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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. I am interested to see which other Legionaires are in the pods.
  2. Sadly, that was my guess, but I was hoping for a rational in show explanation. And now that apparently she is a DNA modified Brainwashed villain, I probably won't get one, unless she was programmed to do exactly that, follow the stone.
  3. just watching the latest episode (where Mon-El returns and Samantha/Reign finds out she is alien). So, why doesn't she call her friend Lena or Kara and say - Hey, you guys know Supergirl, can you contact her and let her know I could use some advice? Halfway through episode, but doesn't that seem obvious to anyone else?
  4. Hmm, how fun an episode would it be if something did escape using that (or similar technology) so only the people who were in there could see it, and because they were still hooked in, they were the ones causing the mischief. You could do a really funny or really serious episode with that premise.
  5. I think I read same thing as Old Man. That basically everyone is on a force field treadmill, so you feel you are walking/running, but really the holograms are moving and you are walking/running in place. Then the holograms can change perspective of people locations, so from when you enter the room, you may not actually move more then 5 feet and the system effectively creates a hologram around each individual/group as needed.
  6. I would agree with Christopher, I think that WB/DC has not earned the cache with fans that Marvel has, so any movie coming out will be a wait and see for many viewers. If friends/family tell them is good, then the will see it. Will be interesting to see how it does this weekend with Pixar's CoCo coming out.
  7. Then they seriously need to get into their editing department and either decide to do movies that are longer here in U.S. or cut out different stuff. I won't see until next saturday, as I am going with my boss from work and it is his first chance to do so.
  8. Actually, I think the general and at least the queen did know this and that Hippolyta kept trying to warn Diana, but could never get through, as Diana's belief was based on meeting 1 man, who seemed to want to end the war, and was pretty much so stubborn, she refused to see anything else. Her belief in goodness (partly from being the only child on the island and her mother and others trying to protect her from reality) overwhelmed any other arguments.
  9. Went and saw Murder on the Orient Express. Enjoyed it. Everyone in it is very good. I was pleased that they did not turn it into an action flick, but left it the slow, digging for information it originally was.
  10. Doesn't help that the guy does look like Carey and makes similar facial poses.
  11. I think they are running into a couple problems with their main villain. 1st choice - Darkseid - drat, all the non - fans will just say why are you copying Thanos. 2nd choice - Braniac - everyone knows him as superman's villain, but he is easily upscalable but then it might look like copying Ultron. ok, so, lets think of 3rd choice - maybe setup for Darkseid - who is his general - oh yeah, that guy Steppenwolfe - we will use him.
  12. apparently, they are not allowing any reviews until 1 day before release.
  13. Apparently they want me to disable my adblocker. So, can't read. But I think the title tells it all. I can live with that, and if he becomes the new Odin (Norse mythology is about coming full circle, iirc) and gives the power of Thor to someone else, would be interesting. I do fully expect at some point to see Steve wield a new version of Mjolnir.
  14. One thing I think they kind of glossed over. Thor told Banner it had been 2 years, but that was in "rest of galaxy time". Grandmaster mentioned that time was different on Sarnak (Loki had been there 2-3 weeks, despite Thor having seen him 5 minutes before), so that 2 years outside would have been very different. Course, it would mean Hulk has been there for perhaps a decade or more.
  15. That would make sense with Sif, as he did the same thing to Heimdall, which is why Skourge is manning the Bifrost. Saw it today, laughed and loved it. It needed the humor, as said above. This movie would have been very dark without it. The Tragic Death of Loki play was great. And getting Damon as Loki, Liam Hemsworth to do Thor was even better (I kept thinking, man that actor guy really does look like Thor). I definitely put it in my top half of Marvel movies, way better then Thor 2. I was amazed that they killed all of the Warriors 3.
  16. what? I know I am behind a bit, but only a few months. Currently, Arthur has been ousted from being king by a coup, but he is definitely aware of Atlantis (as of my reading, he is fighting a gorilla war in Atlantis). Mera, after trying to batter the shield around Atlantis down for 3 straight days came to the notice of the JL, because she almost cause the eastern seaboard to be wiped out. After a brief skirmish (per superhero storytelling), cooler heads prevail and she joins them.
  17. Actually, read an article. Is made of Bronze. https://www.boredpanda.com/giant-war-god-statue-general-guan-yu-sculpture-china/
  18. There are 2 things that this episode makes me think of when I watched it, especially in letting the masses decide guilt; 1) Should Jason Todd live or die : the masses vote overwhelmingly to die. Why, cause Why Not. 2) Sanjaya Malakar on American Idol and his remaining on the show long past when he should, partly due to the work of Howard Stern. In fact, Malloy even called it trial by American Idol. It actually reminds me why the founding fathers supposedly put in the electoral college - because when you give the masses the chance to affect things directly without real guidance, it could go horribly wrong, and probably will.
  19. My wife mentioned a couple things as we watched the episode: 1) Of course it was the African American male who got arrested out of the group. 2) When they visit him in jail, they openly discuss his problem, the ship etc. How, in a society of overboard social media are they not monitored.
  20. Hmm, I figured Christopher meant The Punisher, since that is basically his whole gig. Maybe Thanos will use the gauntlet to reboot the DC universe around WW style, removing from existence the Man of Steel and BvS.
  21. And of course, Thanos wasn't doing half of each inhabited planet. IIRC, he just divided the universe up in half and wanted to kill one half.
  22. Actually, I thought they did make the Q and Trelaine specific at one point, specifically when they had the trial of another of the race, who wanted to die. I believed they mentioned Trelaine in that episode and the other 2s reaction (who were both known for being "wild" by their species standard) was to roll their eyes or something.
  23. I hope they are doing it that he actually wasn't, but was setup by dirty cops.
  24. Apparently I was incorrect, they are doing The Thinker. http://collider.com/the-flash-the-thinker-explained/#images I actually am sorry to see that, as the Monitor being there to watch the creation of new metas might make sense.
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