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Everything posted by CrosshairCollie

  1. Re: Champions Pronunciation Guide Good god, someone get that woman some accurate bodily proportions. And a real nose. And eyebrows that go behind the hair like they're supposed to.
  2. Re: Champions Pronunciation Guide Huh. I always pronounced TIE-ran-non, so it sounded like Tyrant.
  3. Re: Limit to make Naruto Shadow clones The typical clone technique would be an illusion of some sort; however, Shadow Clones are tangible, solid, mentally linked with their creator (they can wander off and learn stuff and their creator will automatically know it), that sort of thing. Supposedly, they're as tough as their creator, but that doesn't actually bear out, as shadow clones go *poof* as soon as they take any reasonable hit. They can also be easily dismissed from just about anywhere. There's a limit based on how much chakra (life energy, ki, etc) the wearer has, but loss of a clone isn't permanent; you can always poof up another one once your energy's recharged. I would say Summon would be the way to go, simply giving the summoned duplicates only 1 Body (so they'll die if they take 2), and just say death = poof.
  4. Re: Classic Flash Power I probably wouldn't sweat the time delay, myself. It's difficult to measure time in comic panels, wherein Thor could recite the entire Gettysburg Address in a single frame if the type were small enough (or the panel big enough). Instead of an Entangle, I'd probably use TK for the 'whirlwind' effect, since there's really nothing to exert oneself against to break out of the Entangle.
  5. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Heh. My wife was watching CSI and I used that for inspiration on the topic ... I meant the CSI guy, not the astronaut, but hell, let's roll with it. My bad.
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Force me to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special. (FORCE me, get it! Funny Star Wars joke!) NT: Signs that Gus Grissom has lost his mind.
  7. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force So far, it hasn't. They seem to be set on keeping the number of aliens he can access at 10 ... despite one of them being borderline useless.
  8. Re: Harassing the GM, your stories! I've had a GM like that, but he rather relished having his NPCs do all the work. It got to the point where we all literally stopped doing anything. "What do you do?" "Let (NPC) handle it, he always does ..."
  9. Re: Indirect and Mental Powers THREADJACK: Most amusing use of an indirect Mental Power I ever did was nailing a villain who went Enraged when he was attacked mentally by using a Fully Indirect Ego Attack to make it look like his own team mentalist zapped him. Now back to your thread in progress.
  10. Re: Indirect and Mental Powers I don't think of it so much as ignoring at as 'refusing to do it because it's ridiculously cheesy'. I could easy make a telepath with an Ego Attack and a special visor with N-Ray Vision and a metric squidload of telescopic vision and zap people from my bathroom while the fight is halfway across town. It is, however, rather abusive and likely to annoy everybody at the table, especially if said Ego Attack is invisible or indirect and can't be traced.
  11. Re: Ben 10: Alien Force Velly intelesting ...
  12. Re: Dumbest Moment Ever in your games It's one of my hangups, as it were ... I tend to assume that everybody has the same compunction against playing evil characters that I do (aka I never do and never will and will never allow one as a GM), so I would assume that this guy is simply playing up an act to intimidate people like, well, Batman or something.
  13. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Well, flipping the manager the bird will do that. Odds are, she's forgotten all about it by now, it's been something like three years, but I'm still abiding by it. I'm like that ... and I nurse grudges for a very, very long time (I have tough nipples). However, the correct time to tell someone you're not going to hire them is sometime BEFORE they fill out all their paperwork, undergo orientation, and have been on the clock and getting paid for being there.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos The best part, IMHO, was Buddy's "You agreed with dat?!" line. He really thought he was just making crap up. And now ... Tom Lehrer's Elements Song, with pictorial assistance ...
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos One of the best 'I've always wanted to do that's ever, ReBoot style, including the obligatory Spinal Tap reference. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg1GNtKLgjA&feature=related
  16. Re: Dumbest Moment Ever in your games
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Since my last bit of game show stupidity went over pretty well, here's another set where the contestants are far, FAR luckier than they deserve to be, especially on the Price Is Right clip in the top vid.
  18. Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore Well, I do. If I hadn't been thrown out of the BK in town, I'd probably eat them more often.
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Sharks with frickin' laser beams on their heads. Terribly wrong, and very silly.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat She dresses up like Captain Jack Sparrow and calls her course 'Pilates Of The Carribean'.
  21. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Some great game show answers.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Mickey and Minnie gettin' busy in the teacup ride. Not because other people wouldn't see it, they'd just refuse to acknowledge its existence.
  23. Re: Damage from long term intangles? Or Suspended Animation.
  24. Re: Damage from long term intangles? Pretty much. I once did the 'ice block' entangle with a linked NND vs LS: Immune to Cold to it, Continuous, Uncontrolled, 0END. The way to break the Uncontrolled was, obviously, to break the Entangle.
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