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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. That is a great one zarglif69. When I read that I could not stop laughing. Of course the GM would be granting you your just deserts by placing you in the ninth level of hell after totally destroying the senerio that he has worked all those hours on. You now officially have the great respect of all the PCs here who have gone home with more that a bruse after fighting Mechanon and concidering themselves lucky to get out of there with their lives intact. I cannot wait to see what you will come up with next time.
  2. This sounds like a campaign that I would like to play in. Although I would not like the hassles of running it. I even have thought of a wicked character that would fit in with this campaign but that will come later. Basically the way that I would handle the time travel is to disallow the PCs the ability and since they can only travel between adventures make that (and any other effect) to be simply a game effect, under full control of the GM. Although I would prefer for the game not to get to the point that the PCs are chasing the great evil being or some such plot.
  3. DigitalGolem has a good point about androids requiring alot of points that should go into all the programs (skills) that make the droid work. Although you can eliminate many of these points (if not all) by working with the GM to create a droid package that all droids must take. By doing this several attributes, programs, limitations, and other abilities could be obtained at either a reduced or zero cost. However there is a price for this bonus. In game it would actually make it easier for opponents to determine ways to defeat you either in or out of combat. As far as character goes this does limit some of the concepts that might be created. One good package disad that I can think of is the Phys Lim: Does not heal. He can still have a REC that states how fast he recharges his power cells, not how fast he can heal damage. Remember that this package must be created with the assistance of the GM and he must approve it before it is used as (like all packages) there is great potential for abuse.
  4. Battle Angel sounds as though she would be a powerful addition to any force. The biggest problem that I have with her is that she appears to be pure combat and I like to bring in aspects that truely make gaming to be role playing as opposed to straight combat. Although some of the attacks that she possesses actually seem to be quite weak, as though they were designed to combat normal humans as opposed to other cyborgs or beings from other realms that might exist there.
  5. Heroing Demi-God Here is a good idea for this fantasy campaign that involves the presence of supers. This character is actually a 98 pound weakling among the gods that was always trying to get a more powerful reputation by always attacking other, more powerful gods around. One day the authorities decided to deal with this nuisance by exiling him to the lesser realm that has all the low lever mortals running around. He can only return when the authorities that banished him deam that he has learned his lesson and allow him to return. To accomplish this he must travel around doing right and making the world a better place for all involved.
  6. With my campaign the one character that no one especially appreaciated was the one that got everyone together. He never did truly fight anyone or anything and had an extremely open and friendly personality that made it so that people were not afraid to approach him in any manner for anything. The way that I created him was so that his mental abilities were second only to the PTBs and everthing else were normal. His public face was that of an extremely successful businessman but this was only a cover for his true goal - meglomania, with he did not truely want but felt as though he was the only person qualified for the job.
  7. I had a similar problem at the time that I created the campaign that I was running. The city that everyone was in was around 50,000 in size. This size is too small to make a supers population of any real size. I was able to solve this problem by before the principle villain in my campagn realize that he needs to do something to keep the go-gooding busy-body heros busy. The method that he used was similar to implimenting something similar to the Great Super Villain Contest before he got the heros together. Despite this there was sufficient evidence that states that the great benefictor was not as great as most people (including the PCs) believe him to be. He was able to time everthing so that the villains started appearing at the same time that he was able to pull the heros together. In addition the PCs were not the only heros that were brought in. The thing that set them appart from the others is that they were the most powerful and most of the time they were the first ones sent in, especially to the most dangerous missions. Most of the other NPC heros were built on 100 points instead of the 250 that the PCs were built on.
  8. Great to meet you gk. You will never have a problem finding plenty of friends here willing to give advice, general chat, or several other things that you most likely would like to do. Although topics about religion and politics seem to generate a strong debate that usually seems to get quite heated. If you want advice for creating a great new character, design anywhere from a base for your team to the entire campaign world (or any aspect inbetween), desire to cretique what someone else has posted, or general discussion then this is the best place for it. If you even have found another message board that you would like to introduce everyone to, then ew would be happy to have you do so. Welcome to the great realm of Herophites!!
