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Everything posted by sbarron

  1. Re: How do people feel about multi-power attacks? In my games it would be uncommon for PCs to have 64 END (4 "stink punches" worth). 46 is usually as high as they go (23 Con). If you have the END, then by all means, throw your MPA. It could easily end the fight. Because as you said, most characters could fire several (8-12) 12d6 attacks without running out of END. 6 END per shot vs. 18 END per shot is a big difference. Plus, the 12d6 shooter will get some post-segment 12 REC mixed in there, too. MPA guy won't, unless his speed is really low. Tesuji. If your character has the END to spend, or you think that firing off big attacks in the first two phases is the way to go, then do it. I'm not telling you you shouldn't. Heck, the only reason I've kept at this discussion so long is because both you and Gary told me my position was "illogical." Obviously, I don't think it is. Do what you want. For all I care, you can take your stink punch and throw it. 3, maybe 4 times
  2. Re: How do people feel about multi-power attacks?
  3. Re: How do people feel about multi-power attacks? Assuming 40 END, your character can MPA twice and punch once (at 60 STR) before he is out of END. 3 attacks and your character is burned out. Somehow though, END usage is not something to consider? I can't believe you are trying to argue this.
  4. Re: How do people feel about multi-power attacks? If your character only has 8 END left after those 2 attacks, his options will be very limited. Trying to dodge "big wammy" attacks like this is a no brainer. Which means you may be burning lots of your END to miss. Spreading attacks (and thus END) over several phases allows your character to have options. Once the END is gone, those options are limited. You can think my logic is faulty, that's up to you. I just won't be surprised if you notice your character running short of END in pretty short order throwing this MPA around.
  5. Re: How do people feel about multi-power attacks?
  6. Re: Autofire for OCV bonuses It seems like it would work. Though, I think I would just make an optional combat maveuver rather than a skill. It seems like it would be pretty easy for anyone with a machine gun to do this.
  7. Re: Character creation problems solved
  8. Re: House Rule: Can defend after attacking?!? Do you make them abort their next phase for this action? I don't see why lightly armored types would get some special advantage here. Everyone gets to take advantage of your house rule, right? So the heavy fighters get to block or dodge after their attack as well, plus they have more armor. It seems to me that this would just make combat take longer, as everyone would be harder to hit. Am I missing something?
  9. Re: Suppession Fire... It says in FRED that you can only do Suppression fire with attacks that are autofire. It also says that you must fire the same number of shots every segment, but can only attack each character that passes through your hex line once. You can fire as many shots per segment as your autofire (and charges) will allow. They were just assuming 3 for the example in the FAQ. A 2 SPD character will be firing each segment, just like everyone else. In general, I'd assume you could attack the same number of characters as you have autofire shots per segment, but your right, the rules don't specify.
  10. Re: Suppession Fire... I don't have the rules at work, but that's how I'd think it goes. Choose a line of hexes that you are using suppression fire on. Then you spend the END for however many shots you shoot down that line. Anyone entering that line is attacked. [C] ---- Character using suppression fire o o o o ------- hex line o o o o o [o] ------ target hex? Anyone in, entering or exiting any of these hexes gets attacked.
  11. Re: Teleportation, useable as an attack... I had a PC build a Teleport UAO once. Initially he was psyched about teleporting opponents into the air and letting them fall for damage. Then he read the rules for teleporting into objects, and suddenly decided that was the way to go. I put the nix on it after that. Good players would probably be ok with it. But it is ripe for abuse.
  12. Re: Tornado Building In the old FH, from the Air Wizard College... Telekinesis (50 STR), AE, Explosion. For throwing objects straight up the funnel and into the air (man sized objects get thrown 32" up and away (15d6 on impact)) 3d6 RKA (phys.) AE Vertical Line (one 1d6K and one 2d6K attack) for random objects hitting things 6d6 EB (phys) AE Vertical Line (one 1d6K and one 2d6K attack) for random objects hitting things They had some special rules for it too, but this is basically how they did it. I suppose you could add a flash if you wanted, and a Change Environment for sure.
