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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: Walking With Strangers 9 Thia Halmedes smiled as she hung the target on the range rope with clips. She had finally found a place where she could practice, and no one knew who she was, or what she could do. It was good to be anonymous among the other shooters on the line. Her power had gotten stronger since the battle with the Zornwill. She needed practice so she didn't hurt anybody but the person she was aiming at. Thia pulled one of her pistols out of thin air with one hand. She pressed the button to send the target down the firing lane with the other. As soon as it was more than three feet away, she fired with the pistol. She kept pulling the trigger as the paper kept moving away from her. A large hole appeared from the use of firepower. Then the target split apart with the two upper corners still hanging from the clips. That was excellent. Thia pressed the button to recall the clips back to load another target. She frowned as a group of shooters hovered around her cubby. "Can I help you?" She glared at the others, a small mix of men and women. "That was some terrific shooting, miss." One of the men held out his hand. Thia looked at him until he withdrew it. "I'm Tyler Durden. We would like to know if you would like to join our shooting team." "I don't think that would be a good idea." Thia put the target papers back into the unused tray. It looked like her practice was over. "I'm cheating." "Cheating?" Durden looked at the destroyed target. "I'm using ammo that explodes on impact." Thia looked at the amazed faces. "It destroys the target every time." "We have been watching, Miss." Durden looked at the others. Some of them nodded. "You are a really good shot, and we need someone like you. We want to win the grand prize at the end of the year." "What happens if I get caught cheating?" Thia looked at the crowd. "What happens to your team? Don't get me wrong, I like to win every time myself, but what happens to all of you? Is that worth it? I think banning from competition is the common thing." "Could you at least coach us?" Durden held out a hand. "Our averages are good, but not as good as the other teams out there. We want to get to the regionals this year, if not the championship." "I don't how I can help you, but let's see what you guys can do." Thia shook her head. Maybe she should have practiced on some tin cans in the parking lot of her apartment building. "Just go ahead and set up some targets, and maybe I can give you some pointers." Thia walked the line as the shooting team fired off a clip of ammo each at the papers down range. She offered some insights and her advice caused better aim. She didn't see herself as a teacher but the averages did go up by a small margin. Maybe she could be a coach instead of an active participant. At least then she wouldn't be cheating. She had never thought she would have a skill she couldn't use in a game, but there she was. "You guys are great shooters." Thia looked at the papers one by one. "You don't need me at all." "The other guys are twice as good as we are." Durden shook his head. "I don't think we can match them." "Let's go see how good they are." Thia folded the papers up, put them in her bag.
  2. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Watched the Spiderwick Chronicles. We thrilled to the goblins and shapeshifting troll, and the revenge of the hobgoblin CES
  3. Re: Mr. Fantastic I don't know about building a character, but Mr Fantastic can easily get all of the stretching powers from the Ultimate database either in a multipower or power pool, an int of 50, all known sciences, piloting, wealth, contacts and favors. DIsads would be reputation: Genius, code versus killing, Hunted Dr. Doom, public identity, famous maybe, watched by the government, Hunted by Skrulls. CES
  4. Re: Magistracy: Characters Character Name: Maker Real Name: Joanna Pauleski Nationality: American Hair/Eye Color: Brown, brown Place of Birth: New York City Date of Birth: 10/16/75 Height/Mass: 5'8", 100 pounds Cost Characteristic Value 5 STR 15 24 DEX 18 20 CON 20 20 BODY 20 20 INT 30 20 EGO 20 2 PRE 12 2 COM 14 PD 3 ED 4 2 SPD 3 REC 7 END 40 STUN 37 OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 7 DECV: 7 Phases: 4,8,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Armor (20 pd/20 ed) 60 pts Energy blast 5d6, 25 pts variable advantages (+1), linked to armor (-½) 33 pts Regeneration 2d6 20 pts can regrow limbs + 5 pts, self only(-1/2), concentration (-1/2), requires material for conversion (-½). 10 pts 50 + 25 Power pool linked to armor (-1/2), physical manifestation (-1/4) 64 pts Detect Machinery, discriminatory, analyze 13 pts Cost Skills 3 Analyze Machinery 15- 3 Deduction 15- 3 KS: Sciences 15- 3 KS: Robotics 15- 3 KS: Physics 15- 3 KS: Engineering 15- 3 KS: The Science World 15- 5 Cramming 3 Computer Programming 15- 3 Systems operations 15- 3 AK: New York 15- 5 International Police Powers 1 passport 5 Diplomatic Immunity 3 Electronics 15- 3 Mechanics 15- 3 Inventor 15- 150 Points Disadvantages 15 Secret Identity 20 Code versus Killing 15 Psych Lim: Likes to tinker with technology 15 Reputation: Gadgeteer 14- 10 DF: metal deposits in the skin 25 Hunted by her former employers 11- 10 Watched by the United Nations 8- 20 Subject to Orders 20 Vulnerable to magnetic attacks (2x stun damage) CHA Cost = 115 Total Powers Cost = 180 Total Skills Cost = 55 Total Cost = ___350_______________
  5. Re: Walking With Strangers Thanks, Baloo. CES
  6. Re: The New Circle Dr. Strangehold- Dr. Dale Strangehold poured himself a cup of tea, reading the paper in his other hand. Some things jumped out at him. Eventually the police would be calling on him by the looks of things. Two of the articles were connected and strange even from the casual reading he was doing that evening. Dr. Strangehold put the pot down and added sugar to his tea. He put the paper aside as he stirred the sugar into the hot water. He wondered briefly what was behind the lines of print that interested him. The good doctor stood, taking cup and saucer to the window. He looked out on the quiet avenue below his small garret apartment. He had done some redecorating when he moved in to the drafty place. He owned the whole house, but mostly kept to his small rooms away from the ground. He had given the rest of the house to his descendants as long as they didn't mind the occasional late night visit from people who needed his expertise in certain matters. It was a grudging arrangement but so far they had made it work despite some of the things that had happened already. The doctor smiled. Someone had entered the cul-de-sac, and was headed on foot to his home. Finally someone would tell him what was going on. Of course, the way this stranger moved, it probably wasn't someone he wanted to meet in a dark alley. "I best make my examination of this personage in person." Strangehold put his cup down on the window sill, and hurried downstairs. This was one time he didn't want Timmy answering the door. Trouble soured the air. Strangehold reached the front door with a flapping of his smoking jacket as the first ring of his doorbell floated through the house. He waved Timmy and Tooty back as he opened the door on his visitor. The man didn't seemed please to see the doctor. It was hard to tell because of the missing parts of his flesh on his face. "Can I help you?" Dr. Strangehold frowned at the zombie. Obviously this was because of the stories he had read also. He could almost applaud a preemptive strike. The zombie grabbed Strangehold's neck with both rotting hands. At least it didn't say anything with its foul breath already wafting on the air. The doctor grabbed the thumbs of his attacker in the hopes he could slow it down enough to work something out. "I think that's enough of that." Strangehold gasped as he tried to force the hands from his throat. Hands on tendrils ripped from his back to seize the arms. The zombie's limbs came off with the crack of breaking wood. "I think we have upset my grandchildren enough." Dr. Strangehold raised both of his regular hands above his head. Invisible waves collected there for a second. Then he brought the fire down on the armless monster. Flames lit up the threshold as the dead man walked backwards from the blow. "What's going on now, Grandpa?" Timmy stepped out of his room with a baseball bat on his shoulder. "I don't know, Timmy." Dr. Strangehold raised his two hands again. He brought them down decisively. The zombie exploded. "I plan to find out." Strangehold looked down at his stained and ripped smoking jacket. "As soon as I change, that is." The doctor shut the door, turned and headed upstairs. The jacket went into a hamper next to his door. He would fix it when he had the time.
