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Everything posted by sbarron

  1. Re: [Would-Be Hero-GM]Lethality
  2. http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=174389 This is getting a little crazy. Skills, then half-move and attack, feats (talents), now the bell curve, too? On 3d6? Inconceivable!!! At this rate, eventually I'll have people lecturing me on how complicated Hero is and how simple and great D20 is, all the while them never suspecting that we're playing the same game. So, where can I contirbute to the HERO legal defense fund? Of course, not long after the suite is filed, no doubt Hero Games will be bought out by WoTC, and Steve and Darren will be taking a long, long vacation...while I start playing D20 (the 3d6 Hero Rules version 1.0).
  3. Re: How Long to Learn Hero System? Learning the Hero System is a journey, not a destination.
  4. Re: Crazy Idea to Remove the Math I totally agree with this, which is why I started trying to cook up schemes to make Hero seem more accessable, without losing what it is. As for waiting for D20 gamers to come on over...here's another theory. If D&D has more players than ever before (or whatever the WoTC positive press says) it seems to me that it is only a matter of time before those of them that have that "special something," begin to get bored with D20's limitations and start looking for something better. I just hope HERO is around to scoop them up. Time will tell.
  5. Re: Crazy Idea to Remove the Math With advantages and limits canceling each other out, we would lose the ability of seeing APs calculated as part of the creation process. I guess you could still do it, but doing so would defeat the purpose of removing that step. It might make evaluating power levels more difficult. Also, what about calculating END use? Without the real points, how would you do it? Ex: Fireball Spell: EB 6d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3) (52 Active Points); OAF (-4), Spell (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -2), Gestures (-1), Incantations (-1) 11 Real Points. Or Fireball Spell: EB 6d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3), AP (+2); OAF (-4), Spell (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -2), Gestures (-1), Incantations (-1), Increased END (-2) 11 Real Points. The second spell is obviously more powerful than the first, but without Active points and END expenditure defined, its hard to know by how much (other than experience doing this, which newbies won't have). Not trying to be difficult, just going with the idea and seeing where it leads...
  6. Re: Crazy Idea to Remove the Math I really think fractions are where the idea that HERO is complicated stems from. Players have to use calculators to make characters, then GMs have to use calculators to check them. Just using the whole numbers and the charts would remove that problem, without losing anything. I'm aware of the existence of the charts already in HERO products. Its where I got the idea. My "idea" here isn't that HERO should create more charts. It's that HERO power construct mechanics can be presented without the fractions. The whole number examples I gave offer the exact same results, but without the "scary" and "complicated" fractions. For Ex: Current system: Fireball Spell: EB 6d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3/4) (52 Active Points); OAF (-1), Spell (-1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 15 Real Points. New System: (only using +/- to signify ad vs. lim.) Fireball Spell: EB 6d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3) (52 Active Points); OAF (-1), Spell (-2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -2), Gestures (-1), Incantations (-1) 15 Real Points. And just to make it more clear what I meant about naming the levels something other than "(-1/4) or Level 1, another chart. This shows a name for each level of advantages (I haven't played Marvel RPG since '88, but credit to them), with the value of each level listed under value, and the base points listed across the top. Also in this chart, I have listed base points 1-10. [b]Advantage Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[/b] [b]Simple 1[/b] 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 [b]Slight 2[/b] 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 [b]Minor 3[/b] 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 18 [b]Standard 4[/b] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 [b]Notable 5[/b] 2 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 20 23 [b]Significant 6[/b] 3 5 8 10 13 15 18 20 23 25 [b]Strong 7[/b] 3 6 8 11 14 17 19 22 25 28 [b]Remarkable 8[/b] 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 [b]Amazing 9[/b] 3 7 10 13 16 20 23 26 29 33 [b]Incredible 10[/b] 4 7 11 14 18 21 25 28 32 35 [b]Monstrous 11[/b] 4 8 11 15 19 23 26 30 34 38 [b]Unearthly 12[/b] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 [b]Unreal 13[/b] 4 9 13 17 21 26 30 34 38 43 It seems to me that the only thing that keeps this chart from being the only chart you need for calculating active points is "Hero" rounding. A 12 Base points power with "Simple Advantages" Active cost could be calculated by adding the cost of the base 10 for "simple" with the cost of 2. Same thing for a 37 point power. Just mutliply 10's AP for you advantage level x 3 and add the AP from 7. I've been testing on a bigger chart to see if this method works, and it seems to hold together pretty well. I'd think it be the same for limits, but I haven't checked it.
