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Everything posted by TheEmerged

  1. We'll have to agree to disagree, I guess
  2. Heck, that's how I've been using my HeroClix anyway -- as Champions minis
  3. You can build something that approximates this with the Trigger and/or Uncontrolled advantages -- but be warned it can get out of hand. Buy enough +OCV's and it quickly becomes "invulnerability to ranged non-area powers". Another good way to do it is via the "combat luck" mechanic -- buy armor/force field, with a limitation based on the fact that it's only usable against attacks the character is aware of and could logically dodge or block (-1/2 IMO).
  4. Thanks Darren. Now if I can ever get my hands on MC... :-)
  5. Post-Fifth Edition, I'd say the only "gaps" are the ones that the system doesn't really need in the first place: invulnerability, auto-hit, and inescapable. The Change Environment expansion in 5th Edition in particular really steps up to the plate for a lot of the powers people used to say HERO didn't do well (most notably, "debuff" style powers).
  6. I certainly can't answer for artwork, but I'll bet it's the same issue I run into with my writing. Reading stories & articles wrote 15 years ago is almost painful for me -- and yet, other people that read them now still think they're pretty good.
  7. Can't just list the newbies, so I'll cover the rewrites too /* cracks knuckles FIREWING: I agree with the earlier statement in favor of his previous origin -- and the sentiment that he's now Desslock of Gamilon, with superpowers. That's not entirely a bad thing -- speaking for myself I'd been subconsciously projecting Desslock into him as a GM for years before a player pointed it out to me. BLACK HARLEQUIN: Dangerously close to blowing my Enraged check here but... EMERGED SMASH PUNY MERRY ANDREW WANNABE! BLACK DIAMOND: Maybe it's just me, but has this character ever been portrayed as a black person before? WAR MACHINE: Oh the plans I have for this group... ULTIMATES: I like the expansion of the group, especially the fact that the expansion gave them a separate identity by expanding on an already-existing theme (nerds out for revenge) instead of the "buff them up" approach in Enemies Assemble. EUROSTAR: I can't say I'm disappointed to see Terror Inc. go, especially given how much more appropriate Scorpia and Fueryadayada are for Eurostar. I also like the change to Fiacho; I never cared for the previous "Anorexic Wolverine" look. I do miss Pantera & Bora, albeit primarily for Y-chromosone related reasons PSI: Pet Peeve Alert! Breaking up the membership of this group (apparently they're going to be listed in several different expansions) was a misfire. BLOWTORCH: Worth the listing just for the Ironclad flavor text, in my opinion. BRAINCHILD: I like him! I could quibble with certain aspects of the writeup but I love the concept -- so much, in fact, that I've placed a slightly reworked version of him on The Protectors in place of Brainchild (there is a strong anti-psi backlash in my campaign world). BLOCKBUSTER... er, BULLDOZER: I'm glad he made the transition, but I disagree with him weighing in below 350. I'm working on a rewrite for the next adventure, so that's all I'm saying about that CAPTAIN CHRONOS: Love the concept, hate the writeup. NND Entangle? I'd penalize any player that brought something like that to me 5% of their starting points CATERAN: There can be only one! FENRIS: Has already made a limited appearance in my campaign -- I cheated and used his writeup for a different character. Actually worked better than expected; he was the second-to-last in that encounter to fall. LEECH: Love the new mechanic; a good example of how the official "Linked Debate" answer of 5th Edition makes the Variable Slot option on multipowers much more viable. MENAGERIE: Great example of how the new multiform rules can be used to great effect without being abusive. THE MONSTER: "Boo! Come on lady, I only have a 30 PRE, work with me here..." NEBULA: I have this rule about NPC's with attacks I wouldn't allow PC's to have. It involves dead fish and blows to the head STORMFRONT & GARGANTUA (also, Devatator from Champions): What is it with the DOJ-verse and the "He's also a rogue!" characters? Not that I'm complaining, I like versatility -- but this one is quickly becoming a HERO cliche... Overall, a lot to like editted because I'm an idiot
  8. Yeah, it's one of a series of "explicit no-no's" in FREd, every one of which I ignore (biggest offender being the "no light from Change Environment", IMO). FREd page 109, column B. "Characters cannot use Entangle to create objects other than barriers (such as bridges, braces, or stairs); to do that, use Transform." It almost goes without saying that "cannot" in HERO is really code-speak for, "without an appropriate advantage or skill use". Creating other forms than barriers with Entangle would be an excellent example of Power, for example.