  7. Re: Walking With Strangers Super Squirrel and Alice the Owl were famous. They both found it odd and perplexing. Before reaching Marlowe, they had tried to avoid people without hesitation. Now kids wanted their autographs. It was a complete turnaround so sharp Squirrel's furry head still spun. Who could have predicted that when the two of them had went against their better judgment and tried to save the small city from the overgrown lake monster? The thought they were going to get killed had been uppermost then. "It feels good to be out in the open." Squirrel and Alice stood on the roof of the hideaway they had confiscated when they first reached town. "I don't know what we're going to do about living in the light when neither one of us has a job." "Tell me about it." Alice smoothed the feathers on her wings with her thin hands. "Hero work won't get us money." "I got an offer from the city to help their parks and recreation guys." Squirrel scratched his muzzle with a sharp talon. "It's not much but it would be enough to put food on the table." "That's better than what I got." Alice smiled, her round eyes blinking in the late sun. This was about the time she went out and hunted and her friend went to bed for the night. "What do you think about being the official super heroes of the town." Squirrel had already said he wanted it. And if it came with a check, so much the better. Alice had said she wanted time to think about it before making a decision. "I'm not for it." Alice frowned, turning her gaze toward the buildings that surrounded their nest. "I still remember how people treated us before we went out to stop that thing. Just because we're famous now, tomorrow the same people praising us will turn on us for any perceived slight." "So we should pass?" Squirrel scratched his muzzle again. Being a hero appealed to his inner swashbuckler, but he wouldn't do it if Alice wouldn't at least give her approval. "I would like to be human again." Alice hugged his thin shoulders. "If Aylwin can help us with that, then we can give her a little help in turn." "Being human isn't all that great." Squirrel smiled. "At least we're together now. You wouldn't even like me if we didn't look like this." "You wouldn't like me at all." Alice shook her head. "At least you're a hero now like you always wanted. Your dream has come true." "What good's a dream without someone to share it with?" Squirrel looked out on the horizon, smiling just a little bit. Alice hugged him even tighter. This wasn't exactly the life she had wanted for herself. Turning into a bird woman, moving from town to town, only daring to show her face at night where she was best suited to move around had not been something she had expected when they asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. "I wonder if we can call for pizza." Squirrel hugged her back. "We can stay up all night watching movies, doing the cha-cha, playing video games, look adoringly in each other's eyes. What do you say?" "I'd like to see you do the cha-cha." Alice laughed. "You're on. But I'd like to take my night flight first." "What movie should we put in first?" Squirrel hopped up and down. "Batman Begins? Iron Man? All three of the Matrix movies?" "The Lake House." Alice leaped from the roof top, wings spread wide. She did a spiral upwards. "The Lake House?" Squirrel stuck out his tongue. "I'll get popcorn on the way back." Alice pointed herself toward town and soared away on silent feathers. "Be ready for some cuddling." Squirrel scratched his muzzle again, before turning away with a fluff of his tail. The Lake House? The only good part of that movie was when it ended. At least popcorn and cuddling would make it bearable. He headed downstairs, walking along the railings of the stairs until he got to the ground floor of their nest. He started humming as he set up the television, a stack of movies, cushions for a sort of couch, empty glasses and a supply of canned sodas even though he could only drink one. The carbonated water made him a little sick if he drank more than one. He debated calling for pizza until Alice was back from her evening flight. He decided to go ahead and call. He didn't know when she was going to be back, but he should give the driver plenty of time to find the address. After all, the two of them were using a tree at the head of the road as a mailbox. No one must know where the super secret Squirrel Cave actually lay. It was a thing men weren't meant to know. Additionally they wanted some semblance of privacy without having to resort to guard squirrels
  8. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Hellboy: Oddest jobs edited by Christopher Golden. A collection of stories by various writers. My favorites were the Lansdale black train, Volk's monster boy, Benson's produce, and Nix's strange fishing. While all of these stories have Hellboy in them, most are about the people he encounters. CES
  9. Re: How do you design your champions game If you have one villain for every super involved, and all the villains are doing separate things at the same time, that can be a start up game right there. The follow up is fixing what the villains did, the villains wanting revenge, new villains who want revenge for what was done to the old villains. CES
  10. Re: Dragonia Sir Donald was directed to report to Dr. Pucca, renowned lecturer at the Opal University. He learned that an expedition was being mounted and he was to be on board as a security element. The point of the expedition was to sail a ship to the edge of the ocean and try to make contact with the Kraken. All of the known countries had contributed something to the construction of this ship. Members from their agencies were to be on board. Sir Donald and Ishiyama were to report to the docks in Dragonia where the ferry to the Grasslands made its journey across the channel. The rest of the crew would meet them there. When the two arrived at the ferry, Dr Pucca and Dennis from the Yeti, Sid from the Steam men, and Lil from the Grasslands were present. Sir Donald recognized that Dennis was one of the Yeti cops that had entered the tower and helped stop the Sonic Cannon. They got the rest of their supplies from East Port and started across the channel. They would have to go overland when they reached the Grasslands, home of the snake women. Sea Dragons pulled the ferry out into the channel. The party saw a disturbance in the water. All of a sudden the ferry started to tip over. Ishiyama caught the rail to stop himself. The ferry dropped back into the water. The group pulled together their resources and made a sail. The sea dragons were helped by the extra wind power, and were quickly back up to speed, and moving faster. The underwater menace headed upstream. Sir Donald threw a gravity axe at it. The water was made heavier and revealed a giant turtle. Donald threw another axe at it so that it would be drawn down into the brine. The signal went out to clear the water. The giant turtle was a menace to all ships on the water. The sails caught fire. The ferry slowed down without the added push from the heated air. Dennis put the fire out with an ice blast. The group spotted a bow wave headed for the ferry. Dennis used another ice blast. Lil used a confuse animal spell. These two things angered the turtle enough to cause it to charge the ferry. Only it was confused. Instead of hitting the flat boat dead center, it impacted at the rear and pulled the back half of the transport off. Donald threw a gravity axe. Dennis hit with an ice blast. Sid missed with a rifle bullet. The ferry and the giant turtle were sinking. Dennis covered the ripped part of the hull to buy some more time for the travelers. The five adventurers checked their options. A scheme was born from their desperation. It was crazy enough to try and see if it worked. Flames took Sid to shore. He looked around until he found a set of ropes. He gave one end to Flames to take back to the ferry. He rigged a wench at the other end to pull the ferry to shore before there was more trouble. As the transport is pulled into port, the turtle attacked again. Donald fell overboard. He set out for shore instead of trying to get back onboard the ferry. The turtle snapped him up in its mouth. Donald saved himself from being swallowed by projecting a defensive block around himself. He made the turtle spit him out. As the giant attacked again, Flames swooped down and grabbed the knight out of danger. Donald flung a gravity axe at the beast to slow it down. The ferry made it to shore, and everyone quickly disembarked before there was any more trouble. Dr Pucca hired a carriage for the party, but Donald and Flames flew across the flat, swampy Grasslands. They observed the grass houses and boats for the snake people with tourist eyes. When they reached the dock, they see the ship for the first time. It's a round disc with two projections in the front. A pilot sits in a cockpit in the center of the mandibles. They sailed the new ship to Trading Post Island. It's a combination rest stop and shopping center for people living on the edges of the Grasslands and out in the wide ocean. Donald found a souvenir shop and got a pendant in the shape of a dragon. The crew broke up for a night of relaxation before sailing to the east in the morning. The next day Dr Pucca was angry that three out of five of his crew never made it back. Donald and Ishiyama went to investigate the odd occurrence.
  11. Re: Teen Guardians "I can work on the ribs, Tach." Pusher stood in the middle of a cloud of particles twisting around him. "Just sit back, it'll hold!" Patty grumbled. "We're here to help--but if you're hurt, all you're going to do is hurt yourself more!" "Only if you know first aid." Eric stated with a frown. He nodded to Kara "Right, can you fly me out there close enough so that I can get a look?" and he added silently hoping her keen hearing would pick it up "and let me get into my work clothes." "Eric's right, you've got cracked ribs," Patty said, "we need to wrap your ribs--you'll be okay, but you're not going back into a fight..." She looked Jessie in the eye and put her right hand on Jessie's. "I'm there with you, but you've got to take a minute." Patty looked at the other three. "Go. We'll catch up." That was directed more to Eric than either of the other two. With compassion in her eyes. "Don't take too long. We don't know what the situation is and I have the feeling we will need all the help we can get. We might have a hostage situation developing." "Consider it done, Skipper!" Kara walked behind Eric, hooked him under each arm and..."Up...up...and away!" Quietly to Eric, she said "If Naked-Girl can quote comic books, why can't I?" She winked. Jessie bit her lower lip. Not itching is good, but it was sure cool to be able to fly and all. Maybe it was a one time thing? Damn! Why did that girl have to be so short? Wearing her clothes was going to cut off her circulation! Pusher watched them fly off as his own transportation assembled together. "Do we need to take her to the hospital?" Pusher let the particles die down before there was a familiar beep click from his keys. "No reason not too.." Eric said against the wind flying past them as she flew, he clutched his own backpack tightly on himself. Flying was something pretty impressive... would have been nice to have gotten that power. Granted it was kinda scary