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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: The New Circle Obviously War and Peace is my Hawk and Dove. I hoped you who are reading this thread like the adaption. CES
  2. Re: The New Circle Plot Hook 3: War has formed an army of mercenaries to accomplish some hidden goal. He refuses to talk to any heroes, and no has seen his partner, Peace, for some days. Peace Hair/eye color- Blond/Blue Height/mass- 5'5"/ 125 pounds Nationality- American Place of birth- Phoenix, Arizona Date of birth- December 20, 1977 STR (3 pts) 13/33 DEX (27 pts) 19/39 CON (18 pts) 19/39 BODY 10/30 INT (3 pts) 13 EGO (4 pts) 12 PRE (5 pts) 15 COM (2 pts) 14 PD 2/6 ED 3/7 SPD 2/4 REC 5/13 END 38/78 STUN 27/65 OCV/DCV 6/13 ECV 4 PHASES 6,12/3,6,9,12 Powers + 20 str (20 pts), oihid (-1/4) 16 pts + 20 dex (60 pts), oihid (-1/4) 48 pts + 20 con, (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts + 20 body (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts Armor 15 pd/ 15 ed (45 pts) oihid (-1/4) 36 pts 50% physical and energy Damage Reduction resistant (60 pts) oihid (-1/4) 48 pts 60 pt agility multipower OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts 4U 30" flight (60 pts), only in contact with surface (-1/4), OIHID (-1/4) 40 pts 2U +8 DCV (40 pts), uses endurance (-1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 23 pts 1U desolid (40 pts), only versus entangles and grabs (-1), OIHID (-1/4), not through solid objects (-1/2), does not protect against damage (-1) 10 pts 3U 12d6 Hand Attack (60 pts) OIHID (-1/4), hand to hand attack (-½) 34 pts 3U 12d6 Energy Blast (60 pts), OIHID (-1/4), Gesture to activate (-1/4), Needs object to throw (-1/4) 34 pts 2U Missile deflection all physical missiles, reflect any target (50 pts), OIHID (-1/4), cost endurance (-½) 28 pts 30 + 15 vpp OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4), only to simulate skills and talents (-1/4), 25 pts Mental Defense 10 pts Find Weakness with powers 14- (35 pts) OIHID (-1/4) 28 pts Life Support: self contained breathing, all terrestrial diseases and poisons (30 points) OIHID (-1/4) 24 pts Cost Skill Roll 3 KS: dentistry 3 PS: dentistry 3 Forensic medicine 2 TF: small ground vehicles 11- 3 combat driving 3 paramedic 9 Lightning reflexes + 3 with all actions Disadvantages 150 pts 15 Secret Identity 5 DF: hidden power 20 Accidental Change in the presence of magic 10 Reputation: Pacifist 20 Hunted by Demon 11- 15 Hunted by the Demonologist 11- 15 Hunting Takofanes 20 Code versus Killing 15 Hatred of violence 15 DNPC: Mrs. Carter (mother), normal, unaware of secret identity, 8- Characteristics Cost: 62 Powers Cost: 362 Skills Cost: 26 Total Cost: 450 Plot Hook 1) Peace has decided to take a stand against gang violence in Phoenix. No one appreciates her position, or her constant interference on both sides of the law. Plot Hook 2) Everyone knows Peace's reputation as a pacifist, and her restraint for using violence. The news agencies begin reporting her increasingly violent methods, including putting villains in the hospital. The fear is that she will kill someone in a berserker rage. Plot Hook 3) War and Peace fall into a trap, but Peace escaped. She turns to the heroes for help in rescuing her husband. 88888888 War creates weapons and tools out of thin air. Peace relies on internal abilities and skills. They work well with other heroes who happen to cross into their home field. Their emphasis is on mystical crimes, and trying to devise a method to deal Takofanes once and for all. This quest is what has brought them to the attention of Demon as they compete against Black's forces. An advantage for the duo is the fact that their mystic aura is only detectable when they are in heroic identity and their heroic identities activate when they are in the presence of magic. That gives them a warning when there is a certain danger around. War and Peace rarely travel outside their city, but they can and will do anything to uphold their end of the bargain they made.