  9. Thanks eveyone for all of your great suggestions. I would like for everyone to keep them coming in. Here is how things currently stant for this character. Crackshot 15 STR 12- 3d6 END 1 20 DEX 13- 20 CON 13- 15 BODY 12- 19 PRE 13- 10 COM 11- 5 PD 4 ED 9 REC 50 END 33 STUN Skills Dirty Infighting Package +10 Range CSL: Thrown Only; OCV Only +6 CSL: MP +10 PSL: Range +8 PSL: Targeting +6 PSL: Throwing Ranged Two Weapon Fighting Breakfall 14- Streetwise 13- Gambling 13- Powers/Talents Absolute Range Sense Ambidesterity Combat Luck: 6 PD/ 6 ED Lightning Reflexes (Thrown Objects) +5 Find Weakness (Any Thrown) 11- Leather Suit: Armor (6/6): Hardened (AP/Pen); 13- Activation; OIF MP: Objects of Opportunity; Range Based on STR - 8d6 EB (PD) - 5D6 EB (PD): AE (Hex) - 5d6 EB (PD): AP - 2.5D6 RKA - 1.5D6 RKA: AE (Hex) - 1.5D6 RKA: AP Disadvantages Hunted: FBI: More Powerful; NCI; Imprison Hunted: IRS: More Powerful; NCI; Imprison Enraged: Misses: Uncommon; 14- 8- Overconfidence: Very Common; Moderate Venfeful: Uncommon; Strong Normal Stats Mystery Background: As a young man Samual Saulin was nothing more than the common street rat. He always desired for more than he could get off the dirty and filthy streets that he called home. The only thing that he was ever any good at was throwing things. As a result he would go into throwing contests and usually would come in if not first place among the top three. By doing this he was able to get noticed and go into a life as a mercinary. Today he will always come in first place in these competitions, in fact he actually feels that they are beneath him most of the time. I would like for you to point out any errors with him and to create ways that he could be created more efficiently. If anyone has Disad suggestions I would like to hear them. Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.
  10. I would like to get the assistance of all you great herophiles. He is a normal person in a world filled with supers. The concept is that his ability to hit anything with anything thrown is nearly flawless. He hires himself out as a merc and has gained a powerful reputation and comfortable lifestyle in doing so. The thing that I am looking for is what skills and abilities he would possess as well as any possible disads that go along with him and a good name that he would have been given rather than giving himself (this is mostly to make it easier to hide from the authorities that are hunting him). Background: As a young man Samual Saulin was nothing more than the common street rat. He always desired for more than he could get off the dirty and filthy streets that he called home. The only thing that he was ever any good at was throwing things. As a result he would go into throwing contests and usually would come in if not first place among the top three. By doing this he was able to get noticed and go into a life as a mercinary. Today he will always come in first place in these competitions, in fact he actually feels that they are beneath him most of the time.
  11. I recently started an all-new campaign. The Genesis senario that I put everyone through was where the master villain decided to test the city for any possible heros that might exist out there. He did this by setting loose an experimental hunter-killer robot similar to Marvel's Sentinal robots. The heros were able to destroy the robot easier than I thought that they would and the villain recuited the heros into his hero team that he was in the process of creating. He had the theory that the best way to watch your enemy is to bring them into your camp. At the time that the campaign was forced to end, no PC had really figured out that the town's great benefactor is also the villain that they need to fight, so good was his method of misdirection, partially since he has spent years creating the foundation before the campaign started.
  12. Most of the time that I will run a game, I prefer to use some city that I create. Since I usually place the city in the same general area that we live in everyone ends up having a large amount of say in the way that the city is set up and the name. This leads to some extremely strange names and cities that the players travel to and the beings that they meet. In my last campaign the city that everyone was based in was called Chizlaun. The city was located one hour northwest of Flagstaff in Arizona. We used a similar process with other cities that everyone traveled to. Some of the names are Gaeristan in India, some long forgotten hidden city located in Iraq.
