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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Before you can figure out how common the MD is you need to determine how mental powers work. Once that has been done then some form of defense can be created. While normal muscles can be proof against a bullet, there could be some equivalent for MD. Also like Kevlar, the original tech will be extremely expensive but later versions will reduce the cost.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is that panic room doing in this place? A: Your own little pleasure slave
  3. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is the best thing about Toledo, Ohio? A: A cop on the edge, a woman with a dark secret and a duck with a serious attitude problem.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What makes you think that the Rip Van Wrinkle drug does not work as intended? A: A razor blade, a butane torch, and sand.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Now that I have completed that new, experimental procedure, what do you think of these new attachments? A: Factual accuracy is overrated.
  6. Re: 1000 Star HERO Weapons Here is a wonderful weapon for those who say that terror is the best weapon in a soldier's arsenal: PYP [Piss Your Pants] Gun - 3d6 Drain (PRE & BODY): STR Min 8; 2-Hand Weap; Real Weap; 16 Charges (Req 1 Turn to Reload); OAF AC - 45: RC - 14 If the Body loss does not kill the target, then the PRE loss will make them more willing to flee or respond to whatever your Presence Attack afterward will inspire.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What did you say to Carl Creel that got him so upset? A: Good thing I brought my 11 foot pole.
  8. Re: Invisibility only usable in shadows or darkness I think that I would insist that the limit be modified in the following way - "only in natural shadows and darkness" (-1/2). This way he would not be able to cast a darkness field and disappear into it - that is not a natural darkness and the invisibility will not work in it, but if he were to go outside at night that is natural darkness and his invisibility would work. If he could use the shadows of others would be a GM call.
  9. Re: Soundwave vs. Blaster Blaster was in a weakened state during the tv fight. However he has always been very quick thinking on his feet and is able to use anything that is able to either generate or amplify sound to his advantage. Soundwave tends to think more like a Vulcan in many respects (although he is very willing to use violence to accomplish his goals). He does set many plans that is supposed to put him into the leadership of the Decepticons, he just is more sneaky and underhanded than the more forceful companions, such as Starscream. I believe that if Blaster was not so weakened, then he would have been able to defeat Soundwave, it still would not have been an easy fight but Blaster would have not had to resort to the tricks and devices aids that he needed to. In the comics the two never did have a dual. (I am only refering to the original 1980's cartoon and comic series and not any more modern remakes)
  10. Asperion

    Speed Zone?

    I have recently reviewed the speed zone as it is written in the Ultimate Speedster and understand how it is supposed to be used. I was wondering what others thought of this ability and how it played out in their campaigns. In addition there are some other things that I was wondering about it: 1 - Since I can easily see how it can become greatly overpowered and unbalancing, what tricks were used to bring it into line with other abilities? 2 - What modifications to the book description were made? 3 - Lets see some examples of characters using the speed zone.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What should we do to escape this suffocation trap? A: To be human.
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Are you sure that you want to put together a team of the Hulk, Thanos, Doomsday, and Overkill? A: We are from the Department of Credit Reassignment.
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Just because they outmass us 25:1 with comparable ratios in weapons and men what makes you think that we would be able to defeat them? A: Byte me.
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is this plate that comes on several platters, served by a steel-banded waiter with a strong Russian accent? A: Freshly braised Snarf.
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I would like to thank you for the Rolls Royce. What do you mean that you do not like it? A: The leviathan is only a baby.
  16. Re: Trying to Understand 6E The way that i see things is that innate abilities need to be paid for with char points, same with tech that is not avail to the norm person/organ. Norm tech (inc cell/smart phones, watches, conventional fabrics, etc) should be avilable for free. One note about this tech: the tech could be limited a group (govt, business, etc) but it cannot be based on principles that are not known by the general public. A good example is warp theory in the modern world. However since weapons have a direct impact on combat and the welfare of others there do need to be purch with cps. This could inc more than devices and go into skills, talents, and perks as well.
  17. Re: DC and Marvel: What Makes Them Different? The way that i have always seen things between them is that dc is idyllic (black/white view) while marvel is more realistic. In dc you always know the good and the evil by the way they dress and act (bats the exception) while in marvel there is more shades of gray. just because someone is acting either good or evil does not mean that is the way they really are. the govt leason on the team might actually be trying to destry the team from within.
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