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Everything posted by psychonaut_raz

  1. Re: Alternate Earth Characters #11 Hmm, I can't imagine there are too many ice-skating rinks in a post-apocalyptic wasteland....and I doubt there's much likelihood of her grandfather in Japan managing to send her magical power source to her in the USA, so she would never have actually gotten any powers and lived the morbidly depressing life of any other cancer-riddled teenager in her area. Actually now that I think about it, the nuclear war probably would have been just the push her grandfather needed to use the Heart of Winter for himself, so Icestar in this reality may actually be an elderly Japanese hero rather than a teenage Asian-American heroine.....
  2. Re: Mythic Creatures as Eco-Terrorists? I like all of those! I like the idea of using a roc or phoenix as well (though there's obvious X-Men connotations with a giant flaming bird on your team).....how about a golem for another brick? Actually just thought of another one.....a satyr with pheremone abilities or who uses music to control people's minds/emotions?
  3. Re: what would your character do #38 Icestar doesn't really like hurting people anyway, and would feel super weird about hurting a version of herself; something an evil version of her would probably have no qualms about. So she might lose this one, especially if the evil Icestar decides she wants to steal the Heart of Winter from the good one to increase her power...
  4. Re: Alternate Earth #22—World of your Dreams Icestar would be an A-grade celebrity with stacks of gold medals under her belt for being the best competitive ice skater the world has seen and a legion of devoted fans. Her parents (especially her dad) would be super-proud of everything she does, and she would get invites to all the best parties in town. 16-year old heaven.
  5. Re: Alternate Earth Characters #5 Icestar gets her power from a magical artifact anyway, she wouldn't change at all....
  6. Re: Alternate Earth Characters #12 The tribe's shaman had known for some time now that changes were coming to his world, vast changes...rather than fight the inevitable though, he searched for a way to adapt to it. The shaman made contact with the spirit of the world itself, or some aspect of it at least, and the spirit of the world summoned him away from his tribe alone. He left them at the start of the cold season, and was gone for months. His tribe assumed that he had died in the inhospitable wilderness, death being a common event in these times. They moved on and in time forgot about him. His son took his place in the tribe, and though he didn't have the natural talents of his father, he did his best with his position. It was the worst night of their Winter when the new shaman's partner gave him their first child. The rains had been falling for days, the wind threatened to tear their homes down around them. Suddenly, out of the night an old man half-dead from exposure appeared. It was the old shaman, the one who had been gone for so long....he painted his newly born grand-daughter with a crystalline tattoo and then before he could explain where he had been or the things he had seen, he passed away. That night was the worst storm anybody in the tribe had ever experienced, but the newborn child wasn't fazed at all. She grew up one with the cold and the dark, and she developed the power to freeze the air itself solid. The child predicted that an ice age would destroy their world, and she vowed to spend her life finding some way to tame the heart of Winter that breathed inside her before it could claim her people. Equally feared and adored by her tribe, she became their Icestar.
  7. Re: Alternate Earth Characters #10 The Icestar line of robots is a mildly popular range of entertainment droids made of lightweight materials and equipped with choreography routines to entertain the masses with displays of ice-skating skill. One of the Icestars would stand out above all others though when one day it accidentally came across an ancient piece of hardware called the Winterc0re. The origins of this artifact are unknown, but it's presumably extra-terrestrial as it is hundreds of years old. When the Icestar unit interfaced with the Winterc0re, the exotic technology instantly co-opted and upgraded several of its systems...the most obvious change being that the droid could now lower its surrounding temperature to below zero, and generate ice for various effects. The Icestar unit decided to use its abilities to protect those weaker than itself and fight crime. What it doesn't realise however is that the Winterc0re contains the malicious Y*M*I*R virus which is subtly corrupting the hero more and more as time passes....and the Winterc0re can't be removed without fear of damaging the Icestar permanently and perhaps fatally. Will the rogue Icestar forge a name for itself as a true hero, or fall victim to one of the universe's oldest technological menaces? Only time will tell...
  8. Re: Heroes Who Mess-Up ohhhhh there are lots.... There was the time when three PC's had just joined the team on a recruitment drive; come across bad guys who took most of them down, and the one who was left ran rather than put up a fight because she "didn't want to get hurt". The same character later on was fighting alongside her team against a group of villains in a crowded auditorium....took out all the lighting because she had sonar which compensates in the dark, but she failed to take into account the bad guys firing blind and the crowd of innocents who would trample each other panicking... Another one was when the government-sponsored team had run afoul of the government and were being considered fugitives....they managed to secure the help of ex-teammates, but got arrested as they were leaving their home. So rather than go quietly and let their friends go un-noticed, one of the PCs hollers "thanks for the help Patsy!" at full volume as he's being carted away. Cue their only friends being arrested along with them.... The final one I'll mention is where one of the PCs agreed to let her son destroy all of reality in every conceivable timeline because she knew it would kill one enemy of hers. That one required some quick thinking...... :\
  9. Re: WWYCD (kind of): Advice Time for Scarlet! Icestar would be TOTALLY for it......the only reason she has a secret ID is because her dad convinced her to if she was gonna be a superhero (to protect her unpowered family), but she's kind of naive and doesn't really understand that her parents will be in real danger if she comes out; so if someone else wants to go public, she would be totally for it!
  10. Re: I'm going to make a big noise...BOOM! Icestar's only mode of faster-than-running-speed transport is her ice constructs. Assuming she's on her own, she would create a pillar of ice to carry her as far up as she can go in 7 or 8 minutes, then surround herself in as many layers of ice as she can to try and avoid as much collateral damage as possible.