  3. Re: Help: Time Villains I had a rule that the character couldn't meet himself when time traveling. Also even the littlest thing could change reality for the worse. That kept the heroes from using it except as a last ditch effort to save the world. CES
  4. Re: The New Circle I can't really snatch any of your characters, S. I am only running a part of a champions game so I can't really throw a lot of NPCS in for the other GM to deal with. CES
  5. Re: The New Circle A chorus of voices talked to the wounded Lyceums, telling them of the great wave of darkness that needed to be opposed. The arrival of Takofanes had stirred up forces, long dormant and half forgotten by men. Someone had to oppose those tidal changes. The couple agreed, seeing the hope of finding out what had happened to them and their baby. Horatio became a master of weapons, demolitions, armed and armored with equipment from his own imagination. Deirdre was a master of her own body, and how to use it to protect herself from harm. Things were clearer for her than when she was without the change. They took the vow to help stop Takofanes and any other of his ilk, and became War and Peace. War Hair/eye color- Brown/brown Height/mass- 5'9"/175 pounds Nationality- American Place of birth- Phoenix, AZ Date of birth- December 20, 1977 STR (10 pts) 20/40 DEX (3 pts) 11/31 CON (10 pts) 15/35 BODY (10 pts) 15/35 INT (5 pts) 15 EGO (10 pts) 15 PRE (4 pts) 14 COM 10 PD 4/8 ED 3/7 SPD 2/4 REC 7/15 END 30/70 STUN 33/72 OCV/DCV 3/ 10 ECV 5 PHASES 6, 12/ 3,6,9,12 Powers + 20 str (20 pts), oihid (-1/4) 16 pts + 20 dex (60 pts), oihid (-1/4) 48 pts + 20 con, (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts + 20 body (40 pts), oihid (-1/4) 32 pts Armor 15 pd/ 15 ed (45 pts) oihid (-1/4) 36 pts 50% physical and energy Damage Reduction resistant (60 pts) oihid (-1/4) 48 pts 60 pt weapon multipower OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts 3U 8d6 Energy Blast (40 pts), Variable advantages (+1/2), OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate, Variable limitations (-1/4) 34 pts 2U 2d6 RKA (30 pts), Variable advantages (+1/2), OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4), Variable limitations (-1/4) 25 pts 4U 6d6 Entangle, 6 DEF (60 pts), OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4) 40 pts 2U 12 ed/ 12 pd Force Wall (60 pts), OIHID (-1/4), self only (-1/2), no range (-1/2), Gestures to activate (-1/4) 24 pts 4U 30" Flight (60 pts), only on contact with surface (-1/4) 48 pts 30 + 15 vpp OIHID (-1/4), Gestures to activate (-1/4), only to simulate gadgets (-1/4), 25 pts Mental Defense 10 pts Find Weakness with powers 14- (35 pts) OIHID (-1/4) 28 pts + 4 with powered attacks (12 pts) OIHID (-1/4) 10 pts Life Support: self contained breathing, all terrestrial diseases and poisons (30 points) OIHID (-1/4) 24 pts Cost Skill Roll 3 KS: Accounting 12- 3 PS: Accounting 12- 3 systems operation 12- 3 computer programming 12- 3 cryptography 12- 3 deduction 12- 3 bureaucratics 11- 3 lightning calculator 2 TF: small ground vehicles 11- Disadvantages 150 pts 10 Reputation: Trigger happy vigilante 20 Hunted by Demon 11- 15 Hunted by the Demonologist 11- 15 Hunting Takofanes 20 Protective of Peace 15 Hatred of exploiters of children 15 Enraged if Peace is hurt 11-, 11- 15 Secret Identity 5 DF: hidden power 20 Accidental Change in the presence of magic Characteristics Cost: 52 Powers Cost: 372 Skills Cost: 26 Total Cost: 422 Plot Hook 1) War and Thunderbird have been seen chasing a man through the city. Neither has paused long enough to explain what they want with the man, or the strange globe he carries as he tries to escape the two masked vigilantes. Plot Hook 2) Hundreds of similar but different Wars have appeared, plunging the city into chaos as they compete with each other, and causing massive collateral damage as they go. A friendly duplicate informs the PCs that this is a contest with the last man standing as the victor. No one knows what the prize is, and none have seen the original hero since the confusion started.
