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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. What came out of today drives my brother crazy. after trailing 27-0 or 30-0 with half a quarter left in game, Prescott leads 2 drives to scores. So instead of the pathetic stats he had for 3 and a 1/2 quarters, he got a lot of yards when you know Denver is basically playing prevent. Now, in a few weeks, people will only look at the score and claim, well, wasn't Dak's fault, he had a decent game.
  2. Ok, on OBJ, can some other team not pick him up and award yet another player for being a total ******* (see super bowl champion Antonio Brown). And for God's sake, Raiders just say HELL NO if he calls.
  3. I am waiting to see how quickly State Farm pulls his ads.
  4. I suspect the Spider-man movie will start it and the Doctor Strange Into the Multiverse will do something like the original Crisis and bring the FF and X-Men into the MCU.
  5. Why would you think randomly? I am sure that Legos have a hive mind and it is very strategic in where they are placed, including a different one being back in the spot you KNOW you picked the last one you stepped on up.
  6. or 2-5 at once (and yes, you have to roll one of them and add 1 to determine how many you have to step on, its in the rules).
  7. Sadly, I read it as one whole sentence the first time - Love Less Stress More.
  8. Yes, but they have been building up a lack of leadership amongst them and I don't see Page being that. I think they really need to pay off Page defeating Omega for the championship. It has really been over a year in the making. I would also like to say, with all the talent they have, why is Bobby Fish getting a boost? they have so many young guys that need these pushes, not a guy who has been around 18 years as a midcarder. Maybe just me, not knowing him well.
  9. I keep expecting Black to take over the Dark Order at some point. They need to really figure out what they want to do with that group. It's tough after Brody died, but they are kind of an afterthought joke right now.
  10. I enjoy that we now get actors who do not shun having played a superhero in a movie. Jackman was the first I remember saying that Wolverine, if not launched, then boosted his career to the stratosphere it became for awhile. I like that Downey recognizes that, at the time, casting him was a risk and that it revitalized a career that had, for lack of a better term, faded.
  11. I always confuse this with another classic horror, mainly because I can't remember the title. The one you watched is great. I think the one I think of is that a man is dared by his friends to stay in a haunted house. turns out someone lives there (vampires if I remember). He falls in love with the daughter(?) and the scene that sticks with me is them trying to escape and her basically aging to dust as they run. He gets outside the gates and they close behind him. As his friends drive up, you see him standing there in front of the gates and realize they have got him with their foot long or so spikes.
  12. No, I believe it is his brother Tony. Sorry, I do that to my Mom on her texts all the time, so I apologize.
  13. Galahad: Look, let me go back in there and face the peril. Lancelot: No, it's far too perilous. Galahad: Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.
  14. So, DC and Marvel are starting Crossovers? Which movie do you think Brie Larson will appear in? LOL
  15. I wonder if this means you could see a fire sale in St. Louis and a start of a rebuild.
  16. Seanan McGuire (whom I love as an author) has a series called Wayward Children which is something like this. About children who have come back from said places and want to return. Is very good so far.
  17. No Time To Die - good finale for the Craig Bonds (I am a fan of them). Enjoyed it as much as any. Long for a Bond film. Only annoyance was having to create a villain that was "smarter and a step ahead" of Blofeld.
  18. To me, the Rays have one job (well 2 sortof), insure the Red Sox and Yankees do not advance in playoffs and look bad because a team with 25% of their payroll beats them in the regular season. sadly, they left one box unchecked. even worse, now the ALCS is looking to be the Houston Cheaters vs Red Sox Nation. Is there a way for neither team to advance? Anyone with Covid want free tickets if they agree to go spend significant time with both teams?
  19. You jinxed them by stopping watching as they blew that lead (especially as their kicker apparently was hurt and got one kick blocked and missed the one that would have basically won game with no time left).
  20. the ground rule double rule, especially now with replay having access to multiple cameras and syncing up, needs to be based on where the runners are when the ball goes over the fence. When the ball hit the outfielder, the runner was already rounding third.
  21. Sounds like bait for a trap of the real dinner.
  22. I am holding out for a huge brawl in the Yankee/Sox game where each team gets 5 guys suspended, so no matter who wins, not their A team playing next round.
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