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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: O.m.a.c. Maybe Rucka was making a statement. I was thinking about this at work last night. Why didn't she just use her bracelets as mirrors? They are shown to be reflective like other shiny metals. The wisdom of athena and that's the best she can do. "Better poke my eyes out instead of looking for a mirror." CES
  2. Re: O.m.a.c. We were talking about retconing on the ruin character thread in NGD. I think it's ironic that Batman is being written as so awesome compared to other heroes when as a kid I remember picking up Brave and Bold, and other heroes were always bailing his happy butt out of trouble. There's retcon for you. CES
  3. Re: Pulp Film Recommendations Just watched Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow for the first time yesterday. That definitely fits the genre of two fisted adventurers versus weird menaces. CES
  4. Re: Scooby Doo Someone did post writeups for the gang on this board a while ago. CES
  5. Re: PBEM Submissions: NorCal Heroes! Sorry for taking so long Iuz. Sent a character over to the mail link. A machine man kind of guy. CES
  6. Re: Pulp Film Recommendations I believe its Fistful of Dollars instead of High Plains Drifter. They're both cool Eastwood movies I guess but I prefer FoD to HPD. CES
  7. Re: PBEM Submissions: NorCal Heroes! Have you already filled all your spots, Iuz? CES
  8. Re: The New Circle The Dimension Commandoes 13 The man known as Swithin had always been lucky, some said blessed beyond belief. Everything went his way so that he didn't have to work for anything he desired. That would spoil most but Duncan McGowrie just took it in stride. Duncan didn't ask for his luck, and he didn't believe in keeping it to himself either. His family and friends shared his blessing with him. His neighborhood was a utopia in the middle of an impoverished zone. The criminal element had accidents as soon as Duncan crossed their paths. You couldn't ask for a better place to live anywhere. Demon is what made an unassuming man from Virginia into a hero. The local morbane became aware of a large knot of probabilities turning into a straight line not far from the abandoned church where he had set up his cover cult. He decided that this aberration had to be checked out and harnessed for the greater good of his advancement. It took the Demon agents time but they finally isolated the cause of the phenomena. The problem was Duncan didn't agree with their plans, and if Duncan didn't agree then a lot of things around him didn't agree either. He drove the offenders off after a small battle. The property damage was extensive. Duncan decided to take to the road, his gift allowing him to go anywhere he liked without incident. Demon still hunted him, but he ruined many of their cells just by trying to get out of their way. Finally the original morbane that had started the manhunt took Duncan's neighborhood hostage. He believed that someone would know how to get in touch with the wanderer and call him home. Then the organization could write a spell to transfer Duncan's luck to the proper subject. The plan went smoothly up to a point. Duncan had attracted the attention of others while he was on the road. He had earned the name Swithin among the mystic community and some learned of his predicament as he headed home. So when he returned to his home town, he wasn't alone. Duncan made short work of the morbane that had instigated the hostage taking while the rest of the heroes fought off the other Demon elements present. The McGowries were reunited for the first time in years. The party that was thrown is still remembered by those who attended. The Trismegistus Council offered to look out for Duncan's family, friends, and neighbors if he would help them stop threats to the world with his unlikely luck. There were things that only he could render harmless. Duncan agreed to the proposition, his luck and good cheer staving off disaster more than once.