  9. It's best to say that you don't HAVE to represent permanent size with persistent growth/shrinking/density increase now. You have the OPTION of simply buying up the appropriate ability scores/modifiers and taking a Physical Limitation to reflect your new size. Ironclad, in Champions, uses this to reflect he permanently increased density for example. This rule change, in my opinion, was probably made more in the interest of Shrinking than Growth -- again, in my opinion. It's pretty crazy that my dog Buster Seeker, for example, would have had to buy an extra level or two of Shrinking when he was a puppy that he "bought off" as he grew to his current size (15 inches at shoulder). The issue related to adjustment powers was probably also a factor; consider that you could make Buster Seeker larger by suppressing or draining his Shrinking... This issue is probably where the Inherent advantage came from So if you want to use Growth persistent/always on like you did under 4th Edition? Go for it; there are times when that makes more sense anyway.
  10. I suppose my ruling would count as "power minimum", since I require that the person wanting to hover has 10" of Flight available but don't require any degree of action (half phase or otherwise).
  11. Personally? Ignore the "you have to use Transform to make a bridge" thing. To me this violates Rule 1 of HERO -- Never get hung up on the "right" way to do anything. Rule Zero being one shared with most system, that the GM has the freedom to ignore or create rules as s/he sees fit as long as s/he is consistent & fair, and the players are having fun. I've used the following in the past: Force Wall linked with TK (since FW has no cause/effect), with the strength of the TK determining how much it can hold. Summon, with the cost of the "bridge" based loosely on the base and vehicle rules. It would have Body, DEF, and Size but little movement... Stretching (best for short bridges, gets too expensive for long ones) and Shape Shift -- under 4th Edition, anyway, can still work thematically under 5th I'd also make a case you can probably use Change Environment with the STR adder too, although it strikes me as being over-costed for the actual usefulness.
  12. One thing that jumps the heck out at me: that SPD of 3. Now, I've never actually read any of the books for that character, but that makes him SLOWER than almost every Fantasy HERO character I've ever seen and it's my understanding he's supposed to be a nigh-epic level fighter. The second thing that jumps out at me is the lack of either a martial art, or enough skill levels to mimic one. I'm also curious as to why he has swimming as a skill. An artifact of his 3D&D writeup, perhaps?
  13. First: given that falling acceleration is 5" per segment, I'd require a character that wants to hover to have at least 10" of flight to hover; I base this on the "casual strength" rule. However, I do allow hovering to take place without requiring a half-phase movement action.
  14. I finally gave up on my "FLGS" (which is neither F nor L and just barely G) once and for all. Hopefully my copies arrive from FRP soon so I can comment on this issue
  15. You'd be limited by Cumulative's upper cap, for one thing. For another, you'd need to take Trigger at the "variable" level -- as GM, I'm not fond of the "whenever I need/want to" trigger but other GM's aren't that stringent.
  16. If I understand what you're asking for, Trigger is the advantage you're looking for.
  17. RE: Multiform. This power is *fun* under 5th Edition. One of my players is using it as the core power for her character: Hexadecimal! 16 highly-specialized forms. Of course, Munchkin King is talking about an aspect of Multiform I house-ruled for my campaigns. I know why Steve did it, but I'd rather have my rules consistent (I'm talking about the cost change when the "form" has more points than the base; Multiform doesn't have this while every other "1 point for 5 points in something else" power/rule does).
  18. Whoa! That one snuck passed me too! Nice catch.
  19. Yep That's Buster Seeker, my half-Beagle half-unknown sidekick. The picture is of him the day we got him from Kentucky, yawning. He's not quite 5 weeks old in the picture...
  20. Re: I know what you are thinking Please don't think I'm mocking you. If I had the time and a place to do it, it would be too tempting to pass up. You know, maybe this could work as a street-level superheroics... :evillaugh:
  21. No no, those are homemade beanbags. The number you carry is how many times you can cast the spell, and they have to hit the target. The yelling thing is to indicate the spell being "cast"... Oh wait, you were being funny
  22. If you see something like this and you find yourself thinking it might be fun... you might be a gamer When I first saw the link, I found myself possessed of a desire to find out what was happening from a rule perspective; it makes a twisted kind of sense once you see the rules behind it Be glad I didn't also link the "Do you have a pulse?" video...
  23. I have a sudden urge to go find that "Lightning Bolt!" link again... ADDED: What can I say? I failed the EGO roll. I've always said RPG's are Pretend, With Rules I find the "friendly fire" incident in this video particularly amusing
  24. /* waits for someone to make the cliched "We'd don't neeeed no stinking badgers" joke
  25. Yeah, I could see linking this to shapeshift IF there were some limitation involved with shapeshifting itself. Again, the multiform suggestion assumes there are advantages to both extremes -- something that isn't true for She Hulk, if I recall her properly.
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