with someone else doing the flying. "Don't worry Skipper...", smiling to herself Kara enjoyed the nickname she has given him, "...I won't drop you. We still have to find a place to change. Do you see anyplace...private?" Eric pointed "That building house over there, no one as far I can tell really lives there and I've been using it as a rest stop for school. Changed locks and all. We can change there and it'll let you keep an eye on the ship as well." "Hospital? No way! I'll be okay, I'll hitch a ride home and Gram can take care of all that ills me. You guys go and take care of C'ptain Bra-less and the Pirates of the Coliseum." "No, you won't, just sit here for a second," one hand on the girls' hand, Patty turned to Pusher... Jessie held out her hand like she is pointing skyward. She tries to generate a little fire...just a little.... It flared and Patty drew back her hand. "OW!" Jessie, startled, jumped back. "I'm so sorry! I didn't think it would work, I mean it stopped working, and I didn't think it would start again! Are you okay?!" "I could try and fix you myself I guess." It didn't take x-ray vision to see Pusher was frowning. "What do you think, Tach?" "Awesome! I am sure the Patty wouldn't like you peeking on another girl while she is in her undies. It'll only take a moment." After changing... "How do you want to proceed? Fly to the ship and ask politely what they are doing? Sneak up and grab one of the 'henchmen' and question him at 50,000 ft? Do we have a way of letting Pusher and Tachyon know what the situation is before they come charging in like gang busters?" "Why do I feel like the announcer guy at the end of the old Bat-man TV show?" The once-doctor and now speedster shook her hand. "That hurt!" In a lower voice, she said, "Pusher, can you give her something to wrap around her chest, something maybe at least fireproof for a while to hold the ribs in place--they're just bruised, nothing time won't heal, she doesn't need the hospital but she does need something to protect them and since she just burnt me without burning herself its at least obvious to me she casts flame and it doesn't need to burn I know that Kara's clothes are tight on her can you use those right now?" All one breath, no less. "It's a snap." Pusher concentrated on the clothes. "That should work for you." "Not sure." Eric looked towards where the ship was "I think it might be best for you to drop me off on the boat and then you see if you can give the boat a lift. Perhaps the ship is tied to the pirates themselves and they'll panic if we do something to the ship itself." Kara nodded. "Okay, we are going in hot. If you are going to get dropped on the deck of the ship I'm okay with that. If I can't move it shall I start ramming it? I have heat vision I can set it on fire..." "Yeah, ramming it would be better than heat vision. They might have who knows what for weapons." He got himself ready for the lift over. As soon as they were airborne, the extent of the event became apparent--or at least, the opening stages of whatever was happening. The girl, Jessie, that had fallen from the sky certainly hadn't exaggerated -- there was a ship, an old-style wooden sailing ship, anchored about a dozen feet above the football field, and, along its nearly two-hundred foot length there were... ...men in brightly-colored garb climbing ropes, trimming sails, doing other things that were at least right now, unintelligible to the eye. Extending down from the ship to the ground were several gang-planks on the portside - its direction of sail ran north-west to south-east, following the lay of the football stadium, and there appeared to be much activity on the ground and moving to and fro of the craft. "Alright, I will kick it into overdrive and drop you on the deck near the wheel-thingy. In the movies the captain is always close to it. After that I will duck under the ship and see if I can lift it. If I can, where should I put the silly thing?" "Try to put it at the actual docks, at least that'll give the pirates a place to go and work too." Eric said as they approached. Assuming assent Kara will drop him off by the helm and get under the ship and lift! The moledcular structure flickered and flared, adjusting itself in a microcosm of pure energy, and Jessie found her ribs--and upper torso--supported in a mid-riff baring blouse almost pure white yet taut across the ribs...the pain was there, but the ribs were definitely supported. "All right," Patty grinned as the sound of sirens approached rapidly. "Let's get this and go." She raised an eyebrow. "You want a ride," she asked Pusher, "or..." Several of the locals stepped up. "Hey are you all right?" asked Micha el Want, a young, well-built young man of Asian descent, the youngest son of the Wang Family that owned the Three Lucky Penny Dragon Chinese Family Restaurant. He went to a knee by Jessie. There was a growing babble as more people from the surrounding business, employees and shoppers alike, began to cluster into the square. Someone shouted, "Hey! That one's one of those Supers!" A quick glance around showed at least one person pointing at Pusher. "...or shall we just vanish?" Patty jerked her head. "Go--we'll catch up!" "Just get in the car." Pusher picked the cheerleader up in his arms. "Going my way?" He dumped her in the back seat before getting behind the wheel. He waved at the crowd before turning the engine over. The blonde girl let Eric go, dropping him on the after-deck and zipping off on her own mission; there were only two of the pirates up here--both male and both turned to him in surprise--and one drew a pistol, the other grasped the hilt of a...sword? Cutlass? Both words flickered through his mind as a result of his recent experimentation with fantasy role-play... EMP moved quickly after being put down keeping his eyes peeled for the female captain of this boat. his hands already holding a few low yield explosives. He didn't want to hurt or kill anyone and the explosives would hopefully just give them some minor damage (well as minor as a low yield grenade can get) SG swooped down and get under the ship. She will lift for all she's worth. "How can I refuse? Thanks for the wrap. I think it is the first time a guy actually wanted to help me put something on!" "I can't imagine why." Pusher got behind the wheel, activating the car with his powers. He gave Tachyon a wave before taking off across the grass. "Huh? You can't imagine why this is the first time a guy wanted me to cover up?! I think I'm offended. Most guys like seeing me naked." Let's go kick some pirate 'booty'! Pirate -> Booty, get it? Sigh. Rough room." "Try not to get killed." Pusher pushed a button. The car started shifting around them. "Let's talk to the head man in charge." The vehicle lifted off, roaring along in a cloud of charged particles. "Maybe he can explain the fog." The crowd didn't seem to want to wave back, nor were they moving. The vehicle lifted amidst a rising hue and cry--and the sound of sirens approaching. "Hey!" came the call, "she needs to be looked at by a doctor!" Nonetheless, its an easy left-turn and come-about towards the stadium... "What makes you think I'm not?" Pusher called back. Spinning under the ship and putting her back into it, it took Kara a moment to actually register the activity. She gathered her inner strength and put it into everything she had--this aerial vessel began to shift, slightly... ...but her peripheral attention was grasped by activity... ...it seemed..there were more pirates; colored band uniforms and cheerleaders and flickering flares of momentary energy...and the shout of, "She's back, shoot her!" The reply gets a response, though perhaps not the one he'd desired, as an angry retort, mostly unheard yet somewhat profane follows the car simultaneous with the *ting* of something off the back end of the vehicle. Jessie said to Pusher, "Did they throw rocks at us? Are you taking me to the doctor? I'd be more useful at the boat." Holding her ribs, "I owe them some payback." "Yeah, we're heading to the boat." Pusher looked around, as his car rolled along through the sky like a comet. "Something has to be done." Kara paused lifting the ship. "Shoot her?" She will try to see who they are shooting at. Moving the ship is important, but if some kid is being shot at, saving that life will be the priority! Emp ducked towards the side flinging the two explosives towards the pirates feet hoping to put a lot more distance between him and them as he kept moving to hopefully see the one that was supposed to be in charge of the boat. "Shiver me timbers and all that jazz, I think I've come across the dread pirate rip offs." Kara looked down--and realized that she was the target of that the command to fire upon had been given; a series of grayish cloud and there was a constant sting against her hardened flesh... Sure enough, she was being shot at. And hit. A momentary flicker of surprise--with each hit, she could feel her own energies slowly beginning to drain, there was much more to these almost invisible shots than met the eye. However...there were only about a dozen or so pirates, in colorful and almost motley design of garb shooting at her, another group almost double herding cheerleaders, band-members and a few football players at gunpoint--and these youths were in chains--towards the ship and a gangplank that had been dropped into the stands from the upper decks. A flicker and flare caught her eye from another small group of pirates and hostages... Both pirates definitely reacted as he wanted, the first going over the railing, one hand flailing with his cutlass as he dropped towards the quarterdeck; the other one not quite as much--he advanced, trying his best to kick the single grenade over the edge of the poopdeck towards where his compatriot was headed; his wild swing with the cutlass missed Emp by a league. Then the two explosives detonated, the advancing pirate, though not actually injured was tossed past Eric by the blast and a cry of pain from below could be heard--apparently, his grenade had managed to cross paths with the fleeing pirate. This allowed him a brief respite to quickly take in the scene provided by surveying the decks below; on the Quarterdeck, immediately below and before him were more pirates, surprised by the sudden unexpected attack and on the main deck forward to the forecastle, attention and alert was already being called; there were some pirates though who were in the process of taking aboard... ...prisoners. Cheerleaders, band-members...and one or two football players. Below and before him, though, a woman turned, she was buxom to the point of being hardly reined in by her vest and blue long-coat; she wore a pistol at the waist, white trousers and her ebon hair cascaded across shoulders and she tossed it, glaring at him with one eye. She pointed her own sword at him and waved it, casting orders... ...and the crew obeyed, easily a half-dozen pirates moving aft to take him. Just under her breath. "Damn!" The first thing Kara did was abandon trying to move the ship and take evasive maneuvers. Then she took a look at the 'flicker and flare' and see what's that all about. If it is something that requires her immediate attention she will head over there...otherwise she will use her X-ray vision she will try to find a group of pirates/hostages that are isolated from the main attack force.