  13. Re: Tornado Building There was a tornado summoning spell in the old FH or one of its companions. I can check on how they did it when I get home. Or maybe someone will beat me to it?
  14. Re: Normal Characteristic Maxima... And Movement... I don't see that the current maximums chart is any more difficult than your method. Why do you think your CHAR Maxima calculation is any better than the current method? What percieved deficiency are you correcting? The best alternate method for calculating movement I've seen was to just seperate SPD from the movement calc, and have PCs buy inches on a per turn basis. Sure, this has drawbacks too, but that is the nature of segmented movement. That's basically what you are suggesting here, while removing the ability of 6 SPD guy to buy inches in incriments other than 6" per turn. I don't see the need to make PCs buy movement in blocks. Just let them divide their inches by their SPD and be done with it. I don't see movement as a big enough problem to change the current rules, though. Usually all PCs will either be 3 or 4 SPD in herioc games, or 4-6 in Supers games. The difference in who "runs faster" following these SPDs isn't a big deal. Higher SPDs are usually faster runners. No big deal.
  15. Ok, suppose I didn't want to spend hours trying to create a system for armor that allowed lightly armored, heavily armored, and no armor characters to have basically the same protections (DEF and DCV). So I give everyone 6pd/6ed Armor for free, and let them define it however they want. Wizards could have protection spells, soldiers have platemail, barbarians have hide armor, and swashbucklers are always saying "just missed me." Wearing additional armor doesn't help, all PCs just have 6rpd/6red. And everyone gets the SPX that fits their character. If I want to give them magic armor, or allow better spells, or make them "harder to hit," then I just increase that characters Def. What are the drawbacks to this system? The only one I can think of is that weaker, high dex characters that normally rely on not getting hit will have an advantage over stronger, low dex characters that usually wear heavier armor to avoid damage. That and the fact that everyone would be the same. Any other problems you see? I suppose it might be just as easy to let characters pay for their armor, up to whatever level I set as the max. So I set the max at 8 rpd/red, and let PCs buy up to the level they want and again they define it how they like. Any thoughts on this one?
  16. Re: Help, Zombies are eating my PCs! I checked the rules, and sure enough, targets not in combat have the modifiers for called shots againsty them halved. So ruling that zombies don't realize they are in combat (because they are dead) allows for a much more reasonable -4 OCV head shot. Hey Nexus! Have you had a chance to give these new rules a try? How is the game going? I'd appreciate it if you could keep us up to date on the survival rates of your PCs...
  17. From the FAQ I've always handled block the way that you listed a couple of posts prior to this one (the blocker rolls first). However, given the above ruling, does it make sense to change the order of resolution for autofire attacks? How about having one block "blocking" all autofired attacks?
  18. Re: 3 1/2d6 vs. 4d6-1 Basically. You buy the whole die that you want for 15 pts per, then either Add +1 for 5pts, or 1/2 or -1 for 10 pts.
  19. Re: The great armour race... Maybe you need new players? I don't know if these players are into the kind of game you want to play. Try rethinking the campaign settings, like what powers are available, whether to use NCM, and whether to make the game heroic or superheroic.
  20. Re: What character concepts make you cringe? Where did the trenchcoat concept originate? I have to admit, I like it. But I have no idea why.
  21. Re: "No Lock Can Hold Me" Power I think these might actually be better simulated as two powers. One for escaping bonds, the other for opening locks. These are pretty different effects. Keep the desolid for escaping bonds, increasing the limit by removing the open locks part. Then, either buy up your lockpicking to asburd levels, or buy a power to simulate the ability. Maybe a minor transform? Locked to unlocked? Doc's tunneling idea has merit as well.
  22. Re: Is this technique now considered legal? No, you can't. And here's me looking at you oddly.
  23. Re: Help, Zombies are eating my PCs! I agree in general. Though I was thinking that if any of the PCs ever go down, it would be fun to let them keep their stats. It would make them more dangerous than normal, and that would be scarier for the group. And I wouldn't let the group know about it in advance. It would just be a bigger, faster, flesh eating surprise.
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