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Posts posted by bigbywolfe

  1. More importantly, when will we get lower strength maxima for females baked into the Hero rules? 

    I can't tell if you are trying to be funny or serious.  Your statement makes so little sense in this context that I can't even tell if you are for or against trying implement sexism directly into the system.  Your response to Enforcer didn't make much more sense. 


    Why don't you just come out and say whatever it is you are trying to say.

  2. Now you're just rambling. No one has said anything to imply that women ("people with parts like that") don't matter. No one has said anything that could remotely be construed as that without blatant and intentionally twisting their words beyond all reason. Drop the strawman arguments and accusations of sexism and explain who you think is being censored by the creation of these images.

  3. I AM saying that if you teleport into an unsupported position, barring some Power, Advantage, or other factor to counter it, gravity IS going to increase THE DISTANCE YOU ACTUALLY MOVE even though some of that is falling distance, not teleport distance.

    That is a straw man argument that has nothing to do with what had previously been said by myself or anyone else. We aren't stupid, we all know gravity makes you fall. But you quoted me talking about gravity adding to a movement power (or NOT adding to a movement power in this case) and then responded to that quote as if you were correcting me or explaining something to an idiot even though your response had literally nothing to do with what I said (if it was a general statement/random thought then why quote me and couch it as a response?).

    That was after multiple posts of snarky responses that didn't actual answer any questions asked of you and didn't add anything to the conversation other than to belittle the points of view of everyone and anyone who didn't agree with you even though you didn't bother to explain what the hell you meant in the first place. Does that explain why I might be slightly snippy in my responses?

  4. I apologize for not explaining my reasoning. It never occurred to me that anyone could look at that Power construct and conclude "character can sit in midair forever." I'm still not sure what leads to that conclusion.


    But it SHOULD have occurred to me that someone could look at that Power construct and have NO IDEA what I was thinking.



    If you Teleport and immediately start to fall, then gravity is most certainly increasing the distance you move downwards.


    Lucius Alexander


    Someone might look at this tagline and conclude I can sit on a palindromedary forever.

    Gravity does not increase the rate of you Teleport MOVEMENT POWER (which I clearly stated) when going down like it does with Flight.


    Smart Alec responses aside, I don't believe Teleport has the Gravity Penalty that Flight has so that Advantage would be worthless. You also can't use gravity to increase the distance of your Teleport when going down.

    If you are going to try to make fun of me for what I say you could at least try to actually pay attention to what I say instead giving me crap for words you put in my mouth.

  5. Don't tell me "of course not" when you didn't bother to specify. If you are going to just make up Advantages you need to 1. Not use names of existing Advantages that have nothing to do with what you are building and 2. Explain what your custom Advantage actually does.

  6. Okay, so make it



    (Total: 90 Active Cost, 90 Real Cost) Teleportation 60m, {Custom Advantage That Can't Be Called No Gravity Penalty Even If It's Specifically To Eliminate One of the Major Penalties of Gravity] (+1/2) (90 Active Points) (Real Cost: 90)


    Lucius Alexander


    The palindromedary says you can always teleport, but you can't tell it much.

    So what is that Advantage supposed to do exactly? Make you never fall? You can just sit in midair forever thanks to a 1/2 Advantage?

    Do you know any GMs that would actually allow that?

  7. Smart Alec responses aside, I don't believe Teleport has the Gravity Penalty that Flight has so that Advantage would be worthless. You also can't use gravity to increase the distance of your Teleport when going down.

  8. Supergirl had an OD of kryptonite, she was also carrying a red lantern ring. She got rid of both by basically flying into the sun and overloading her solar absorption cells to burn out both things. She apparently was the first character to give up the ring and live.

    Course, in the comics, won't work for Supes right now as he is basically Powerman level and so non kryptonian that the Fortress of Solitude doesn't recognise him. Is an interesting storyline, because he has also been publicly outed (by Lois), and  yet is still Superman.

    It's funny that that is how they saved her considering too much solar radiation basically gave Clark super-cancer (along with a significant power boost) in All Star Superman.


    Guy Gardner gave his Red Lantern Ring up.  I believe Mogo the living planet Green Lantern filtered his blood or something. Mogo was too big to be contaminated by that little bit of Red energy.

  9. Okay, I'm not arguing this with you, because frankly, you're a fucking idiot. My claim that "The Hyborean World has rules, and rule #1 is ONLY PUSSIES AND COWARDS WEAR ARMOR." is not patently false, you fuckstick. It's called a JOKE. Why don't you try developing a goddamn sense of humor, you fucking robot pisstain.


    Jesus fucking Christ.

    Yes, it is false. You made a blatantly false statement, don't treat others like crap for pointing it out.

    Your description of Conan sounds like someone who only ever read the comics, not the source material, it is that blatantly wrong. Conan wore armor every chance he got and he never willingly walked around in a loin cloth. He usually wore the clothing of whatever country he was in (if he could afford or steal it) and was described as being hairy (also unlike the comic).

    The examples you so readily dismiss were not all chain mail shirts, they included full chain mail, full plate, and full scale armor. Unless he was trying to be sneaky he never willingly went without armor, period.

  10. As long as you recognize that they are both book legal. There are a lot of things that GMs say "no" to, for game balance.

    Except that they aren't. Equipment bought as Foci as part of a base is part of the base and is considered Immobile. It's that way in 6th and 5th and I'm willing to bet that was the intention in 4th.
  11. We play 4e, but I have no problem with a lot of the stat being 8's for average people.

    Most folks that aren't weight lifters aren't going to be able to pick up 200 kg, without engaging in what I would consider 'pushing'.

    Which fits just fine with an 8.

    And an 8 for Dex or Ego still has the same CV as a 10.  Same characteristic roll also.

    But it makes 'nobodies' a lot more likely to drop and 'play nice' quickly when fists & cars start flying around.

    It also makes them a bit more fragile should a player get a bit 'carried away', or if someone pulls a gun.


    So I have no problem with an 8 as the average stat.

    STR 10 is 100 kg, not 200 kg, and that's only what they can lift, stagger a few steps, and drop.  I'm no weight lifter and I can definitely pick up something 220 lbs. depending on it's shape and size.

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