  7. Well, some of the math anyway. Here it is. The way it works now in HERO, you have a list of advantages and limitations for each power construct showing fractional values (e.g. (-1/4), (+1/2), (-3/4), etc.), which are added up (with a +1), and then multiplied or divided by the base power cost to determine either active or real points. We've been doing it for years, and it seems simple enough to most of us. But maybe for the new player (and us once we get used to it) it would be easier to just have settings, or levels, or whatever you might call it, that represent the limits and advantages rather than actually using the fractions. What I mean by this is, rather than noting Gestures as (-1/4), note it as Gestures "Level 1," or "Level I," "Level A," or what ever. To take it further, if you have Gestures and Incantations, two level (1), or (I) or (A) limitations, the power would then be said to have "Level 2" limitations, or "Level II", or "Level B". You could abreviate it with just the value, like Gestures (-1) or Gestures (-I). I just added the "-" in so you wouldn't have to call it Limitation Level 2. Though maybe LL2 and AL2 (Limit Level, Advantage Level) might work too. Work with me here, I'm making this up as I go. All you would need then would be a chart that lists the various "Levels" of advantages or limitations down one side, and a list of base power costs across the top, with the APs or RPs listed within the body. It would be very similar to the chart on pg. 66 of Sidekick, but instead of "(1/4)", "(1/2)"... down the side, you would have "Level 1", "Level 2", or whatever you decide to call it. You'd have to use the same system when describing limitations and advantages in the main book as well. So OAF would be listed as a "Level -4" limitation, Independent would be "Level -8." I think you get the idea. Some drawbacks would be that if you are new to the system, you'd need the chart to calculate the costs of your power, where now you can do it with a calculator. Of course, the truth is that the math remains exactly the same. (1/4) just equals "Level 1." But nobody needs to worry about adding fractions this way. You just add up the whole number of the limits that you've chosen for your power, and look at the chart to calculate your Active Points, then do it again to calculate your Real Points. The chart takes all the math into account for you (even the +1), so all the math is removed. Another drawback would be that you'd probably have to list every number in the real chart. Because it is possible to have base powers with 8 Base Points or be worth 6 active points, the chart would have to account for these possiblities. I put this chart together to show you what it might look like, though I only went in 5 pts segments. (note, I didn't take Hero rounding into acccount while making my chart, though you'd certainly need to make the official chart. Also, its possible the formulas I used are flawed, so this math may not be perfect...FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!) [b]Level of Base Points in Power[/b] [b]Advantages 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50[/b] [b]1[/b] 6 13 19 25 31 38 44 50 56 63 [b]2[/b] 8 15 23 30 38 45 53 60 68 75 [b]3[/b] 9 18 26 35 44 53 61 70 79 88 [b]4[/b] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 [b]5[/b] 11 23 34 45 56 68 79 90 101 113 [b]6[/b] 13 25 38 50 63 75 88 100 113 125 [b]7[/b] 14 28 41 55 69 83 96 110 124 138 [b]8[/b] 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 [b]9[/b] 16 33 49 65 81 98 114 130 146 163 [b]10[/b] 18 35 53 70 88 105 123 140 158 175 [b]11[/b] 19 38 56 75 94 113 131 150 169 188 [b]12[/b] 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 [b]13[/b] 21 43 64 85 106 128 149 170 191 213 [b]14[/b] 23 45 68 90 113 135 158 180 203 225 [b]15[/b] 24 48 71 95 119 143 166 190 214 238 [b]16[/b] 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 [b]17[/b] 26 53 79 105 131 158 184 210 236 263 [b]18[/b] 28 55 83 110 138 165 193 220 248 275 [b]19[/b] 29 58 86 115 