  9. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished The Way to Glory by David Drake. It's a Lt. Leary book, with Leary and Mundy being assigned to a captain that spaced mutineers without a trial, to a sector out of the way from public sentiment. They wind up in a space battle and saving the day. (The actual mutiny is never covered, but the impression I got from the dialogue was that it was all talk and the captain acted out of hand, first in declaring a mutiny, and then executing the prisoners.) CES
  10. Re: The New Circle The Dimension Commandoes 12 Fu Hair/eye color-brown hair, brown eyes Height/mass- 5'2", 160 lbs. Nationality-China Place of birth-Wei Lung Date of birth- 7/21/80 STR (20) 30 DEX (39) 23/33 CON (28) 24 BODY (30) 25 INT (17) 27 EGO (18) 19 PRE (12) 22 COM (4) 18 PD 6 ED 4 SPD 4 REC 10 END 48 STUN 52 OCV/DCV 11 ECV 6 PHASES 3,6,9,12 Powers 21 tough skin: damage resistance (18 pd/10 ed) hardened (x 2, + 1/2) 60 Iron Fist Skills: 60 point reserve multipower 4u Take it Apart: Dispel Technology (45) 15d6, any one power (+1/4), Hand to Hand Attack (-½) 37.5 4u Hitting the Weak Spot: Drain Body (60) 6d6, Hand to Hand attack (-½) 40 3u Hand Like A Bow: Energy Blast (60) 12d6, OAF (item of opportunity, - 1), range based on strength (-1/4) 26.6 4u Last Resort: Hand Killing Attack (60) 5d6, Hand to Hand Attack (-½) 40 6u The Discerning Eye: Find Weakness (60) (all HTH attacks), 18- 60 1u Balance: Flight (12) 6", only along a solid surface (-½) 8 1u Grasshopper: Leaping (15) + 15" 15 6u No Wall Can Stop Me: Tunneling (60) 12" tunneling through DEF 12 60 1u Bullet Catcher: Missile deflection (15) (bullets/shrapnel) 15 Cost Skill Roll 3 acrobatics 15- 3 breakfall 15- 3 absolute range sense 30 + 6 HTH combat skill levels 30 Reflexes: + 10 dex 16 Prowess: + 4 dc with martial arts 4 block 4 dodge 4 escape 4 knife hand 3 legsweep 2 language: english 2 AK: china 11- 2 AK: southeast asia 11- 3 climbing 15- 2 navigation 14- 3 stealth 15- 2 survival 14- 2 WF: common melee weapons 2 WF: common martial arts weapons 2 WF: common missile weapons 15 Combat Sense 14- 25 Danger Sense, out of combat, any danger. 5 member: Trismegistus Council Disadvantages 150 pts 25 Hunted: Chinese Government (mo pow, NCI, kill) 11- 25 Hunted: Demon (mo pow, NCI, kill) 11- 10 Rivalry: Other Martial Artists (pro) 15 Psych Lim: Protective of Others 20 Psych Lim: Honorable 30 DNPC: DC support staff 11- 5 DF: T-shirt and jeans (easily concealable, noticed and recognizable) 10 DF: chi aura 10 Famous Martial Artist Characteristics Cost: 168 Powers Cost: 111 Skills Cost: 171 Total Cost: 450 Plot Hook 1) Tournament of the Dragon. What else needs to be said? Plot Hook 2) Dimensional gates have begun to erupt in the campaign city. Only the Tiger Squad and Fu have dealt with these invaders. The Tiger Squad is ordered not to assist the heroes. That leaves them one person to call for aid. Will the Chinese Security Service try to take the defector home? Plot Hook 3) Fu has discovered an artifact that could change everything a character thought about how he acquired his powers. Before he can clarify the situation, the martial artist vanished. ***** Swithin led the way through the twisting corridors. Squads encountered the commandoes, but quickly joined the ranks of the sleeping. "It looks like we're on the right trail," the man in the suit said, straightening out his cuffs. "That door has to lead to the Engine Room." Fu gestured for his comrade to lead on as he had been doing. Swithin smiled as he walked over to the door. It slide out of his way obediently. Massive turbines worked their magic beyond that threshold. Once they shut these down, flying would be out for the turtle ship. The problem that faced the adventurers were the engineers that were staring at them, reaching for tools that could be turned to weapons of convenience. The green clad soldiers started for the door to deal with the intruders. "How do you want to do this?," Swithin asked, watching the slow approach of their opponents. "I'll distract them while you work on the machinery," said Fu, cracking his knuckles when he made a fist. "I can do that," said the luckiest man alive.
