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Everything posted by Magmarock

  1. Re: Good places to have battles...and stuff I mentioned this in another thread: Try holding a brick-only bash in a wrestling ring (roughly 2 x 2 hexes in size, only square it off). The ring would be reinforced to handle the superbeings, so make it tough. Surround with a full audience of normals, add bricks and voila! Interesting times. Mags
  2. Re: Champions miniatures Very cool! Next step... getting them off the clunky 'heroclicks' stands and onto hex bases... right? Mags
  3. Re: Hunted Questions That would be a Hunted, not a Rivalry. Mags
  4. Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots Grond is my favorite villain, too. In fact, I have brought out Grond more often than any other villain, to this date. His battle cry is, "Grond not happy!" Mainly because he's usually pissed off and rampaging around the place when the heroes encounter him. I forgot to add the time when we had a danger-room scenario and Grond (a program of Grond, rather) was held in a TK in the center of the room. He would have stayed there, too, if one of our dingbat Players hadn't made a point of knocking Grond out of the TK just to add confusion to chaos. As you can imagine, badness ensued! (But we had fun anyway!) Mags
  5. Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots Oops! Sorry Kirby! My plot contributions: Grond Smash, Grond Crash At a come one, come all televised wrestlin' match, a masked wrestler who unwisely calls himself "The Grond" challanges any would-be wrestling champions for the belt. Grond crashes the party to pound the puny human who dares to use his name! I ran this at a con and it was a huge smash, er, success. The fight happens in a small area [2x2 hex] with normal people completely surrounding the small arena. the heroes need to stop the mayhem before someone gets killed. To make things easier, assume the ring and mat are super-enforced for super-powered wreslting bouts. And from my brother's games: Grond Not Happy! Grond is calmly and cooly superleaping from one town to the next committing crimes in an unusually intelligent manner. No one has been able to stop him. The army is tracking him and sending Grond's coordinates to the hero group. The heroes catch up to Grond in a wilderness setting. When they engage him in battle, they find Grond's tactics are far superior than normal, yet he won't speak to the heroes. If a Mentalist tries to read Grond's mind they will pick up a wild berserker rage and nonstop screaming. Very puzzling, indeed. If Grond is taken down, a desolid mentalist who is inside Grond's body will try to escape. (Sorry, don't know the gal's name or exact powers, but she can take over a person and wear the body like a suit, while the original owner of said body can do nothing but look on. Maybe I can talk my brother into posting a write-up.) Army of Grond Telios gets ahold of Grond's DNA and clones an army, which he uses for his nefarious schemes, such as in destroying oil refineries in an attempt to blackmail various countries around the world. The Grond-clones are created with destruction devices (collars) so they can be eliminated by some high-tech signal when Telios needs them no longer. There is also a redundant chemical alternative in case the heroes get the collars off one or more of the Grond-clones. If the Grond-clones go without said chemical for too long, they die. Meanwhile, the real Grond is sitting in confort in one of Telios' Canadian havens, eating fine food and happily playing video games on a specially made, titanium Xbox (Or PS2, if you'd rather use that). Mags
  6. Re: "Grond smash!" and other Grond plots
  7. Re: Champions miniatures I was going to ask, also, do people want to see the backside of each mini? Or is one shot good enough? Let me know. Mags
  8. Re: Champions miniatures I was going to ask about this, too. How does it stay upright? Mags
  9. Re: Super pics: Hey Ben! Scrolling down the pages isn't so bad. Besides, everyone who has a registered ID on the boards would be doing themselves a big favor by adjusting their "Number of Posts to Show Per Page" count to 50. Saves a lot of page downloading. To find this time-saving option: Click on "User CP" Under "Settings and Options", click on "Edit Options" Scroll down to the "Thread Display Options" and select "50 Posts per Page". Ta da! Easy! And, you are all very welcome. Mags
  10. Re: The EVILLLL That is... Gentleman Jim? By the way, has anyone created a villain called "Gentleman Jim"? If so, can you post him? Mags
  11. Re: The EVILLLL That is... Gentleman Jim? Heh! reading this reminded me of the John Cleese character, Halfdan the Black, in Erik the Viking. Very polite as he sentenced the downtrodden. Also, very funny. I recommend this movie to anyone who has not seen it yet! Mags
  12. Re: Crisis of Infinite Foxbats Foxbarter: Master of the trade! And Foxbrat: The Thrower of Titanium Tantrums! And Foxbet, with his one-in-a-million chance of success... Mags
  13. Re: The 3 sense groups rule We allow this all the time, as long as the Advantage for partially invisible power effects is bought and paid for. If it would be "cumbersome" to list all the power's SFX, then it should be required to by the advantage. Nothing comes for free. Mags
  14. Re: Champions miniatures Here's a couple more. These are the "least fuzzy" of the batch I took yesterday. Still trying to figure this digi-cam out. Strobe is the leader of V.A.L.O.R. and he's an immortal teleport specialist (ITS). and We named him "Wilfred" for the obvious reasons. "It's the right thing to do, and the right way to do it..." Mags
  15. Re: Champions miniatures I didn't notice a difference. But I can take new pics and sub them out as I go. I'll probably leave the minotaur one, though, just because it's so dang spooky. Mags
  16. Re: Champions miniatures And a demon. With a psycho chick. Mags
  17. Re: Champions miniatures She's my miniature. I named Steel when I painted her, fully intending to build her as a brick... but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Mags
  18. Re: Champions miniatures Yeah, I'm having a heckuva time getting the lighting right. The flash is too bright and with these extreme close-ups it washes out the minis. But if I cover the flash, then the pics come out too dark. What a bother. I'll get it right eventually. Mags
  19. Re: Champions miniatures Here is Steel's backside... with a wolf in the background. (Steel is the gal on the right, in the trio I posted earlier.) Mags
  20. Re: Champions miniatures I was taking some practice pics of some minis and these minotaur ones turned out real dark and spooky. Thought I'd share them anyway. Wish I knew how to add light after the fact. Heh. Mags
  21. Re: amateur champs minis Not me. I just bought the Grond mini. I'll post a pic of him after I figure out how to work this darn camera. Mags PS: And darn it all... 2 minis threads? *sigh*
  22. Re: Champions miniatures And just so you know, the shot with the three gals above, that's not a team pic. The minis just happened to be sitting on the shelf right above my computer when I tested out my new camera (well, new to me!). Notice the piled up gold necklace and the dragon pic? Totally random. Not staged at all. Heh. Turned out ok, even with the too-bright light from the flash. Mags
  23. Re: Champions miniatures Dang, Bill! Them are some great pics! How did you get such clear shots with even lighting? (And are they touched up at all? All I did was crop my pics.) Mags
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