  13. Asperion

    DC Assault

    The government will continue to peck at them with the same military forces that they defeated. If the final battle proved to be close, then the government would send in stronger forces. In addition they would also use covert operations teams to catch them with their guard down. These teams most likely will not do any to much actual combat. Their primary purpose would be to gather intel about the PCs (strengths, abilities, weaknesses, hunteds, etc.). They would most likely be working in conjunction with the FBI in getting this intel. As useful hunteds appear, they will be manipulated to bringing down the PCs if not out right hired by the government. Also the government would have supers on their payroll (or at least that can be called upon) that can give the PCs a good run for their money if not actually defeat them. And remember during times of crises the government can declare martial law with or without a declaration of war. Under martial law, the government determines who can get the necessities of life and how much they get. Under that ability, they would simply state that the criminals (including the PCs) are not allowed any food and they will simply starve to death or start stealing what is needed to live, unles they have the power that means that they do not have to eat.
  14. Thanks for all the replys everyone. The suggestion of using the Ultimate Powers Book from Marvel sounds like it would be the best one for me (since I do not have the USPD). Although I would like to have a bunch of powers at quick and ready reference. He uses the power mostly as a form of comic relief, so the crazier the power the better. His overall power level is basically the same as for the PCs so the power itself cannot be overly powerful. Lets hear all those crazy suggestions that everyone possesses out there.
  15. Asperion

    Random Hero

    Here is a good concept that I have been wondering how to pull it off. The concept is that the hero has several powers that he can use only he has no control over what power will go off whenever he uses the power. There is nothing that connects the powers. The person is a chaos mathmatician that had an accident and the rest of the usual comic story. However the control mechinism went haywire. What I am wondering about is how to determine what power is activited when he uses the powers and any ideas for the stated powers. Any ideas and suggestions would be highly welcome. Thanks in advance for all the great ideas and suggestions that everyone will come up with.
  16. The is the way that I have always seen Husk was not as someone with a greatly diverse set of powers/abilities, but as someone who only has the ability to generate body armor by taking on the properties of various substances. The way that I would make Husk would be to give him basic armor with the SFX of whatever material he is morphed into at the time. If the GM demands that that is to versitile for basic armor, then I will either put variable advantage on the armor or make an MP filled with the various forms that he was able to shift into, more to come as he gains EP.
  17. Asperion

    Name Help

    Name Help Here is a good and basic question: Does he have a secret ID? If yes: Master If No: Master [Name] A person with this much raw power at his disposal most likely would come with a planet-sized ego to boot and would want every person out there to know that he is the Master of everything and these wimpy supers cannot stop him (until they do ).
  18. There is something that most people tend to overlook. Most creatures, especially the intelligent ones, have the ability to act in a helpful manner, especially if the monster's goal is in some manner similar to the hero's. The monster would simply act like the monster is going to help the heros until their paths no longer cross. Even the "beneficial" creatures will in many ways act this same way. Even if you (or the GM) wishes to use more beneficial creatures than can be found there is nothing stopping him from creating some "out of the blue".
  19. Since I am the GM in the current campaign, I have created several character recently. Two of these characters that are the best liked by the group are: Phantom: she can make an illusion of herself somewhere that she is not and fustrates the entire team to no end. Master Ju: Origianally designed as the primary villain for this campaign he has done such a good job of engraciating himself with the PCs that now he is an honorary hero by default. Despite normal convention, Master Ju is his true name and not an alais. Due to this (amongst other reasons) the primary villain has changed. There are a lot more possibilities that I could show and if I am pressed hard enough I could post them sometime.
