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Everything posted by McCoy

  1. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched the first post Charlie Sheen episode of Two and a Half Men. Mostly SFW, includeds an in-character and I BELIEVE broadcast allowed word that implies someone's parents were not married.
  2. Re: The cranky thread I've had that a couple times lately, but also have been having occasional DNS issues with my netbook, so haven't mentioned it.
  3. Re: The cranky thread Back when I first got Number Two and Number Three Sons, it was necessary to impress on them that just because I was working at home did not mean that I wasn't working. There were ritual questions every time the tried to get my attention. "Is anything on fire?" Is there arterial bleeding?" "Is there someone with a badge at the door?" If all three were answered "No," I continued "Then it can wait, can't it? We can talk about it as soon as I finish [current project]." I don't know which was worse, how often one or another question was answered "Yes," or the absolute glee they took when they could give me a yes answer. Problem #2 is also hymenopterate-related, and has to be taken care of before #3 & #4 can be taken care of, and there is no pint in taking care of #5 until I have my ducks in a row for #6, which involves sealing up the openings so no other bees, wasps or hornets can get into the crawl space.
  4. Re: The cranky thread Not here. Too many Africanized hives for anyone to take chances with a feral swarm. These will have to be destroyed. Too bad, they are Italian Caucasians (or at least they are until the hive re-queens). They're also behind a block wall, and closest hatch is 10 meters away.
  5. Re: Champions Villian Voulms Beyond 3: Is There Room For More? This has probably been covered elsewhere, but just to throw out the thought. Maybe there might be enough demand for some of the more marginal supplements if they were published PDF (or maybe a print-on-demand arrangement) rather than the hard copy plus. Not having to deal with the printer and paying them up front might be a better RoI. I'm sure this has already been considered.
  6. Re: The cranky thread There are bees in my crawlspace. I'm allergic to bees. Some are somehow finding their way through the floor into the house. Something that can kill me is finding its way into my house. And this is the 5th most urgent problem on my list.
  7. Re: Transplanted Immortality
  8. Re: Transplanted Immortality By the way, is it just me or isn't this, with a few changes in termonology, what the current cryonics industry is promising?
  9. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? How soon do they need them? Was the child born with a missing limb? Are all their classmates borged up and they the only control natural in their school? Is this covered by the National Health? If the answer to all of the above is "no," they may have their cyberware as soon as they can pay for it.
  10. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits?
  11. Re: Jokes I've seen "Republicans" for publicans in simular context since I was in elementary school. Maybe some one added that to tkdguy's copy, maybe someone censored it from yours.
  12. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? I would have thought the opposite.
  13. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits?
  14. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? Low bar, most claims I've seen for subliminal messaging have been horsecrap not supported by the research.
  15. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? Or have diagnostics running in the background.
  16. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits?
  17. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? The majority do procreate. Do they really want to? Ever seen My Sister's Keeper? Great movie, if you get it on DVD be sure to watch the deleted scenes. But the relevance to this subject is a monologue in the voiceover near the beginning about planning a family, and that in the narrator's opinion for the most part only those who are having trouble having children actually plan for them. Or a sitcom, I want to say Still Standing, the youngest child exits, the husband turns to the wife and says something like "Why did we have her anyway?" "You stopped by the store on the way home from work and didn't have the money for both beer AND condoms." "Oh yeah, and without the beer I wasn't going to need the condoms anyway." Yes, entertainment, fictionalized accounts, but art does reflect life. (OK, not all children are as unplanned as my Number Three Son. I had guardianship of the child who became Number Two Son, was at the family of origin to pick up his stuff, his younger brother helped me load the car, got in the back seat, locked the door and announced he was coming with me. I asked the bioparents if it was OK with them, thinking he'd be back in a few days after he saw his brother was settled in. A year later when I adopted Number Two Son, Number Three Son petitioned the courts to stay with his brother. Bioparents didn't object. Only surprise adoption I've ever heard of.)
  18. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? Not all of us want to procreate.
  19. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits?
  20. Re: Transplanted Immortality Probably possible, but I think the clone at the time of "Transplant" is probably going to be closer to a toddler than an adult. Yeah, I'd go for it.
  21. Re: What to do with Mars Mars 1, a postapooctolyptic world where telepathic shapesifters (who can turn invisible) battle for survival in the war-ravged remains of their world. (Both the Mars of J'on J'onzz and Uncle Martin). Mars B, a world wracked by climate change, the last civilized city-state fighting againt barbarian pilliage as they try to keep the air breathable. (The Mars of Captain John Carter) Mars W, tool using ceplopods devote their remaining resources to escaping their (all together now) "dying planet" to colonize the place they call "the big wet one closer to the sun" (the mars of H G Wells) For fun, not only do all three coexist (and everyone desperate for a working space ship), but it is the Air Factory on Mars B that sustains all three!
  22. Re: General Atomics electromagnetic rail cannon Guess it depends on the spin-off potential. Sounds like a lot is being learned from every test. (OK, mostly what's being learned is how not to build a railgun, still --) How many prototypes did Edison destroy before he had a practical light bulb? (And how many did Tesla destroy, but we don't have a Tesla available for this project.)
  23. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits?
  24. Re: Cybernetics and Bioengineering: what are YOUR limits? But talking snakes, people floating, alchemy, and people coming back from the dead don't? In context I believe there was an unfortunate typo there.
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