players nuts which may be why I've never gotten around to actually playing her in a game...
  19. Re: Trying to develop an interesting power set Yah, I'm chiming in with the VPP....had a player in one of my games once who had something similar; he was a Brainiac-level hypergenius who had created his own pocket dimension, and just kept a bazillion gadgets in there that he could draw out whenever he wanted....we just did it with focus rules and a VPP, and sometimes things like extra time as Jaxom mentioned above, or Gestures depening on how the device was put together, that kind of thing. It doesn't really matter so much if there are a lot of limitations on an item if you're not gonna be using it regularly anyway...
  20. Re: GM's - putting one over on your players Thanks! I forgot to mention in my initial post....Hush generates a noise suppression field at all times which renders her functionally mute. She can hear and understand English and Chinese dialects, and she doesn't use sign language. She was raised kind of like the Cassandra Cain Batgirl character in that her only purpose in life was to be a weapon, so communicating is not something she was ever good at...which made her very challenging but also very fun to play. Dumb question though....what is this rep of which you speak? I have seen it mentioned on the boards a fair bit but I don't actually know what it is? Oh, and I just remembered another storyline.....the team I was running were a spin-off of Marvel Comics' Avengers, and one day a new villain called Minstrel appeared with a team called the Scavengers, and started picking off their ex-members one by one, killing them seemingly randomly. No bodies were ever found though, and every time the Scavengers killed a hero, they added one more to their own roster who had a similar power set or concept to the murdered character...it didn't take the players long to suspect there was more going on than just a straight out slaughter, but they spent literally months of gaming trying to figure out what that something was - whether these Scavengers were clones, or their friends brainswashed, or what the story was.... This went on for about a year's worth of games, and in the end they found out the Grandmaster was behind it...Minstrel was really an old Avenger named Bard, and he had a contest going with the Grandmaster that he could assemble a team of ex-Avengers (thus the Scavengers) who could kick the real Avenger's butts. At stake, the earth, blah blah blah.... It was a really good storyline, because we had tons of characters who had been sitting around in Limbo after players got sick of them, and being in the Scavengers breathed new life into a lot of them..
  21. Re: GM's - putting one over on your players I had an NPC named Hush who was essentially a human killing machine who was only with the heroes at all because the Chinese goddess of mercy had foisted her upon one of their members as his personal responsibility... Anyway, once the point had been made very clear to the players that she was totally amoral and very lethal, I opened a game with them knowing only that she was on the loose in a government installation and they had to find and subdue her before she could hurt anyone. Turns out in the end that the rest of the team were actually under mind control by a bad guy who had taken over the installation, and Hush (who was the only person immune from the mind control) was only trying to liberate them....was fun seeing everyone start realising that they might actually be the bad guys in this case...
  22. Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued... While I can see as a player that it may not be as black & white as it first seems, my character's first reaction would be that she's being controlled or coerced - it would take a lot to convince her to *not* mount a rescue attempt..
  23. Re: Forward Only Force Field ? ^^^That's workable as well....I think it's really six of one, half-dozen of the other; the activation roll gets around having to use called shots, but personally I dislike activation rolls if they can be avoided because it's just one more roll to slow the game down, and in this case not necessarily realistic. If someone is approaching the character from straight up, there's no way they could hit his feet, unless they have a boomerang or something similar - by the same token, if he's flying through the sky and they're directly behind him, there's no reason they should hit anywhere other than his feet either IMO...
  24. Re: Superhero Images Ice/cold stuff - skates around on ice ramps, creates slippery ice underfoot to unbalance opponents, PD drain through making things brittle, that kind of thing...I'm having fun coming up with useful but non-violent applications of her power.. The coloring is pretty meh because I'm used to just doing black & white, but she's meant to be a Japanese teenager.
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