  12. Re: Teen Guardians Jared raised his eyebrows. Who would have thought the petty criminal and the track star would get together? At least they seemed to be getting along fine. Patty seemed to miss the look Jared tossed at her and Eric. "Right," she said, "but flirt is good, means that I get to feel all good about myself and then blow them off and make you feel special by being on your arm." She leaned her head against his shoulder, obviously comfortable with him, with the others, and with their relationship. That much was true as well--across the stadium and in their hidey-hole that lead to the school, the individual sounds of brass instruments and drums could be heard to be warming up in discordant fashion. The pirates continued to stare as Jessie realized that she was naked--not naked, but clothed in fire, a slight steam obscuring her form as the heavy fog and mist that had lurked about Chance City all day thickened and came in contact with her incendiary form. Moving her leg slightly, it left a dissipating contrail of flame behind it...her hair was golden flames that drifted lazily on unseen currents of heat... She felt exhilarated and more powerful than she could have possibly imagined. The pirates gathered and formed, all eyes upon her--and the voice came from above once again, "Damn ye, she's not important, kill her!" Muskets, large-barrel and reminiscent of the movies she'd seen on TV and in the theaters, slowly came up. "I SAID KILL HER!" There was a volley of smoke and flames that emanated from the pirate's position... It felt like someone -- many someones -- were pelting her with beanbags -- not really painful but distinctly annoying; she counted at least five hits that resulted in flares of fire from her already flaming flesh. "What? Kill me? You gotta be kidding!" Jessie fought off the panic that she felt and decided she had to act! Her first thought was to run, but her friends were just a little way off and they will be coming to see what all the noise is about. For a moment she thought about burning the ropes so they can't get off the ship, but that wasn't good enough. Then a great idea hit her! "You guys are awfully tough shooting at a naked girl!" She flew in the direction of the commanding voice. Cresting the rounded curve that was the aerial ship's hull--she passed a number of narrow and square doors that...if the movies were any indication, were portholes for cannon...yeah, right. "If any one of you so much as twitches the wrong way your Captain is toast!" Kara rolled her eyes. "Be nice Eric! Enjoy going to a dance with a pretty girl and don't wreck it with machismo, it doesn't impress anyone anyway!" Patty just couldn't resist. "But," she interjected, "Eric's not macho, he's a very sweet and sensitive guy!" She did her best not to giggle. Kara looked downcast. "I don't remember much from my previous life. I remember I was unhappy. No, unhappy would have been like Disneyland compared to the pain I lived with every day. I don't want to go back to that, I couldn't survive it. I am happy now. I don't know about you guys, maybe this is hell for you. I don't know what you lost by coming back, or being brought here." "Yeah... I didn't lose much. Granted when I was this age I was constantly running away from home and an abusive father that generally drank to much when he was on a case. But, This time around I seemed to have made some better friends." He smiled at Kara "Your not the only one in 'I'm not sure if I want to leave' mentality. Because I'm half worried that if we did go back I'd not remember what I've done here and now." He took a sip of his mountain dew. "Still I wish I had a tighter control on my powers again. That incident at the last game me and Patty attended was not great. at least it was the opposing team. Go team spirit." Patty smiled. "Yeah, I think I can go with that--I wasn't really happy before--now...maybe its the hormones talking, maybe its the lack of commitments...but I feel relaxed...and I think for the first time in a long, long time, I can say I've got real friends." Kara arched an eyebrow. "Oh? What did you do? Did it involve cheerleaders?" She grinned playfully evil. "Yeah..mostly them diving in to chase after me. Thankfully Patty got me out of there in a hurry. Still like to know what set it off. Maybe I got to involved in the game." He shrugged. "Still our team won against the confused... Did they call themselves the Blue falcons or something?" Patty looked up from her burger and tried not to grin. "Oh, I kinda think that the teen pregnancy rates are gonna be up here in a few months, y'know?" She elbowed Eric. "That means tonight you behave. No leering at the cheerleaders." Eric laughed and saluted "Aye, aye mon capitan" Kara will had a semi-shocked expression! "You're not serious, are you? You're pulling my leg, right? And I thought _I_ had to be careful if my control of my powers slipped...but that is...whoa." Eric nodded "Yup, I might not be able to knock over buildings with a single punch, but the power I do have is pretty annoying. I thought the group told you I'm Empathic, having an out of control mental power is like having an out of control nuke I suppose. Thankfully no one dies." He frowned and leaned back letting Patty have full access to his french fries as he finished off his burger. What fries? The fries are gone and Patty covered her mouth to mask a slight belch. "Sorry, fast metabolism, carbs seem to help the best." "Well...maybe not that bad," she said, "but it wasn't pretty," she acknowledged. "Well, you know me." He smiled at her "Half empty glass and all that, Still I'm not sure what I did to get a second chance or a great girlfriend. but whatever it was I'd do it again in a heart beat to keep it that way." Patty gave Kara a look--there were depths in that look that defied description, but it was tinged with an almost sad bit of humor in her almost-smile. "Yeah, Something like that," she said. That hadn't been a fun night--she'd gotten him out, but she'd been swept under...again...his powers--it didn't happen very often, and that night, both of them had almost gotten...swept away. "So, what exactly happened? If you don't mind my asking?" "We threatened to do things to him." Jared calmly ate his ham sandwich. "And things worked out from there." "If we want good seats maybe we should get going, not all of us are as fast as you!" (Looking at Patty.) "Can I catch a ride with anyone?" "Don't look at me," Patty said, "I'm riding with Eric--I can't get a driver's license..." she grimaced "...for another four months." She sighed. "That sucks, you know?" "I just turned 15, so it will be awhile before I have a car. Maybe I should just fly and be done with it." *sigh* "Flying is good. So is super speed." Jared tapped the table again. "Luckily I have the Pusher Mobile for when I don't want to fly." "True enough, but then again you'd not want to use the Pusher mobile to go the school dance would you. Might get the attention of the wrong people." Eric chimed in quickly as another plate with a burger and fries made it to his place. "Ah food." "I don't go to school." Jared took his own meal before Patty could eat it. "Besides it's right outside and it's not attracting attention." Patty snagged one of his french fries, her fingers past blur as two more simply vanished from his plate before it went out of range. "I hadn't noticed it," she admitted "I'm a wizard with the paint." Jared frowned at the fry snatching. "You don't go to school? What do you do then?" Kara looked puzzled. "I look through the old police files and help solve cold cases." Jared tapped his head. "The computer database Eric and I installed lets me look at things that I can use." Another volley of fire resulted in more peltings--a half-dozen of the pirates disappeared into the tunnel that lead from the football field to the locker rooms. The Captain was female, the brown trousers she wore hugging each and every curve, covering while leaving little to the actual imagination; a dark red vest was the sole garment that was worn above the waist, equally tight and even more taut across the chest this was; a hat, tricornered and of faded blue crowned the tight dark curls that cascaded across shoulders, blending perfectly with the skin of coffee and rich cream. A patch covered one eye while the other glittered, deep black and dangerous as this woman regarded the girl that threatened her. She pulled a musket of similar manufacture from her belt and pointed it at Jessie. With a sneer to her voice, she said, "Oh, please," and pulled the trigger. Jessie's world exploded, a racking pain shuttling from skin to soul and back again... Kara bit her lower lip. "No, I guess you're right. I wouldn't want to be a third wheel anyway. Flying would be bad, too much attention. Threes company on a date, so I won't do that. I could ride my bike, but not in a dress." She snaps her fingers! "Duh, I can ride the bus! Nice and normal! I'll be the social outcast of the year and an object of ridicule for life, but that is okay. No, it isn't okay. Right. I wonder what will be on TV?" Eric looked at her sternly as the waitress left them alone again "You know, if you were not invulnerable I'd flick you in the forehead for being so dense." Eric leaned over "Listen, you'll come with me and Patty. Your going to have fun even if I have to find a crowbar and threaten to tickle you with it." He grinned and leaned back picking up a hamburger. "I finally get to hang out with...well better friends than I ever had growing up the first time. I'm not about to let one of them stay at home sulking with a tub of ice cream and watching a rerun of who knows what. So to end discussion, your going. Get over it. I'll pick you up after I pick up Patty. last thing I need is another reason for her dad to dislike me." He smiled sheepishly Up till that point he did seem to radiate the confidence that he'd had as an adult, then it just kinda petered out as he went to eating his hamburger. He knew how Jared seemed to dislike romance, he could sense it hovering around him but like any other empath he had no idea as to the why, that was a job for a telepath after all. So like any good friend he kept his mouth shut and just didn't bring it up. Figuring at some point Jared might share this issue or he might not. It was his choice. Turning his attention back to Kara "So, keep your plans for a dress, go out and have some fun. We get second chances so I'll be damned if I'll let any of my friends miss out on some fun." Kara smiled broadly, and gave her head a slight bow. "Thank you sir. It is nice to know that there are a few gentlemen left in the world!" "Lady, all I wanted was for you to land your boat somewhere else and what do you do? You threaten to kill me! So, just remember, if you play with fire, expect to get burned!" The