  11. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics Ha ha
  12. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics He was shot in the head by Max Lord in Countdown to Infinite Crisis. CES
  13. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics I believe that Sasha Bordeuax is going to be the new Blue Beetle. CES
  14. Re: Why Kill At All? When the superhero grabs one vehicle containing a human driver and throws it at another, with enough force to destroy both, that is conscious use of deadly force. Saturday morning genre conventions say "everyone always jumps clear," but those were not the conventions in force in The Incredibles, No argument there. I was thinking of the scenes where the agents were chasing Dash. CES
  15. Re: Why Kill At All? The thing with some of the agents was a lack of skills with combat driving in my opinion. Like George of the Jungle says, "Watch out for that tree!", or rock, or volcano, etc. CES
  16. Re: Why Kill At All? I think he was aiming at the plane, and he hit the plane. What happened to Syndrome was foreshadowed by Edna Mode's no cape policy. You just can't predict when a piece of clothing is going to screw you up. CES
  17. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? The TV show didn't do him justice in my opinion. CES
  18. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? I liked first, especially the early years. For a bunch of independent heroes, the writers and editor (I think Mike Gold) kept things tight and well written. CES
  19. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? Thanks, David. I haven't read comics in a while except for the occasional thing, I guess for the opposite reasons than Von D-man. Comics have lost their magic for the most part for me. Grimjack wasn't a hero, neither the Badger, or others, but if they are more heroic than what's being published now, that doesn't say much for the industry, does it? CES
  20. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? How much of this was necessary to get the job done? CES
  21. Re: How do you feel about Superheroes that kill? MfH's point kind of says the Authority are villains since they don't care about protecting anything. Or am I missing something? CES
  22. Re: Everybody's gots powers! Actually Top Ten is more like the early days of the legion, you know the Shuster years, mixed with Law and Order. I doubt Andy Soames, the human airbag, would qualify as a new god or eternal. CES
  23. Re: The New Circle The Dimension Commandoes 11 Fu had started his training almost before he could walk. Everything his father wanted him to do was geared to increasing his physical abilities as much as he could, more than any other person within walking distance of their rural home. Fu worked to master the disciplines his father forced on him. He knew that others felt that there was no need for the archaic studies in the perfectly protected domain of the people's republic. Fu's father felt they were wrong, and his son had to be ready for the challenges ahead. Fu tired of the obsessive training when he felt that he could go no further without a true challenge to his skills. That's what led him to staking a small area around his village, and protecting it from all comers. No menace of any kind could hurt those under his protection as long as he was ready to defend them. When he thought he had driven away any that would do harm, he expanded his area of operations. Fu's activities did not go unnoticed. The Chinese government, local criminals, and various masters of martial disciplines wanted to test this boy who had declared a safe zone in the middle of the jungle. They were not pleased at how the young master preferred to conduct his business. Fu was overwhelmed and forcibly recruited for the Tiger Squad. The government was not going to allow him to wander freely, punishing anyone he wanted to just because he could. That was out of the question. The Tiger Squad found themselves in battle with a dimensional eruption deep inside the country. Fu was present, adding his martial skills to the fray. When the portal was disrupted, he decided to hold the bridge against the invaders while the rest of the Squad retreated to their own dimension. The gate snapped shut on the fighter. Fu was believed dead until news photos placed him at the scene of a similar outbreak in Great Britain. Again the portal was disrupted, but this time he remained on Earth. A representative of the Council contacted him before operatives of Chinese Intelligence could. The fighter agreed to work with the D-Commandoes until they began to hamper his personal activities away from the team.
  24. Re: The New Circle Thanks Ray. I appreciate it. I am still working on Fu, Swithin, and the last member of the team. CES
  25. Re: Iyo: The Most Underrated Or Underused Character In Comics I missed his addition, so I guess it qualifies as irony and a bit of bitterness. CES
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