144 173 201 230 259 288 [b]20[/b] 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 And before I go...maybe calling your advantages and limits different things that "level X" would be fun too. Maybe HERO could make a list of terms to represent each level of limits. Like "Basic" limits (-1/4 or "Level 1"), "Slight" Limits (-1/2 or "Level 2), up to "Horrendous" Limits (-2 1/2, or "Level 12"), etc. For advantages, you could use words like "Major" advantages (+1 or "Level 4"), and "Extreme" Advantages (+2, or "Level 8). You'd probably have to leave the numbers in there somewhere because you do need to add them up in order to figure out where to look on the chart. Adding some "kewl" titles for each level of advantages and limits would add some flavor, though. Especially if you are going to have to list every number in the charts. This way, you could look at the "Major Advantages" (+1 or Level 4) chart to check the active points of your power, then the "Slight Limits" chart, to check the real cost. So any thoughts? I told you it was crazy! But does it make sense?
  8. Re: NPC Stat Tracking Most "thugs" just have one thing they do in combat. They are either a "fighter" that hits with his sword, a "spellcaster" that casts flame balls, an archer that shoots arrows, etc. Basically, whatever they are, they only make one type of attack. This makes tracking their END (if you feel you must) easier. Just figure out how many attacks they can make before they run out of END, including any REC they may get along the way, and note that next to STUN and BOD. Ex1: 20 END, 4 REC, 3 Spd "sword guy" burns 2 END per attack. That's 10 attacks (20/2). However, his REC means he only loses 2 END per turn. So it would take 8 turns, or 25 attacks, before this guy runs out of END. Note 25 on his character sheet. Ex2: 20 END, 4 REC, 3 Spd "spell guy" burns 6 END per attack. That's 3 attacks (20/6). His REC combined with the remaning END at the end of the turn (2), gets him to 6 END. This allows one more attack. So, this character can attack 4 times before they run out of END. Note 4 for this character. As you can see, tracking the END for the first guy is kind of pointless. He'll be dead long before 25 attacks (8 turns). However, for the second guy, noting that he can attack 4 times before he runs out of END can be very helpful. If you have your "thugs" taking lots of REC, this system wouldn't work. But if they only REC on ps-12, and attack until they can't anymore, this could be a useful tool. Hope it helps.
  9. Re: Help with a spell to remove wings You are thinking too hard. What is the effect? She can fly. The wings are the FX, which might include some limits on the flight, but since she can get rid of them with a "spell," the wings aren't in themselves very limiting. Just buy foulable flight and call it a day.
  10. Re: A terminology question I wouldn't allow PS: Magical Scrolls, since it's not a profession. The character could take KS: Magic Scrolls, or PS: Magic Scroll Maker, PS: Magic Scroll Dealer, buyer, seller, etc.
  11. Re: Limiting new players (balance ques.) I would just stick to the guidlines for attacks, defenses, OCV/DCV, etc. provided in Fred. Don't put hard caps on things. Point balance tends to even itself out, for the most part. A 300pt character spending 75 pts on FF and 75 points on Armor will be very tough to hurt. But he'll also be burning 7 END per phase, and still be sesceptable to NNDs, AVLDs, Flashes. Further, he won't have nearly as many points to spend on buying his CHAR, movement powers, attack powers, skill levels, etc. Unless your players are complete munchkins, after they buy one of their abilities up way too high, they'll start trying to make the rest of the character and realize they are short on points. It doesn't always happen, but I think things tend to even out in the end. Just be ready to roll with it. It may take a couple sessions before the players realize just what it is they gave up when they dropped so many of their points into just one area.