monocular woman just gave Jessie a caustic eye and almost casually withdrew a small metal rod mounted beneath the barrel of the weapon, slid it back into its receptacle within the wood frame...and lifted it to aim at the girl once again. Jessie then tried her cigarette lighting trick, pushing it for all she can (since she doesn't know if it is any stronger than it was). She targeted the ship's sails, ropes, and rigging. They should burn nicely! (After all she really doesn't want to hurt anyone.) "Has anyone seen Tempus since we were regressed? I find myself afraid that this is all part of some Machiavellian plot. We might get demands that we help with some crime or things will return things to the way there were. It is like living waiting for the other shoe to fall. I hate it," Kara said. "No." Jared munched along. "I've been looking for her too. So far, nada." "A lot? Our histories, the history--the more I look at it," Patty said quietly, "I don't know, and I wasn't a physicist, but I think Tempus screwed everybody--look at the Patriot, I remember seeing articles about him being in World War Two, but he appeared in this...Reality about ten years back; then there's others..." She shrugged. "I'm trying not to worry about it, but I think...this might be home permanently." "True, kinda glad about that in a strange twisted sort of way. Still it beats seducing women to get there money and designing weapons for villains or anyone else with enough money." Eric replied. "Nope, and I for one would rather not find her again. The theory I worked out with all the regression is along our own personal life paths. Those people that had anything to do with our choices in becoming what we where have come back with us in 'time' while keeping us actually in the present time. But in order to 'balance' whatever cosmic nature she holds even further, she had to bring our greatest nemesis back as well. I had two, my dad, at least I think of him as one. But there was ... someone for each of us. Example one, hardball and heartbreaker. which would mean each of us has a villain or in my case, a hero that came back on the good times express to teenhood. Biggest annoyance I have is I can barely remember my adult side, at least in terms of people I knew and met. While my skills are intact for the most part, seems I need to work on control all over again." He took the last bite of his hamburger. Patty nodded agreement--he did need to learn to control his powers. "For all I know me and Patty where fighting each other all the time as adults, villain versus hero style. As things are now I can't really picture it and I certainly have no desire to go back to that life I can barely even remember." "...and I"m not sure I really want to remember," Patty said. "We all know we had pasts, I know I was a Doctor in 'real' life...but I'll be darned if I remember how I got there--I remember snippets of Hopkins, and Residency, and fighting as..." She frowned. "I don't even remember my ID then--it wasn't Tachyon..." She shook her head and held onto Eric's hand. "That was then. This is now, and..." Patty shook her head. "No, nobody, no reports anywhere--nothing on the Internet, nothing that gives her signature on anything--either she didn't come along for the ride, or she locked us away..." She sighed and more of Pusher's fries disappeared without warning, then gave Eric's hand a squeeze and utterly failed to let go, intertwining her fingers with his, giving the remaining fries on Jared's plate a respite. "But...we're enjoying it while it lasts." "Do you mind?" Jared frowned. "I'm eating here." Patty had the decency to at least blush. "Fries are my weakness," she admitted, "sorry--but I'm still hungry and the next order isn't up yet." "Here." Jared counted out half his fries and handed them over. "That should hold you." Flame jetted out--slowly at first, then with a growing stream--it actually, despite the pangs her stomach gave from the previous hit from whatever weapon it was the female on the deck had initially fired at her--and these flame-streams played out and towards the ropes and the sails... "FIRE!" came the call as some of the more inflammable materials began to catch; the Captain simply lowered the weapon so that it was aimed at Jessie's midsection, then pulled the trigger again. She felt as though she'd had the wind knocked out of her and tumbled--then came an earth-shattering, at least for Jessie, roar and she momentarily lost consciousness... Whatever it was, it caught her in the chest, she heard ribs crunch and then Jessie tumbled head over heels, completely disoriented and only half-conscious; with a head-shuddering *SPANG!*, she glanced off of the top of something flexibly solid and bounced back skyward... She knew she was still trailing a bit of flame behind her, yet she couldn't focus enough to bring her newfound abilities back up to power--she wasn't even sure how she'd done it the first time, and simply allowed herself to bounce back skyward for a moment... Then there was a comforting and cushioning *SPLASH* and she was now cold and wet and her hair sizzled in a cloud of steam back to blonde... She wasn't sure exactly what she was looking at, but it sure looked to be a stone sculpture of Ariel from another Disney film...what, the little...the little...yeah, the Little Mermaid. It must be a Disney day. Slowly she sat up and look around. "Great. First pirates, now mermaids. What's next, Peter Pan? *Ooooooh, that HURT! " Her ribs hurt. From behind her, or more accurately, from her left side, she hears, "That's a heck of a prank they pulled." She looks for who said 'prank'. "Prank? There is a flying pirate ship at the stadium with a psycho-b**ch with guns giving orders. I gotta get back! Who knows what's going on!" She tried to get out of the fountain. Maybe when she is out of the water she can... "FLAME ON!" Well...it works in the comic books! Patty frowned and cocked her head. "What's that sound?" Sure enough, there was this...Boom noise, not dissimilar to a sudden short burst of thunder, followed by whistling noise, building in tempo and sound, dopplering in from...elsewhere... There was a *SPANG!* and whatever it was glanced off the top and denting badly the skyward side of the panel-truck of a 'Mother's Milk Diary' truck that was parked across the street, the driver inside and staring over the top of his own double-beef and cheese burger..."HEY!" Whatever it was appeared to be trailing a bit of flame yet it was flesh covered--a moment later, the whatever it was disappearing once more on the bounce... ...and there was a *splash* noise from the far side... Whatever had fallen unexpectedly from the heavens had landed across the street and in the park, and, judging by the sound of impact, in the pool that surrounded the Little Mermaid fountain. "Looks like trouble." Jared picked up his sandwich, dropped a twenty on the table, and headed for the door, still eating. Whatever had fallen unexpectedly from the heavens had landed across the street and in the park, and, judging by the sound of impact, in the pool that surrounded the Little Mermaid fountain. "Patty call 911, Jared and kara come with me." Without really thinking Eric put a twenty on the table and ran out the front door towards the park. He figured Patty being the fast one she could catch up after a phone call. It had sounded like it had hit some water, so either there was a lake he didn't remember or the sound had hit the fountain. So it was towards the fountain he was running too. Jared calmly walked behind Eric, chewing on his sandwich until it was gone. He woke up his inner self, bleaching his hair as he looked the scene over. For the moment Kara ran out with Eric and Jared, but she used her super senses [x-ray and telescopic] to take a look at the fountain on the way. [Assuming she sees a naked girl in the water] She will open her gym bag [the one she always keeps with her that has a change of clothes and her 'costume' in it] and pull out her spare outfit for the girl. Patty was already standing, her cellphone out, fingers dancing on the keys. "Okay," she said, forcing herself to remain at normal speed instead of accelerating herself. Kara draped her spare outfit over the wet teenager. "Are you okay?" Turning to Patty "Do you remember enough medical training to see if anything is broken?" Patty nodded. "I've retaken first-aid and CPR, and that brought back a bit, so let me look." "Thanks for the clothes...it looks like I may need them after all." "Not a prob." Kara blushed slightly. "I can sympathize." To the young woman, "Its...Jessie, right?" Patty smiled--there was a maturity to her words and tone. "I need you to lay back for a moment, all right? Just want to check you out..." she frowned, calling on something from somewhen else. "Are you having problems breathing?" She will then turn her super peepers towards the stadium to see if she can confirm what Jessie claimed was there. She will try to get a quick count of the number of bad guys (if present) and an idea of what the heck is going on. It took a moment to really focus in and layer the X-Ray over her telescopic vision--she can vaguely see what looked like the outline of a...ship?...settling almost to the ground inside the stadium grounds...more, at this distance (about a mile, through multiple objects) she cannot detect. "Look, I need to get back the stadium ASAP. I don't know what their game plan is, but I am pretty sure that it isn't to cheer our team to victory. Right now my friends and a half dozen of my boyfriends, are in trouble and I have to go and help!" "Down, young lady," snapped Patty, on one knee checking the cheerleader over. "Does this hurt...how about this..." "Just a little.*ouch!* Look, thanks and all, but the nurse is at the game and she can look me over later! *Ouch! Meanwhile I have to get back there. There is a whacko that needs some serious smack-a-bout!" "What are you going to do on your own?" Pusher pulled his keys out of his pocket. "Tachyon and Supergirl will go with you. They're a lot faster and can keep things under control until Emp and I get there." Patty nodded. "I've retaken first-aid and CPR, and that brought back a bit, so let me look." Quietly to Eric and Pusher, since Patty is working on Jessie, Kara said, "She isn't nuts, not completely anyway. There is a ship almost on the ground at the stadium. I can't make out what's going on though." "If you think you can keep the pirates busy without getting hurt, go ahead." Pusher pressed the button on his keys. "We'll be right behind you." *OUCH!*" Okay Doctor Kevorkian if I be good will you stop poking me?! Just help me get dressed! " Grumbling under her breath about one minute being flying around and the next playing Doctor with a complete stranger! "Next time I better get to be the doctor.....grrrrrrr....."