  11. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central ooh New Mutants game....that would be cool. =)
  12. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central Last-minute submissions you say..? I'm actually quite happy with Colossus, but we do have a lot of bricks, so here's an alternative; the son of Pete Wisdom and god knows who, Steampunk! I dunno if I'm 100% happy with Steampunk's attacks....personality & background I like though. Still, Colossus would be my first choice; this is really just another option to give us some power range....
  13. Re: WWYCD: "He'll be back." Icestar would empathise with the machine guys, but also find the idea of anyone voluntarily becoming one of them super creepy. She would have to side with the human girl and would focus on the short-term goal of protecting her here and now rather than break her head thinking about possible future consequences which haven't happened yet....but have....oy....
  14. Re: Superhero Images I posted one here of Icestar a while ago....this is her new costume - more sexxeh, less Sailor Moon..
  15. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central Gah! I started writing up a character for Storm and the Black Panther's daughter before I figured I should check to see if there's any existing use of either of them....and it turns out yes there is a son of Black Panther already.....d'oh. Probably too hard fitting her around the already existing character that I'm not so familiar with, so I'm gonna leave it be......I've got Colossus II on the table already, but we do seem to have an awful lot of brick concepts, so mebbe I will see if I can't come up with something a bit more exotic just as an alternative...........
  16. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central I've attached the file for Colossus II.....I can't figure out how to change the file format though from hdc so I can actually just paste it here as well? My luddite nature betrays me again..
  17. Re: X-Men: The Next Generation campaign on Hero Central Two characters I'm gonna work on and see how they pan out: Colossus II: the son of the original Colossus and Nereel, one of the Fall People from the Savage Land. This character has been introduced into X-continuity already, and so would be in his 30's by the time of the campaign - which would make him older than a lot of the other characters probably, but that could be balanced out by a huge chunk of naivete and unfamiliarity with the world outside of the Savage Land...I sort of see him as a super-strong metal Ka-Zar, journeying beyond the Savage Land for the first time to learn about his father's legacy. The other idea was Night Cat, daughter of the Black Panther and Storm. Fighting abilities/enhanced senses etc along the lines of her father, with magic and biosphere sensitivity from her mother. So I don't see her actually controlling the weather as such, but in subtle ways it reacts to her mood...also she'd be able to sense the presence of mystical energy, disruptions to the local EM field/atmospheric disturbances, stuff like that...if it suits the campaign I see T'Challa and Ororo happily retired from active superheroics and grooming their daughter to take over rule of Wakanda, which is politically one of the most important countries on Earth. They would be supportive of her adventures with the new generation of X-Men, as they want her to learn as much as she can about the world to better support Wakanda's place in it. I'll flesh out both of these tonight or tomorrow and post what I come up with!
  18. Re: Suggestions needed: Animal super villains Of course, there's always Kitten Kong.....an adorable little kitty who accidentally got herself growed to ginormous size and is now wreaking playful havoc throughout the city - this was one I used in my campaign, it was quite funny watching one of the PC's trying to stop her giant pet cat from devouring innocent bystanders without actually hurting it...and going nuts at any of her teammates who even looked like they were about to use a harmful assault...
  19. Re: WWYCD: the mermaid Icestar would head on out on an ice slide to say hi, find out what's up....maybe see if she can get a cheesy photo taken with her to prove to the rest of the team that she met a real mermaid...
  20. Re: Suggestions need: Animal super villains I like this one heaps! I may steal this one next time I run a game... Also like you I had an insect-motif group in my game called Swarm. Most of them were power-wise fairly bland representations of their name (eg: Ladybird had flight and armor, Staghorn was a massive brick), but a couple I quite liked were: Aphid: shrinking tech-guy whose schtick was inventing things to destroy defences or electronic/comms equipment Firefly: creates a blinding light that also does neural damage (NND) Then there's the underwater bad guys, Blood Tide. A couple of the ones I liked from here.... Sea Hag: creates a black tar-like substance (sticky and choking in air) which disperses easily in water to create fields of darkness. Lamprey: most of his body covered in tiny tendrils, he had clinging powers and could weaken the molecular strength of anything he touched (basically a drain on various defences). A side-effect of his power was that whenever he leeched something it became bleached out and brittle. These two groups were both subsets of the larger organisation Menagerie....Menagerie served the role in my game of Marvel's Serpent Society, but with a much larger scale - basically a group of similarly-motifed criminals in a well-organised group. I'll stop there though before I start rattling off all 20 or 30 of them...
  21. Re: With even greater power.... At the point where we folded up our old Guardians campaign it had reached the point where the PCs were talking about taking over an interstellar empire because it just made more sense than having to fight the aliens every time they decided to chuck a tantrum Earth's way. It was half-joking, but they actually stood a good chance of being able to do it if they really wanted...unfortunately we never got the chance to actually run it, but it would have been interesting. I don't think there would have been an issue coming up with equivalent-level threats to keep them busy, by that stage of the game they were routinely dealing with extra-dimensional gods and abstract conceptual entities, chunks of the universe being re-written every now and then, stuff like that...
  22. Re: WWYCD: King Arthur's back I don't think it's such an unbelievable response - my character Icestar would react exactly the same way. King Arthur to her is the king of Sherwood Forest. Or something. I think if you asked a broad section of real people the same question you'd probably find a lot of people who would say King Arthur was a fictional character created in the past century...
  23. Re: Adventure - For The Children I agree with dustytomes....if an established big-name villain approached any one of my characters with this, there's no way they would blithely go along with it. A more unknown one, there might be more leeway if the heroes could be convinced to give him the benefit of the doubt..
  24. Re: WWYCD: Once bitten . . . Icestar would go to her team leader for help...also tell the team to keep her away from her parents (to keep them safe).
  25. Re: WWYCD: Welcome Divinity? Icestar: "err no thanks crazy glowing people...kthxbye!!!" *iceslides away at due speed*
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