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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: Pocket Prisons I had a device built like the Ghostbusters tank for a MIB like service. Grab the monster, and dump him in. Inside were different levels with different environments. For example The spider monkeys, and snake phantoms, went to a jungle while steel scorpions went to a desert. The outside was heavily guarded while the prisoners were left to fend for themselves. CES
  2. Re: Silver's Magistracy 8 The Maker knew that she was expected to drop everything and let John and Quick look for survivors. Their powers were perfect for this type of rescue work. She also knew she wouldn't. Her ability to make anything she wanted was also useful in this type of work. All she needed was a moment to design the item, so her factory could turn it out. The first thing she needed was a life force scanner to help her locate any survivors from where the building collapsed. "We have to go," said Luna, breaking her chain of thought. "Go ahead without me," Maker said. "You're a better combatant than I am. I'm a better search and rescue worker." "Jerry won't be happy," said Luna. "We're supposed to be the Musketeers. All for one, one for all." "I won't leave people to die if I can save them," said the engineer, smiling as the new feature came on line with a blink of green. "I'll hook up with John and Quick. That'll speed things up immensely." "I know better than to argue," said Luna. "Do what you got to do." "Kick butt," said Maker, smiling at herself. There were very few times she had a chance to practice tough talk. It was one of the few things she wasn't good doing. Luna smiled, then ordered the shift to move her across the country in a flash of white. Maker decided that the easiest way to do things was to locate each victim buried by whatever had collapsed the buildings when the lobsters arrived. Then she could move them to a designated area. That should be easy enough to do with her new scanner and a bit of help from her factory. She had a squad of policemen and rescue workers secure a square area that she could move the living victims. The police would have to dig out the dead the old fashioned way. She didn't like it, but she only had time for the living until the crisis was over. While her impromptu assistants went into action, she programmed another swarm similar to the one that had come and gone with the lobsters' equipment. She used the scanner as a lock as she fired the packets into the collapsed rubble. She was quietly amazed that anyone was alive under the wreckage that had been pushed out from ground zero. Maker's creations had three purposes. The first was to locate and find any living victims for transport to the hospital area. Then they would teleport those found to the cleared area to be checked by EMTs. The last thing the machines would do is heal whatever wound they encountered. Then she could move on to the next wrecked area to help those others trapped in the small war zones. That would invariably speed up any search and rescue so the real threat could be dealt with as soon as possible.
  3. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... There are three books about the Tripods, BD. I don't remember their names off hand, but information should be easy to look up. CES
  4. Re: DC's turn toward the dark I have to agree with that assessment also. It just bugs me that I remember a time that 90% of the stories weren't retcons. What happened to that idea? As a gm, story teller, and a player, I would rather build on things that might have a lasting influence than go back and retell something to get an advantage. CES
  5. Re: Zatch Bell I think a mamodo would have some armor, some strength, and speed, and a multipower that was restrained by the spell book, with appropriate disads and spfx. I don't know if the partner would be a follower, or a separate character. CES
  6. Re: The Official Handbook of the Team F-up Universe Cool. A walking coffee maker turned sorceror supreme. No wonder it helped cast the forget spell. Its maker wanted it to do it. CES
  7. Re: DC's turn toward the dark Uh...guys...this is the evidence I've been waiting for. All the evidence points to a DC reboot. And it will be a cool reboot. With a classic villain who has faced the entire Justice League before and defeated them. A villain who has telepathy, telekinesis, and the ability to erase minds, encourage mindwipes, and ruthlessly kill people. But he still can't bring harm to Batman, because deep in his twisted mind, a little piece of him still cares. Alfred Pennyworth is The Outsider. Go back and do your research. If this plays out the way I think it will, we'll have a much shinier DCU when we're done. I hope you're right, but the creative staff in charge strikes me as a bunch of bumbling Keystone cops. CES