  20. I have found in my experiences both as a GM and as a player that the name is not a good sorce for good characters. While the name is definately important, the character needs to have allot more than a name to be a good hero or memorable villain. The best villain that I have ever came across either as GM or player was never recognized as the villain by the players. The best villain that was recognized by the players started off by the concept of displacement (do not let the opponents know where you truely are). The best hero that I have ever ran was for a different game (not Champs). The entire concept of the character was reflecting the attack either back on the attacker or some other point. To this day I have yet to be able to recreate the character in Champions.
  21. If you are looking for an unusual method of making your character hard to take down in a fight there are different methods that I have found useful. There is the popular DR. This is mostly meant for characters that are for some reason rather flexable, more so than normal humans. However this method tends to be rather expensive when compared to the results granted. Another popular method is some form of defense/talent with limitation. This method is for skill-based characters who have trained their bodies to handle the manuvers necessary. This form, while cheaper than DR, requires conciderable rolls on the part of the character. The method that I prefer is to increase either STUN or BODY of the character. This method does not require any apecial ability or training to pull off and is the cheapest when compared to the results granted. I hope that this helps you and if anyone has any suggestions that are not listed either here or above then I would like to hear them and possibly try them.
  22. Thanks everyone for all of your great suggestions. All of these books sound as though they should be some exciting reading should I ever get the opportunity to start reading again (getting married). It might even be possible that someone else might see these books here and decide to get and read them. If anyone can come up with more books along this theme I would like to hear about them. I appreciate the effort and suggestions from everyone.
  23. I would like to get a list of books that involve the presence of superbeings. In the past I have found books that involve nearly every other geners including scifi, western, fantasy, modern, historical, etc but involving supers is hard to find and when they do they are based around a popular comic. What I would like to find are good books that use supers that is not based on some popular comic (no X-Men, Avengers, Justice League, Superman, Flash, etc). Many thanks in advance for your assistance.
  24. Here should be some good ideas to make your PCs interesting: Biker: Likes to show-off. Since she can manage to keep even with most vehicles she believes that no one has the ability to out-perform her in the arena of speed. With a 5 SPD and +5" Running she most likely is correct in this assessment. Indian: Enhanced shaman. Believes that humanity is destroying the Earth. Desires to put the Earth back in the form that nature created. "Earth does not belong to us. We belong to Earth." Shaman SeeEagle Military: Captain America rip-off. Trained as Army Ranger and can use nearly any weapon. Rather than one big gun, he has several standard guns going at such a speed that it seems as though it is one big gun. The enhanced physical attributes could be a result of the super-soldier program that might even grant minor mental resistance and regenerative abilities. He has no actual powers but trained to such a high level that he possesses super-skills. Construction Worker: Most bitter of all. He was suverely injured when there was an accident at the site that he was working at and believes that he should have been left for dead rather than obtain the cyber-inhancements. Because of this he tends to be more daring than he should and takes on risks that are actually too great for him to handle. Cowboy: Was raised on the ranch and known only that life. Has the ability to perform any trick and can do anything done during the rodeo. He too likes to show-off and let everyone know just what can be done but will get directly down to business that needs to be done without gripe or complaint. Youngest member of team (in his early to mid-teens). Patrolwoman: Fresh out-of-school upstart. Might possess undeveloped mental abilities with extremely high presence. Was super-popular during high school with all the social awards that go along with the honor. Decided to join the police after the Terriost Attack while the country was showing all the mass patrioism. Hope that you like these concepts.
  25. I think that this character is going to be a great character. However it seems to me as though there are two completely distinctly different forms here. One form would be that of a normal, although highly skilled, normal person. This person would get only skills and characteristics that a normal person could obtain. If there is anything exceptional about Rockslide's human form it would be in the form of superbly high skills levels. He might even possess combat-oriented skills but powers would at most be super-skills, not power-powers. The other form would be the earth elemental. This form would have all the powers at the expense of those skills the normal form possesses. Physical characteristics would be greater than normal people have the ability to obtain. Mental characteristics would be normal to sub-normal. If Rockslide were to possess any skills, they would mostly be centered around combat. There would be little to no adventure-type skills on the elemental's sheet.
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