  6. Re: The New Circle War and Peace 1 It was a house with a good view of the street, but surrounded by hedges to keep the neighbors from seeing what was going. They had numerous visitors at regular intervals. They passed that off as relatives coming by for parties and such. Irregular visits at all hours tended to attract the notice of the police for many reasons. Others had taken notice and decided to do something to the owners of the house with a view. After all they had been given gifts, and instructions to on how to use them. "It's go time," said the bigger silhouette, cradling a massive rifle in his arms. "Remember we need to be gentle," said the smaller silhouette, arms crossed. "Gentle this," said the rifleman, taking aim at the house. He pulled the trigger on the rectangular rifle. A wall exploded a second later, causing the front of the house to fall in. Debris flipped outward in a lazy way from the impact. "You call that gentle?," said the rifleman's partner, charging forward. "Heck no," said the other, lights sparking on his costume as he walked forward. "That was my knock on the door. That way we know that they know that we mean business." "You're incorrigible, War," said the smaller vigilante, halfway across the lawn. A visor lit as she scrambled to get to the opened side of the residence. Hopefully those inside had enough sense to give up after War's display of explosive firepower. "I'll never change, Peace," said War, moving slower but steady to where he had blown the wall down. 8888888 Horatio and Deirdre Lyceum had been an ordinary married couple. Horatio was an accountant, working his way up in a local firm. Deirdre had taken leave from her job as a dental hygienist because she was expecting. Everything was going their way. The night that Deirdre went into labor, Horatio was driving them to the hospital. Her doctor was on the way already. A room would be ready for them. A green fog swept over their car as they neared the medical center. When it had cleared away, it left them both wounded and the baby was gone. The Lyceums spent time at the hospital trying to recover from the damage that had been done. More than once, they contemplated suicide since no one could help them. It was at this point, they heard voices.
  7. Re: Silver's Magistracy 2 "Take it easy, hon," said Phaeton. "We all know you have been working on a training area that can take our powers. Maybe it isn't a whole building, but we know you are feeling at loose ends waiting for the equipment tests." "It's taking forever," said Luna. "I don't think the prototype I have will stand up to any one of us much less all of us combined in one area." "We have a problem," said Quick, helmet covering her head with a pop of sound. Her attention was back on the news channel she had been watching when the meeting had been called. A building in New York City had collapsed. Some kind of bomb had been detonated, razing the building to the ground. Out of the smoke and rubble, black aircraft strafed the surrounding edifices with square lasers. Shattered glass rolled down in a deadly silver cloud. Black armored soldiers began setting up equipment in a rush. "Six other cities are reporting the same thing," said Quick. Silver stared for a moment in shock. He didn't know what to do for that long second. Then the freeze passed as his mind decided what had to be done. "Find out if anyone is responding to this, Maker, and where," Silver said. "We're taking the Shift to any cities that have no metahumans already responding. We don't want to overlap our efforts. Let's go." Quick had vanished from the room, a slight pop marking her passage through the air. The rest of the group moved slower, but not much slower. Equipment checks went on as they piled into the teleporter room that they had liberated from the group they had replaced. Maker had worked out a way to boost the power to reach anywhere in the world from the middle of the Atlantic where the M building sat. "The CORPS, The School, and the Lizard and the Odd Squad have sent word that they are moving in their home cities," reported Maker. "That takes care of New York, Washington, and Chicago. We are left with Los Angeles, Atlanta, Dallas, and Santa Fe." "Santa Fe?," said Luna. "What the crap do they want in Santa Fe?" "Does that matter?," said Maker. "Phaeton, take Santa Fe," said Silver, cutting off any more discussion. "Luna and Maker, take LA. John and Quick, take Atlanta. Chemist, you with me at Dallas. First priority is defense of lives, then intelligence. Let's do this." Phaeton stepped on the pad, blinking away in a storm of motes. Then the rest of the Magistrates loaded into the glowing storm, vanishing to their duty on the main land. Phaeton reappeared high over New Mexico. Mountains and desert stretched out below, but what drew his attention was the small army of black armored soldiers working inside the wreckage of a building that had been blown up on arrival. Several squads fired at the assembled law enforcement to keep them away from their work area. "Time to do my thing," Phaeton said, as he turned his fall into glowing flight.