  13. Re: Teen Guardians November the 15 Situated along the California coast north of San Francisco yet well south of the desolate, tree-encrusted wilderness of Oregon, Jack Pine, the Park Ranger at the San Pablo National Park-which consisted primarily of the old Spanish Mission, the most northern bit of rubble from the old Spanish Empire's Colonial Era, leaned on the cliff-side railing and puffed on his cigarette, a cup of steaming hot coffee of his own brew and watched the ocean, a hundred feet down and west, go from dark to red to gold to foggy blue and back again as the mist and rain faded in and out, the fog drifting thickly, lurking amongst the heavy rocks that lined the coastline, rocks that had been the ruin of many a ship and the root cause of the settlement of the city below and just to the south. It was a cold, wet and miserable day, the mists bringing with it a steady drizzle of cold rain that just accented the post-Halloween depression caused most typically by the sudden depletion of chocolate collected on the celebration of Samhain and slumped into that low period before the spirits would rise with the smell of roasting turkey and potatoes and yams and gravy and college football and the beginning of the Christmas shopping season... Jack tossed the stub aside and turned inside, holding his still steaming mug tight in his hands--there would be no tours today, and this muscular if not overly bright Ranger's total tasks for the day would be walking the parking lot and picking up used and discarded condoms from the teens that made the parking lot that overlooked the Pacific their local headquarters for the bump-and-grind. Sooner or later, he'd actually petition for a night watchman and another Ranger, but it was nice and quiet, and that, in Jack's book, was a win. As the Ranger went into the Visitor's Center, Pete the Racoon followed him as always, only to be on the wrong side of the closing door and, as always, chittering angrily at Jack for being left outside, then proceeded, as always, to dig through the garbage cans outside the door for his own breakfast. There was at the periphery of audibility the creak of wood in the salt-laden wind that blew off the cold Pacific on this day, nothing unusual given the heavily forests that tended to fill the unpopulated areas of this part of the country... The City actually had two downtowns; the first and newest was a brightly lit series of newly constructed glass-and-steel buildings that exceeded the California recommendations and guidelines for earthquakes, and that was just off the Outer-71 Loop, in fact, the entire Loop surrounded the new downtown, glittering as it did this late afternoon as a diamond surrounded by the coal of the fog and mist that just wouldn't seem to stop. This heavy November fog was affecting everything from Seattle down to Los Angeles--out on the 52S, the Old Coast Highway, a semi, the driver half-blinded by fog was now tying up the local traffic by being inconsiderately jack-knifed across three lanes, and while traffic on the Interstate was moving, it was more a slow rush of headlights and horns flowing north and south, hampered by the fog and tempers on this Friday afternoon. The interstate wasn't the only thing piling up--at Richard M Nixon International, overflow from LAX and San Francisco was piling up as well, a dozen jetliners from all over the world on tight holding patterns as harried ATCs did their best to keep the world straight and safe. Beneath the bluffs upon which sat not only the Old Mission but the Lighthouse, though, and central to the original linear design of the town that spanned the coastline north and south, was the Old Downtown, glass and brick and wood that dated back to the nineteen thirties when the Old Coast Highway went through, connecting up San Francisco with a high-speed avenue to points north along the Oregon and Washington Coasts. While the New Downtown boasted coffee shops and all kinds of entertainment, Old Downtown was actually much more comfortable; particularly with the Town Square, lovingly refurbished and actually on the list of Protected Sites within the State's catalogue, the cause and point behind that the central fountain, which had been imported at great expense from Denmark prior to the turn of the century and was in fact an almost exact replica of Hans Christian Anderson's Little Mermaid, the original of which resided quietly within the harbor of Copenhagen. The entire square, though, was relaxing, the fountains, the grassy knolls, the big park gazebo under which the High School band would get together during the summers to practice--this had, since the 1950s, turned into a regular Saturday Night event for the townies. Surrounding the park, though, were the mom-and-pop stores that refused to die, despite the growth of Downtown... There was Reynolds Family Grocery World over on the North-East corner, right next door to which was of all things a brand-new Starbucks; catty-corner and across the square was the delicious aroma that emanated from the Three Lucky Penny Dragon Chinese Family Restaurant...and which brought not only customers, but great amusement to almost everybody when one of the members of the Immigrant family, trying to do the right thing and deal with the constantly growing feline population in the back alley had placed a carefully hand-lettered sign in the window: 'Free Kittens. Enquire Within.' There was even a hobby store called the, Anim-Ocean A Sea of Cards, Comics and Manga D&D Every Night (A New Dungeon Every Evening Or Twice Your Character's Levels Back!) that sat with dingy windows--it wasn't unlike a pornography shop, where people ducked in and ducked out quickly, hoping to not be recognized by their respectable friends and neighbors...but it'd managed to hang on for the past almost thirty years, against all odds. It was at the Cleary Restaurant, a throw-back in both design and atmosphere to the 1940s soda fountain that Patty sat next to Eric on one of the red plastic seats, their proximity giving lie to their relationship--too close to be just friends, not close enough to be lovers but with the potential to become such, and with Jared "Pusher" Lee sitting across from them, the warm smells of 'comfort food' in the form of deep-fried home fries and fresh from the grill burgers frying up on the grill behind the counter-top. Kara had only recently joined the group of students--her memories, long buried as a result of Tempus' spells had began returning just after All Hallows Eve...and it was a relief to know that she wasn't alone, that there were others out there with similar talents and abilities...well...perhaps not similar...but close enough. "Kara!" Patty called, "Over here!" There wasn't much that could distract from where the three teens sat--after all, the Cleary place was longer than wide, and besides the counter-top that ran the length on the south-side of the interior and the bench-tables that lined the north, there was just a handful, almost two handfuls, of wooden tables and chairs covered with checker-board table-cloths, and, with it being less than an hour after school, the supper rush hadn't started yet, and the football players and the cheerleaders wouldn't be in until later, since they were either at home or at school--but preparing for tonight's clincher with the Urbanville Panthers. Kara joined the others dropping her school bag on the seat before falling in beside it with a loud sigh. "I could kill for a hamburger! So, who is planning on going to the game tonight?" "We are! Right Eric?" Patty bubbled. Then continuing in a hushed voice "I'm was planning to but I'd feel guilty. Shouldn't we do something to help the commuters who are trapped in the fog?" Patty leaned forward and whispered, "We talked about that--that's the police's job...and we really can't do that much...except carry every single car home and by the time we do one or two..." There would be forever unquiet spirits in the deepest of waters, sometimes they would stir, other times, not. More fog rolled in, warm water rolling in from the South Pacific and mixing with a chill wind from the bitter northlands of Alaska and Russia. For those who might listen careful, attentive to such things... ...they might, at the edge of hearing, hear the creak of timber and the cry of the lookout. "Land ho!" "I wish I could help. but its not like I can do anything like you two on that scale." Eric looked a bit sheepish. "besides maybe it'll help me figure something out for my turn at this Demons and Darklords game." He smiled "Always hung out with the popular people when I was in school last time... Figure I'd try hanging out with you guys and a few of the teens that tend to go to that fantasy game shop. Tends to be fun acting normal." He was pretty sure that they'd left out his criminal past from Kara, but one never knew after all. With a slight frown followed by another sigh. "Yeah. O guess you're right. I don't know if the police would like us 'interfering' anyway. We could offer our help at least. As long as we remember that anything freely offered can be freely declined. If they have it handled we will respect that." He smiled. "It can wait until after a double burger with extra ketchup and pickles!" "I've never tried Demons and Darklords." "It is fun?" "Well, it certainly lets me keep with local school gossip while being inactive with the kids that never open up and get bullied." He smiled "And it is fun creating dungeons for people to explore and hopefully escape the traps within. I think I've been called a Killer GM a few times already." Kara smiled a mischievous grin. "BTW don't think I didn't notice that you are 'settling' for hanging out with us!" "He'd better," Patty said, "I hang out with him, and he owes all of us!" She gave Jared, across the table, a grin. "You're being quiet!" Her expression becomes slightly more serious. "I don't remember the 'last' time. I was thinking about becoming a cheerleader, but at 5'4" I don't think I would 'measure up'." She turned to Patty "Do you play 'Demons and Darklords'? I imagine that being on the track team wouldn't give you time to try out for the squad, would it?" The creak of wood, the smell of salt-saturated timber heralded the arrival, though none were present to actually witness it, save for the single non-speaking participant, the racoon known only as Pete. He chittered angrily and waved a tiny gray-black-and white fist in the air as the curved wooden form sailed with but the sound of canvas flapping tautly in the wind, only to disappear slowly into the distance, descending towards the City. His brave task accomplished and the villains that would threaten his meal appropriately vanquished, Pete turned back to the discarded, half-eaten tray of nachos and cheese and finished his dinner... ...and after a time, when he felt sure that nobody who mattered would see, struck a match and touched it to the butt of a cigarette scavenged from the ash-can and relaxed, seated on his furry little butt, tail spayed out between his legs. Myrna--rumor had it that she'd been there since the place originally opened as a bar-and-grill in the forties, but she couldn't be much older than their parents, which would put her well past a hundred--nodded and withdrew a pencil from the mass of orange hair and presumably from behind her ear. "All right, hon," she called from the other side of the counter, and relayed the order to Jeremy at the grill, a high-school dropout that had found his niche in the world. Kara smiled broadly. "Thanks! Could you ask Jeremy to hold the onions please?" Patty did her absolute best not to roll her eyes at this comment. "Isn't a it a good thing to be a 'killer GM'?" "I never got into those games, I just go, sit with Eric while he has his fun and read," she acknowledged, then Patty looked down at the plate that held not one but two double cheeseburgers, one half eaten, and said softly, "Had to quit the team, it wasn't fair to the others." Kara nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I understand that. Probably not a good thing to try out as a cheerleader. Sometimes it sucks being 'talented' like us." She gave a little grimace. "Mom and Dad weren't happy with that, said Eric was a bad influence, but I'm branching into both the Science Club and Theater, and that seems to have taken the heat off." A shrug. "I hope." Kara smiled (she smiled a lot). "Theater?! That sounds like fun! My dad would love it f I got more involved in science. I don't know what I want to do. I would like to help people, but being a doctor doesn't sound right for me. Maybe I could become a police officer. I think I