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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. At this point in the movie, my friend and I looked at each other and said "This movie was worth the price of admittance. The rest is gravy".
  2. Finally got to watch The Martian with Matt Damon. Enjoying it immensely. I think one of the things I like the most is that NASA and the other scientists AREN'T PORTRAYED AS IDIOTS and the government isn't the bad guy. They explain the reasons for all sides of the problems and why they make the decisions they do, even if they wouldn't be the most emotional decision.
  3. I have been reading the Dragon's Gift series by Linsey Hall (I am on book one of the Protector). They come across almost as romance style, but never do the details of the "romance" style. The author considers herself a writer and archaeologist, and the books combine some of that. Fun read so far. I also have been reading the Witcher books by Andrzej Sapkowski as I am a big fan of the trilogy of games. So far I enjoy them. The 2 books of short stories are interesting, and much like the games, take classic fairy tales and turn them on their heads in some cases. I am most way through the first true novel - Blood of Elves - which starts a series of a 5 book storyline. If you are a fan of the games, I recommend the series. I tend to be reading 2 books at once because I do one as audiobook during drives (I have an hour commute to work) and one on my kindle for lunch and break reading.
  4. Only person I think would be interesting, if they did a good version of Wild Wild West, would be seeing Peter Dinklage play it. one of my other annoyances was that I liked the casting of Smith and Kline. I wish if they had been played the parts as trusted friends/allies like the original series instead of as rivals, would also have been much better.
  5. Also a big fan of Wild Wild West. 2 things I thought were interesting about show I had heard in an interview with Robert Conrad: 1) he said they had to keep coming up with ways to hide the bad guys faces, because through most the run, they had the same 5 stunt men. 2) he said how impressed he was with Michael Dunn (Dr. Loveless) who insisted, as much as possible, to do his own stunts just like Conrad did. One of my biggest dislikes of the movie (there were a few) was the disservice I felt was done to the Loveless character.
  6. I liked it too. I really liked the gamer type moments, where you can see people who play video games using the system.
  7. Hmm, I really thought that moment was in the first Avengers movie when he flew a Nuke into space assuming he wouldn't have the power to return.
  8. If anyone would actually use telepathy right in a show like this, it might not be. Being able to telepathically warn your teammates that this villain is aiming at this spot with their death beam, so move 2 feet to the right in a fraction of a second, is not a weak tactical power. Knowing your opponents every move as they think it is very useful. Also, if linked together, knowing what your own side is doing prevents almost all problems of getting in each others way. Add that to a team like the LSH or original X-Men with Marvel Girl who train together a LOT and already have maneuvers. Not having to shout out/signal said maneuvers is a great help. Problem is demonstrating it in a show. It is actually one of the things that made Superman warn everyone at one point that Martian Manhunter was more powerful then him, because he could do everything supes did plus shapeshift and use mind powers.
  9. Johnny Cash was big everywhere.
  10. Plan to watch, but in the comics I have been struck by how much they "altered" BL's power set to mimic stuff Static did. It makes sense, very similar powers. I remember in the Static animated series him meeting BL at one point. I always figured the difference in their powers was more a matter of scale and control.
  11. was going to say what Starlord did, but he beat me to it. and the ships the resistance had, were landbound.
  12. Yes, but it fits with the movie continuity. Pym told Lang early that the helmet is what helps protect him from the deteriorating madness that infected Yellowjacket, because he didn't have the right technology. It is also why Pym couldn't wear the suit himself, because even with the helmet, the cumulative effect had meant he couldn't.
  13. Loved the Cranberries music. I really just hope this turns out not to be a suicide or an overdose. To many of those amongst rockers period and to many suicides amongst some truly great artists recently, especially of that genre of singers (Chris Cornell and Ed Kowalczyk to be specific, though not in that genre, the suicide of Keith Emerson hit me too).
  14. I always assumed Quicksilver's death was due to a deal between Fox and Marvel regarding who was going to be using the character going forward. Marvel got to use him for one film. They then got to keep Scarlett Witch and Fox got to keep Quicksilver with their new X-men launch.
  15. what are you talking about. The 2000 movie with Jason Alexander and Rene Russo as Boris and Natasha was great.
  16. They showed a preview for a movie that is in the writing stage? I mean, there are movies I feel like they go straight to the filming the action/splosions before doing the writing, but I would hope a BW movie didn't do that.
  17. that football game was the epitome of a QB willing his team back in the game and then winning it.
  18. You have been watching El Rey network. I really like it.
  19. Except, and maybe you disregard it, even in the prequels, they talked about Anakin being the person to bring balance. Perhaps the idea of the balance is to train force users in the future in both light and dark, or more to the point, gray scale. Only someone who could be either really could teach how to be neither, I would think.
  20. I always thought of Luke as being the person who was supposed to bring "balance" of light and dark. He didn't have the weight of centuries of Jedi teachings, so he had love, anger, regret, hope etc still in him, but could get past them to function (sort of like a normal person is supposed to). The Jedi teachings apparently had grown to be to bury all emotions, which is why it had grown stagnant and wanted to start training children prior to age 5 or so. The Sith were supposed to be the exact opposite (strangely then, more Anakin and Kylo then Palpatine or Douku), and all about the more darker emotions. I always figured that's what they meant by balance to the force. Someone who could walk either path, but tended to walk neither, but just stay somewhere in the middle (hopefully more on the side of morality as opposed to light or dark).
  21. I wish they would still do a Superman movie in the old serials vein of making it a Lois and Clark investigative movie, especially with movies like The Post out, and have Superman there to help "save the day" when they get in to far over their heads. One thing I really liked in the newer Superman movies was that Lois was actually an intrepid reporter and was good at it apparently. Maybe do a Crime Syndicate movie (not the ones with the supervillain versions of the JL), with Lois investigating and writing on it and therefore being put in jeopardy because of it. We have all mentioned that a big difference between the DCEU and the MCU is that Marvel has recognized that Superheroes can be a meta genre with other genre's under it (blockbuster adventure, war movie, heist movie, space opera) and DC just keeps trying to make (doomy and gloomy) superhero blockbusters. WW sort of changed that, being a war movie (as Captain America was) with WW thrown in and Greek overtones. If DC would realize this, they could do similar with political/crime reporting (Lois and Clark), Noir Detective (Batman or Flash), Space Opera (Green Lantern), semi-fantasy stuff (WW or Aquaman) and even Cyberpunkish (Cyborg).
  22. Actually, we did. When Obi Wan hands him the light saber and says it belonged to his father, someone who the force was very strong in. And he comments that the force is strong in Luke also.
  23. It actually seemed a lot like if you took the middle earth elves and orcs and evolved them to modern day. The elves are every bit more "bitchin" then any other race as they were in Tolkien's books.
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