  8. Re: Bigoted Archetypes That characterization has to be from the radio shows, D-Man. In the movies I have seen, Chan has a very solid reputation with everyone he meets, even at one point having to wear a disguise because of his fame. The one stereotype I did see in one of those movies is the cowardly black cabbie who nevertheless gets involved in bad things going on when he should be leaving the scene as fast as possible. CES
  9. Re: Your character's theme song would be? The sports thing reminds me of a baseball game in the young all stars where Iron Munroe hit the ball so hard there was nothing left. CES
  10. Re: Your character's theme song would be? Bao Shen would probably have Headstrong by Trapped. Beetle Bot would go with Mr. Roboto by Styx. I'll have to think about Pusher. Nothing comes to mind. CES
  11. Re: How many threads? sometimes one for player, sometimes only one. CES
  12. I got an idea for some stories from the boards. I thought I would share the work in progress. I am not the greatest writer, and this will need some proofreading after, but I hope you enjoy. CES 1 Jerry Silver looked into the mirror, wondering how he had gotten himself into this situation. He had assumed authority over a group of independents who had been betrayed by the powers that be. It was a second chance for them, and himself. The problem was he wasn't ready to look after a group of people. He could barely hold himself together, and everyday the pain coursing through him got worse. He didn't have long to live. This could be his last chance to leave a legacy of good in the world after some of the mistakes he had made. He couldn't just throw that away. Jerry ran some water in his hands, and splashed it on his face. He wiped the water off with a towel. He took one last look at his face, trying to form a scowl instead of the worried look he had. He wanted to project confidence in himself and his new associates. Jerry stepped out of the bathroom, and headed to the small meeting room that had been set up close to his office/quarters. The rest of the team should already be there. They all had their own interests so this was probably going to be as brief as he could make it so they could get back to it. Jerry pushed opened the door, still working on his scowl of authority as he went to his chair. All of them were there, talking about personal business. That was good. They were getting to know each other a little better. That would make things easier when it was time to operate in the field. John Public and the Maker were in one corner, his gray, almost drab suit contrasting with her silver and black armor and blank helmet. The Chemist sat already, leaning back in his chair. Heavy sunglasses covered the upper half of his almost square face. He wore a dark blue overall with some kind of symbol on it. Jerry didn't know what the symbol was, or represented, only that it looked different every time he looked at it. Quick watched the news monitor, arms folded under her breasts. Her crash helmet sat in front of her place at the table. The lovers, Phaeton and Luna, were deep in each other's embrace, transfixed by their shared gaze. "Hello everybody," Jerry said as he sat down. "How do you like the place so far?" "It's almost too big," said the Maker. "We have floors of empty space, underequipped labs, and a small hospital with no supplies. I have a complete work-up on file." "That's why you're in charge of the project," said Jerry. "How is everything else going?" "We have clearance from the United Nations to secure the building in international waters," said Public, taking his seat. "The Chemist supplied the land to build on so we have a little country of our own." "That was easy enough to do," said the Chemist. "A little manipulation of exterior forces to gather loose material into bedrock. Long Island was happy enough to allow me the use of their facilities." "This place is a large target for anyone who wants to come after us," said Luna. "It's stationary, and out in the middle of nowhere. It's in plain view to the horizon. One missile is all it would take." "Our defenses can take it," said the Maker. "I wanted our headquarters away from people," said Jerry. "That way we can cut loose without worrying about anyone caught in the crossfire." "That really doesn't make me feel better," said Luna.