could pass the physical!" *wink* The blonde looked across the table, and with her free hand--her left was holding Eric's right--patted 'Pusher' on the hand. "Hey, Jared, what's going on, you're being too quiet today." Jokingly, "Maybe he is just a little lost in the fog!" "He's always lost," Patty teased. "My parents have been able to bring some more of the cousins over from the old country." Jared tapped the table as he looked out the window. "I have been able to help behind the scenes." "Old country? Where are they? Is there anything we can do to help?" "They live in San Francisco, and they should be dead." Jared shrugged. "I have been making sure to keep an eye on things in case there are problems." Patty raised her eyebrows at this... Patty perked up. "I didn't know your family just planted down roots here! Where are you originally from!" "I'm from San Francisco." Jared sipped his soda. "I moved here to Chance City after my parents died the first time around. It looks like going missing has changed history again." The fog settled quietly along the coastline, skimming almost unnoticed in the muffling and camouflaging fog, a hundred feet of salt-saturated iron and timber that trailed a hint of seaweed and bilgewater trickling from silent pumps; as it passed, the ship's name, painted in gold upon black on the aft of the craft announced it as the 'Ill Wind'. Though it was quiet as a crypt, there still came, were any to truly be aware of it, the sensation of unbridled activity... ...and on one railing that overlooked the main deck of the vessel from a past nightmare rested a leather-encased foot; smaller, perhaps than one would expect, the ebon leather wrapped around a foot smaller than one might suspect to belong to someone in command of such a vessel; it led its way up a supple calf before turning down below the knee... ...the possessor and wearer of this footwear turned about as a form appeared from the mists. "Cap'n," said a masculine voice, "we be on time 'n' on course, ye orders?" Dark curls cascaded across shoulders covered only by a vest that strained its laces taut across the front and the chin dipped slightly and a voice that would melt the ice upon the soul replied, "Put the 'wind down, we be takin' on more crew." There was the 'schwing' of steel on scabbard as the Captain pulled a cutlass and pointed at an empty, grass-covered field that appeared almost miraculously appeared from the fog. "There, and we go ashore." Even as the response came, "Aye, aye, Captain," the ship's sails furled and the vessel began its descent... Jessie stood out in the mist and in the comfort that was the threat of drizzled early evening rain, the moisture helping cool her seemingly overheated skin. She felt like she was definitely running a fever, her skin just felt like it was burning up, and the miniskirt and long-sleeved blouse and sweater did nothing but aggravate the singularly irritating itch that every bit of skin had become. The other Cheerleaders had retreated into the locker-room area to have pizza and relax from practice before the game--that was an hour off--and leaving their Number Two outside by herself, the title of 'Assistant Head Cheerleader' given her solely from talent and not from reputation. Her skin itched even more--her finger had felt like this when she discovered her ability to light her grandfather's... ...cigarettes... ...but that really didn't matter, because as bad as she itched, all over, her attention was suddenly grabbed by a dark shape that looked strangely like a boat hull descending from the mists through which not even the light-poles could be seen... ...but what attracted her attention even more was the cry of, "LAND HO!" and a rope, apparently thrown from above, glancing off her shoulder. Jessie looked up, surprised and confused. By instinct, she grabbed hold of the rope. She smiled and gave into a chaotic impulse, kicking off her shoes she decides to climb the rope to see where it led. Kara shrugged. "My parents fled the USSR. They were forbidden from being together so they escaped to where they could be. So I know what it is like. If I can help just tell me how?" "Right now, I'm keeping an eye on things remotely." Jared had lost his parents once so he already knew what it felt like. "They don't even know where I am." She cocked her head to one side. "If it isn't a good thing, why do it? Maybe I will play and you can teach me. If it turns out not to be fun for me I can always find something else to get into mischief with!" "So Patty I was planning on going dress shopping this weekend for the dance. I'm sure someone will ask me soon. Would you like to hit the mall tomorrow? Eric looked at her for a bit "Well that doesn't sound very good. At least your here now right?" He smirked a bit "by the way, no its not a good thing to be a killer GM. Few players tend to like it. But I'm still surprised how many show up to play anyway." "There's always someone who thinks luck will help them out." Jared thought at least Eric was a little happier than in the original timeline. What happened to him if they ever found a way to switch it back. "Don't tell me you're cheating." The rough hemp rope did nothing to diminish the itch of Jessie's skin on her hands, her legs, her feet as she started to shimmy up the thick and dangling cord; less than ten feet up she found herself spinning slightly, and with a glance up, the cause became apparent... ...someone was descending the rope she was climbing. Not only that, to her left, to her right, on the other side of this improbably hovering wooden vessel from two centuries past were more ropes dangling and... It was like being in a bad Disney movie--there were people dressed in tri-cornered hats, breeches and hose, vests and long coats, brandishing pistols and swords as they descended groundward quickly... ...and the one that dropped upon the rope to which she clung smashed headlong into her, knocking her towards the ground... Patty just shook her head and finished one of the two burgers before her. "I'd love to," Patty bubbled happily, then her heel seemed to idly grind into Eric's foot. "But I don't know if I'm going to the dance..." the grinding of her heel against Eric's toes seemed to gain in power "...but nobody's asked me yet." She grinned at Kara. "Who are you going with?" She looked pointedly at Jared. Seeing the guys coming down the rope, Jessie swore under her breath. "You have to be kidding me! We're being attacked by 'Pirates of the Caribbean'!" "Oy! Donovan!" came the call from another one of the...pirates. "Ye done knocked a li'l bit o'girl off'n yer rope!" Trying to climb in such as way that she can scratch her itchy skin at the same time, climbing the rope was hard, now it seemed like avoiding being kicked in the head was impossible! A boot to the head was inevitable. It caught her and knocked her completely free, giving a momentary sensation of falling... The itching that had just been an increasing annoyance all day redoubled. She smelled smoke, the roar in her ears overwhelming the catcalls of the... ...all right, they were pirates. Being less than 10 feet up she uses her acrobatic training to prepare for her landing. It just wouldn't do for her to show up at the victory party with a big bruise on her butt! Eric grimaced as the heel found his toe "Really? What a surprise to hear..." he waited a moment and then kept his grin "So if it wouldn't be to much of a inconvenience Patty. How about going to the dance with me? I'll try and make it as pleasant as possible." he said acting as if going with him might be the worst thing since the movie 'attack of the slime monster' "You..." Patty giggled and elbowed him gently in the ribs. She grinned at Kara. "Who are you going with?" She looked pointedly at Jared. Kara will blush at that. "Yeah, I kinda know the type. Sometimes I am guilty of that. I have a lot of abilities and I remember being so...powerful before." She frowned deeply. "I know, sooner or later, that I am going to run off half cocked and over confident and get myself or someone else killed. I hope you guys will help me remember none of us are invincible, and that as a group we are stronger than as individuals." "Oh, I'm sure someone will," Patty giggled, "even if we have to make them ask." Sadly, "No one has asked me. I am going anyway. Maybe someone will at least ask me to dance." Kara smiled sweetly at Patty. "No, that's okay. I would rather go alone than make someone ask me. I would have to be pretty pathetic to be someone's pity date!" "A lot? Our histories, the history--the more I look at it," Patty said quietly, "I don't know, and I wasn't a physicist, but I think Tempus screwed everybody--look at the Patriot, I remember seeing articles about him being in World War Two, but he appeared in this...Reality about ten years back; then there's others..." She shrugged. "I'm trying not to worry about it, but I think...this might be home permanently." Kara looked downcast. "I don't remember much from my previous life. I remember I was unhappy. No, unhappy would have been like Disneyland compared to the pain I lived with every day. I don't want to go back to that, I couldn't survive it. I am happy now. I don't know about you guys, maybe this is hell for you. I don't know what you lost by coming back, or being brought here." "Well, if someone won't take a hint, I'm sure I can let Eric dance with you a bit," Patty said. "Why thank you Patty! Every guys dream, taking two girls to the same dance!" Kara shook her head, "I don't think that is such a good idea. Eric is so cute, and if he turns out to be a good dancer I might be tempted to try to steal him away from you!" "I don't want to lose your friendship so I politely decline the loan of your boy-toy." Then more brightly "I want to be there in case there is trouble. Someone might spike the punch bowel and need to be driven home for their own, and other people's safety. " "Eric's already promised me he wasn't going to do that." Again with the heel. "Right?" No bruises, Jessie simply failed to hit the ground; she was hovering off the ground, surrounded by a halo of fine, flaked ash that dissipated quickly in the light, misty breeze... ...and these...pirates...were staring at her. "Great Holy Hell," came the words from one... "And again and again and again," Patty said. "Have you noticed that there are different...adult...heroes than there were before everything happened?" "I think some were our predecessors." Jared tapped the table slightly. "I think we have screwed up our own personal history a lot." Patty reached across and patted Kara's hand, not unlike she'd done with Jared, then pulled it back quickly as Kara's order appeared as though by magic. "Here y'are, hon!" Myrna almost sang--the burger was a real quarter pound of beef and topped with two slabs of chedder cheese; on the tray balanced in the waitress' thick hand were drink refills for all. And then she was gone again. "We won't let you forget, Kara," Patty promised quietly, giving Jared a look and a grin, "right?" "I'm sure she has a fine memory." Jared hoped she had a fine memory. That much was certainly true--Jessie was about six feet off the ground and stationary, with the invading buccaneers either on the ground or in a few cases, still hanging from their ropes and staring at her. From above, a commanding voice, feminine in nature started a slow movement and cluster towards a spot directly beneath the floating craft, "Move your asses you lazy dogs!" "WOW! I'm flying!!! Look, what was your name, Donovan? I don't know what you are doing but you can't land your boat here. You see we are going to have a football game in less than an hour. You got to go!" She pauses for a moment. "It is just my imagination or is it there a draft?" Eric nodded "Yup. I had thought about adding some lemon juice and maybe some cherry extract. But I was out voted by Patty and a dozen missed kisses and no phone calls for a week if I didn't at least try and spend the night as Eric Drake, instead of Eric The Anti-Authority Teenager. Seemed like a good idea so I agree'd to it." He moved his foot a bit covertly "But really, I'd expect the football players to spike the punch really. I think that's how half of them get girls to notice them. Well, that and brawn...and before Patty brings it up I promised also not to start any fights with the team and ends with them smacking there heads into the wall, table or floor. I'll assume she also meant anything else I can find there as well. But in return I get to at least act jealous and beat up one that flirts with her if I over hear it." He grinned looking at Patty. "right?"