  12. Re: Not reasoning from effects Maybe you could just link a big aid/heal, only to current level of other form, when you switch between bodies. Then take a limit that it doesn't help either actually get heathier. I'd probably just make it a special effect, though. It has potential drawbacks and benefits, so I'd call it a wash.
  13. Re: FYI: why more people aren't playing HERO (rpg.net)
  14. Re: FYI: why more people aren't playing HERO (rpg.net) Yeah, the level of civility in that thread worries me. Hell must have frozen over with the rest of the eastern US. I can't imagine what comes next. But I bet it would make a good campaign.
  15. Re: Modelling killing attacks This won't really address your question, but it might make the visualization of the "knife" KO easier for you to swallow. 1. Knives don't do 1d6K. 1d6K is a short sword. Knocking out someone with a sword blow is easier to imagine. 2. The x5 stun multiplier is the non-hit location equivilant of a head shot. Knocking someone out with a blow to the head is easier to imagine. So for the example you have above, someone with a 25 STR and a short sword hits someone with a 10 DEF helmet in the head. A KO seems at least possible, no?
  16. Re: When do you Abort? I can see how people might think the GM is being lame, but as long as the characters are able to learn from it, I think it would make the game more fun in the long run. The first time you fight a villian, you wouldn't have seen his powers in action, so you might make mistakes like this. The next time he fires a particular attack, though, I'd think the PC should be able to recognize the attack for what it is (EB, RKA, Exp. AoE, whatever). This provides an advantage to the character the second time they fight a villian, which is very much in line with the genre. Also, it allows the player to learn about the villians along with his character. I just think that is a cool idea. Edit: I broke my right hand and now can't type for crap.
  17. Re: Racial Disadvantages No you don't. You agree with almost everything that was said above. Everyone agrees that you need to balance the characters against each other. You have a complex system you use. Others just make characters pay points for what they get. The same idea, just different approaches.
  18. Re: Robbers on the Road I wouldn't just stick Cyril the Paladin in a situation where I know his Code of Honor will get him killed (unless that's the point). And I would certainly take him into account in planning the scenario. But again, I can't emphasis enough, that there will be a point to this bandit attack. Cyril and his band of ass kickers will get pretty bored after a while beating up everyone who crosses their path. To me, at least, a much more fun story would be for the princess to actually get kidnapped while she is being guarded by Cyril. Then Cyril would have to figure out who kidnapped the princess, why, where she is being held, etc...then he has to go free her in order to salvage his honor. Further, lets suppose that the princesses driver is in on it, and with a knife to the poor girls throat forces Cyril to surrender his sword (Cyril has to struggle with his Code of Honor on this one, no doubt). The stakes get even higher for Cyril. Not only does Cyril have to save the princess, he now also has to get his fathers sword back, and avenge this stinging dishonor to his family name. In addition to all this, Cyril is going to get grief in court for his failure to protect the princess and his choice to give up his sword in surrender. Some will argue he should have fought to the death, he should have seen the ambush coming, he should never show his face again, etc. This all sets the stage for Cyril to battle against the odds and save the princess despite all this grief, when no one thought he could. That's a heroic story I'd like to tell. Beating up bandits until you die is heroic in a lame, you're dead and no one tells stories about your gallantry sort of way. If Cyril manages through great play to stop the kidnapping, good for him. The bandits will try again later. I'm not going to force things that aren't there. But in order for Cyril to go through a great story of going from riding high, to down-and-out, to his second chance and ultimate redemption, he has to lose at some point...and not die in the process. Given all the above...I might also just give Cyril a good bonk on the head at the start of hoistilities. He's knocked out, the princess gets taken and his sword gets stolen. Similar story, just not quite as angsty. I can do it however I think it works best. Trust me, I'm flexible...
  19. Re: Robbers on the Road
  20. Re: Robbers on the Road
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