  13. Re: Campaign Idea - Suggestions Gratefully Welcome A returning villain might be of some use. After all there has to be someone that knows everything and can use it better than the players. Maybe give him a lackey, that shows up when things are about to hit the fan. There could also be a MIB agency in competetion with the players, like the Smoking Man in the X-Files. CES
  14. Re: Can any comic fans fill me in on current Marvel continuity? Before Crisis everything had to be kept linked and tight as could be when you have a bunch of different people working on different things. After, you have these editors just handing out blank checks. Write what you want to write, screw the fans, whatever. That's become the prevailing attitude. I shouldn't be irritated about this but nothing bothers me more than a writer that can't tell his story without screwing over all of his predecessors. CES
  15. Re: Can any comic fans fill me in on current Marvel continuity? I am a golden age and silver age fan. Starman was the worst comic I have ever read. The problem is Firearm was so good, that I expected a really cool comic, and what I got was a piece of crap. Looking back on it, I realize now that Robinson can't write heroes, or anything heroic. Its something that should have been obvious when Hardcase and Firearm meet for the first time. Hardcase was written way out of character to justify Swan's attitude towards Ultras. CES
  16. Re: Can any comic fans fill me in on current Marvel continuity? I believe that Crisis would have been effective if the editors at DC had simply said no rewrites except for certain things like the one batman/superman/wonder woman/green arrow/stuff. The reason why it wasn't effective is people like James Robinson can take whatever is there and screw it for whatever modern story line they are doing. It's a trend that's continued today. CES
  17. Re: The New Circle Got a new team in the works (I know what I said), but this time I am going to assemble the team first before I post it so it will all be accessable at the same time. CES
  18. Re: Bat-Swarm Man ??? Do you think a movement power linked to an AOE attack would work just as well? If this is a way to get around, simple flight. Clairsentience (go my minion and spy on the evil ones.) I got nothing. CES
  19. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? There's very little you can do with a gamemaster who is a putz. Damn right. CES
  20. Re: A question for Comics fans
  21. Re: A question for Comics fans With Grant Morrison and Geoff Johns being appointed continuity directors at DC, it raised two questions for me. Why didn't they do that in the first crisis so there wouldn't be a mish mash of things going on? Second why Morrison? If you can forget the sexual orientation of a character, what else can you forget? CES
  22. Re: A question for Comics fans Which is better to have a brand new character with an old name, or killing the old character to have a new guy with the same powers in the old guy's position? I prefer to have a new guy not attached to the old one while the old one retires, or is busy elsewhere. I guess Jay Garrick and Barry Allen spring to mind for this. Killing Oliver Queen to have Connor Hawke take over seems to me a little extreme. CES
  23. Re: A question for Comics fans He only quit for three issues, until Aquaman disbanded the team. On the other hand I don't how much of that is still in continuity. It gives a sort of reason for Batman to start the Outsiders and A-man to disband the team I guess, but other than that, it sounds like writer failure to me. Here's another one I thought of on the way home from work. There's about 20 characters that have been killed leading into the summer Crisis. If the policy was no revivals, or revamps, would we see this many deaths. Oh wait. There's the Hal Jordan thing from Rebirth. If Marz had given him a more heroic death, would old timers have liked Kyle more rather than lobbying for his return for how many years? CES
  24. Re: A question for Comics fans Putting the worst spin on it sounds right. I remember he quit the league over something. Why didn't he do it here, why did he keep the secret when it seems counter to his personality then? I know the answer there. Writer Fiat. CES
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