  14. Re: Walking With Strangers THanks Bub. I have to get through the boring intros then have Sgt Baloo rescued, then have the Wolf Corps show up. Then the battle for the city takes place. CES
  15. Re: Walking With Strangers 7 Chad Reilly walked the football field at the back of the school. He had a lot of thinking to do about his future, and pacing helped him with that. The football area was big enough that he could walk around it while he thought without being bothered. The first thing was his baseball team. Tim Bucket was his star pitcher. His other pitchers just couldn't throw the ball as hard as Tim. On the other hand, he couldn't keep Tim on the team since he could throw a car through the air. That was bound to result in calls of cheating. Tim made the hard decision to quit on his own. His scholarship hungry father must hate it, but the boy's future would be marred if his secret was ever found out. People would forget any good he had done as Trebuchet, and concentrate on the fact he had an unequaled advantage as a pitcher and used it. Then there was this deal as a training officer with this group of would be heroes. That had dropped in his lap, even though he was retired from the Project, and his powers were slowly fading away. He didn't have much longer as a hero. It didn't feel right to try to get back in harness. He might get one of his new comrades killed if his powers faded at the wrong moment. Reilly also had a load of work as a teacher when the baseball season wasn't going on. He had tons of work to grade and clear for his students. Usually he did that after practice. His new responsibility would cut into that unless he could set up a schedule to work with the new team and cover all his bases. Basically it was looking like he was going to be busy juggling a mess that used to be a well ordered life. He would just have to take steps to improve things. That's what they had taught him in the service, and the Project. Reilly paused on the field, realized he had walked in a circle for almost an hour. He wasn't getting anything done pacing. He better start by making some phone calls and checking in with the others. He could work on his papers after that. Tomorrow he would start working the relief pitchers and figure out what they could do. Reilly wondered when he had stopped worrying about the future. It seemed to have slipped away from the way he did things. He knew he had avoided as much risk as possible when he had started out. Now risk was a thing on a checklist to be marked off. Reilly talked with Odd Dorfman. The Question Man was out helping someone, the rest hadn't checked in yet. They were probably still deciding on if they wanted to be a team and help others. Reilly pulled up some tiling under his desk. His costume sat in the metal box he kept it in if he ever needed it. He pulled it out. Maybe he could do some low flying around town, get some practice in. Hopefully his body would keep on letting him get away with minor things as long as he didn't do anything major like he had against the lake monster. Blasting its mouth had nearly sent him down for the count, even though he had put a professional face on it. Reilly took the gray suit, hood, boots and gloves, out of the container. He covered the chest up with the tiles, tamping them down with his thumbs. He changed in his office. He made sure to keep the blinds closed so he could preserve his identity as much as possible. Once ready, the Enforcer floated into the gym to the skylight in the ceiling. He opened the window up and drifted on the roof. Reilly didn't have enough for the fast flying he had possessed in his youth. On the other hand, he could jump really far with an assist. That would give him distance and speed without taxing his body beyond its limits. The gray clad Enforcer leaped from building to building in quick arcs. The thought that he must look like a giant bunny crossed his mind. He smiled under his hood as he sized up his next landing zone and jumped again. He would be at the book store in a few minutes at this rate.
  16. Re: The New Circle Thanks, Bubba. If you ever have a use for any of this, let me know. That would be cool. CES
  17. Re: Mental regen Would a healing, only versus mental powers, work out? CES
  18. Re: ROV character. build the vehicle then add mind control versus it, and gestures. Maybe mind scan to lock on it. CES
  19. Re: The New Circle Character Name: Super Silver Astro Force Man Real Name: Ken Himura Nationality: Japanese Hair/Eye Color: Brown, Hazel Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan Date of Birth: 10/17/85 Height/Mass: 5'8", 125 pounds Cost Characteristic Value 10 STR 20 33 DEX 21 24 CON 22 20 BODY 20 5 INT 15 10 EGO 15 PRE 10 COM 10 PD 4 ED 4 19 SPD 5 REC 8 END 44 STUN 40 OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 5 DECV: 5 Phases: 3,5,8,10,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Armor 20 pd/20 ed, 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), extra time to start up (-3/4) 30 pts. Giant elemental control 30 pts Linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 17 points Growth 60 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 34 pts, 17 pts Physical Strength 60 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4), can only use ten points of strength per ten points of growth. (-½) 26 pts, 9 pts Density Increase 60 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4), can only use ten points of density increase per ten points of growth (-½) 26 pts. 9 pts Flight 15" 30 pts linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 17 pts Ranged killing attack, 5d6 75 pts Linked to armor (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 42 pts, 25 pts 16 pts Fast healing 2d6 20 pts reduced endurance (+1/2), persistent (+1/2), extra time (-1), self only (-1/2) 20 pts Find weakness all hand to hand attacks 11- 32pts Danger sense Cost Skills 3 Combat piloting 14- 3 Combat driving 14- 5 TF: Fighters, Helicopters, wheeled vehicles 2 Navigation 12- 3 System operation 12- 3 AK: Japan 12- 3 AK: Tokyo 12- 3 KS: Monsters 12- 3 Streetwise 11- 2 Survival 12- 3 Shadowing 14- 3 Criminology 12- 3 Lockpicking 14- 2 WF: small arms 3 KS: the Law 12- 2 police powers 3 Analyze monsters 12- 25 + 5 with hand to hand 10 Contact: Head of the Monster Squad 11- 150 Points Disadvantages 15 Secret Identity 15 Reputation: Monster Hunter 14- 10 Rivalry with other monster hunters 15 Protective of people 20 Psych lim: hatred of monsters 10 DF: Silver Giant 25 Hunted by giant monsters and alien invaders 14- 15 Watched by the Japanese Government 14- 20 Subject to orders 5 Harmful secret: police impersonator CHA Cost = 121 Total Powers Cost = 155 Total Skills Cost = 74 Total Cost = _____346____________ Background Information: Ken Himura acts like any other cop assigned to the special weapons unit of the Japanese Defense Force's Monster Attack Squad F. He plays cards, drinks a little, jumps through hoops to remain certified, and attacks any giant beast that wanders on the island nation from the Pacific. Ken has two secrets that he keeps to himself. The lesser secret is that he isn't really Ken Himura. The real Himura was killed during an attack, and Ken took over for him, taking his place in the squad. He explained his problems with procedures and his new features with emergency surgery after the attack. So far only the head of the squad suspects that Ken is an imposter, but has decided to let it lie since Ken is obviously connected to Super Silver Astro Force Man in some way. Ken's other secret is he is the giant defender of Japan. Ken was fishing on the ocean when the attack that killed the real Himura took place. Something was there, trying to stop the rampage crossing the landscape. It broke apart under the strain of battle. Some of it pierced the fisherman in the heart, granting him power to finish the fight. Ken drove the monster off after several minutes of fighting. After the battle was done, he found the pilot from the JDF charred beyond recognition. He took the dog tags and buried the body before reinforcements could arrive. He had been wounded in his other identity and used that to conceal his face until he was released from the hospital and returned to active duty. Every since he has been living his weird triple life. Quote: "Take some of this, you (&*^(*&!" Personality: Ken has done what he can to blend in with the other pilots and ground crew of the MASF. Unfortunately he is very protective of civilians and hates monsters. These two traits in his current job has put him on watch for being too brash in certain situations. Appearance: Ken looks like a fairly young Asian with a small scar on his face that he claims is from plastic surgery. He typically dresses in uniforms for the squad, but he always seems to be too casual in how he wears them. Powers: Ken is a fast healer and senses danger when he is just himself. When he calls on the power within, he becomes a super tall, super dense brick, that seems made of silver. He can fly and shoot beams of energy in this state. Plot Hook 1) The monsters start attacking in bigger numbers. Ordinary criminals also cut loose at the same time. Japan's authorities are swamped. Will the players respond to the state of emergency? Plot Hook 2) The players are faced with a trail of clues from crimes on their home turf that lead back to Tokyo. Have the powers of monsters been harnessed by Organized Crime? Plot Hook 3) Super Silver Astro Force Men appear around the world. They request that the missing member of their party reveal himself. What happens if he doesn't or can't? Notes: Naturally the base for this was the first Ultraman from my childhood.
  20. Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain... I have to agree with Admiral C. If you can't build a mage out of what was given here, even just rough ideas, your GM is afraid to have a mage in his game. Your options seem to be boiling down to switch to another profession, play with as limited choices as you are allowed, just throw down the gauntlet and ask him why he is being a jerk, start your own game, or look for games on the internet you can run through mail. Personally if I had to jump through hoops to get into a game, it's not worth my time to play. CES
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Watched My own worst enemy last night. Deadly secret agent is given a cover by making him have a split personality. The problems start when the secondary wakes up in the middle of a mission. Got the complete Sherlock Holmes. Got through the first two disks and have the third in the player now. Ronald Howard and H. Marion Crawford come across as a unique Holmes/Watson team. CES
  22. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Bloodline by F Paul Wilson. Repairman Jack versus the baby of the future. CES
  23. Re: Steampunky gadget pool rocket hands: flight usable on others, only one direction the rolling eyeball: clairsentience, not through solid objects. The door gun: Tunneling CES
  24. Re: a medical magic school fer thy campain... Maybe your GM should read Harry Potter. This is becoming way too complicated for a simple magic doctor character. It would be way more easier just to say this is what you can have in your speciality. CES
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