  8. Re: DC's turn toward the dark I am aware that Superman could not fly until about 1940, and etc. I am also aware that for 60 years they have grown into sterling icons. Now they are hypocrites, failures, philanderers, and nitwits who are ready to place blame on anyone but themselves for their failures. Dude, that's what I want my heroes to be. I want them to be residents of a Jerry Springer show, and not the lastest generation of heroic tales and myths. I want the editorial and writing staff to act like Colin Macherie's (sp?)director in a Who's Line is It Anyway? sketch. I want my kid to prefer the Shonen Jump b/w phone book and video games to the heroes I grew up with. After all it saves me money. CES
  9. Re: DC's turn toward the dark The conitinity before Crisis was tighter, with stories being used being referenced. Since then, its pick and choose, especially recently. Jason Todd is a prime example of this. Before Crisis, he was an orphan taken in after both of his parents died. A blond Dick Grayson clone. After the writers were told to make him a street kid whose Dad ran around with Two Face, and whose mother had left long ago. Even his hair color had changed. Or Judd Winick's new Shazam/Superman limited he has talked about. Captain Marvel has been established as a fairly recent hero after Crisis. Winnick has decided to write a team up that takes place in Superman's first year, before Batman, the JLA, and so forth had started. It's a basic contradiction to what has gone before. CES
  10. Re: The Official Handbook of the Team F-up Universe This is great, H. Are you going to post up FINN and Biv? CES
  11. Re: Ay Yi Yi! GM advice needed! Have you asked him, H? CES
  12. Re: The Official Handbook of the Team F-up Universe That was cool, H. Billy Batson meets Dr. Thirteen. Are you going to post the rest of your group? CES
  13. Re: Rant - Quit yer whinin' about Crisis! I think part of it that bothers old timers is the railroad artificiality of it all. Did mindwiping Batman have anything to do with who killed Sue Dibney other than to create his sudden paranoia and set up the OMAC Project? CES
  14. Re: Friendly faces in the Post-Apocalypse Depending on the city, underground networks for utilities, sewers, even a subway could be there. The problem is that type of thing is usually limited to major cities in the east, north east. Places like New Orleans would be underwater. CES
  15. Re: Supervillains and the death penalty Dude, killing everybody in a prison but one innocent guy. It lives up to the Spirit of Vengeance part. Ostrander played up the dual identity thing to the max, more than any other writer even Spec's creator. It's nice that they brought back Eclipso from being locked down in that series. CES
  16. Re: DC's turn toward the dark I always gravitated towards team books, Brave and Bold, DC Comics Presents, JLA, 2 in 1, All Star Squadron. Even as a kid, I preferred the mystery/adventure over the soap opera aspects. First comic I ever had was an issue of Freedom Fighters where Uncle Sam was pimpsmacking a Captain America clone on the cover. I guess that's why it bothers me that a lot of the modern comics reads like Jerry Springer without the platitude at the end. They could do better in my opinion. A lot better. CES
  17. Re: Astro City: the Dark Age It would probably explain parts of Confession. One of the women at the restraunt was telling the kids they didn't remember the bad times, the Confessor talking about the two faces always there, and a few other things besides. CES
  18. Re: Supervillains and the death penalty The innocent victim about to be executed was used in the Ostrander Spectre. The governor was going to go ahead anyway until he was told the state would be held responsible, and the defense reminded them that he had already blown up Count Vertigo's country. CES
  19. Re: Silver Age-y Sounding Name Help Both Blockbuster and Grundy were around at that time if you're talking about comic books. Marvel was turning out monster books and just starting their hero line so Fin Fang Foom, and It the Living Colossus are there. CES
  20. Re: Rant - Quit yer whinin' about Crisis! Yeah, Alley Kat Abra gets raped by her magic Wanda, Pig Iron punches a hole clean through an enemy, and Rubberduck gets into porno. CES
  21. Re: Rant - Quit yer whinin' about Crisis!
  22. Re: DC's turn toward the dark DC is better at continuity than Marvel. (How many Magnetos are there?) Someone said this stuff goes in cycles, and it does. The thing that bugs me the most over everything is that these stories ignore continuty to the point that the guy in charge said, "We picked some guy and erased what we needed to move the plot." If you were going to do that, why not just go with a new guy. CES
  23. Re: DC's turn toward the dark I think it's because comic book fans tend to be more rabid about their subject matter. It's like your last thing from being a kid. I don't think I have expressed that well. CES
  24. Re: Rant - Quit yer whinin' about Crisis! My only Crisis lament has been the loss of some really good characters and teams. Infinity, Inc. was basically killed by Crisis. Keith "On the other hand, I haven't seen 'my' Batman in 20 years" Curtis All of the E-2 heroes got treated like trash. I don't understand why. It's like someone said "Dump on anything related to the JSA." CES
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