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Everything posted by McCoy

  1. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? Is this likely to go anywhere useful? All of the above have altered the canon by leaving out Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and Maccabees 1 & 2. The arguement was made at the time that translating the scriptures amounted to adding to them. Cathoilic =/= Roman Catholic, but the Universal Orthodox church. Even so, I believe there are still more Roman Catholics than all other forms of Christian put together.
  2. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? Along with Protestants, Episcopalians, and Charismatics. How many angels are we going to make dance on that pin? The extremes are (1) "Christian" is the Cathoic Church and (2) "Christian" is anyone who self-identifies as Christian. I favor the scond one. And yes, I am aware of the irony of an atheist and a Buddhist trying to define "Christian," but sometimes it does help to take that step back and not be too close to the question.
  3. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction?
  4. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction?
  5. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giordano_Bruno
  6. Re: Religion in Science-Fiction?
  7. MegaScale with Tanks You're welcome! Tell me I was the only one thinking it.
  8. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN) (non-climate change thread) Been mre than a few decades since my last physics course. I was aware of claims of superluminal quantium tunneling, are they now widely accepted?
  9. Re: Regenerating teeth Because after all, no thread on this board has ever drifted before.
  10. Re: Discussion: One-origin world Idea based on the Grimm TV series.
  11. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN) (non-climate change thread)
  12. Re: Discussion: One-origin world Idea based on the Grimm TV series. Can a show jump the shark on the third episode? Or when it happens that fast is it called something else?
  13. Re: Regenerating teeth Is a good question, why do humans have only one set of replacement teeth? From an evolutionary standpoint, we have one set that falls out around six years of age, some replacement molars come in when we are over 12, and that's all we need to get us to breeding age. But what if instead of just a set of spare molars for wisdom teeth we had a third full set? Why do we grow two sets then stop? Seems an arbitrary number.
  14. Re: Pixar's the Incredibles Believe he was that world's Daredevil. In his civilian ID he was Bob's lawyer when he was being sued in the opening.
  15. Re: The Profession Of Piracy? ***REM*** rep Rose
  16. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Been meaning to do this for a while. Think I'm going to need it a lot during Primary season. [ATTACH=CONFIG]40490[/ATTACH]
  17. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster I recall reading a novelist who had learned English not only as a second language, but after being a published author (I want to say Popescu, but could be wrong). He said something like after learning English, he didn't see how he ever wrote without it. In his native language, if his characters were going to jump they had to jump; in English they could leap, vault, hop, hurdle, skip, all with subtile variations in connotation. I have heard that English is the only language that has, or needs, a reference like a thesaurus. It is the world's most popular second language.
  18. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Can't really apply a single rule to double negatives. Often it means a more emphatic negative, sometimes it does mean a positive. The "don't end a sentence with a preposition" is my pet peeve, as well as pretentious pedantic nonsense. Counter examples are found in Chaucer, Shakespeare, and the King James translation of the Bible. What examples of English are more venerable than Shakespeare and the Bible? English is a Germanic language, it makes absolutely no sense to crucify it on a Romantic grammar. I absolutely refuse to recast a sentence because it is not how Julius Caesar would have said it.
  19. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Precursors of the giraffes too. But which way did the elephants migrate? I forget!
  20. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER I'm still wondering why both his first and middle names were Chim.
  21. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER Not on our continent either.
  22. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN) Actually the CO2 concentration becomes, um, "toxic" isn't the right word, shall we say "incompatable with human llife" well before the O2 level drops. Get a medium-sized paper bag, breath into it in the classic cure for hiccups and hyperventalation. "Follow yur breath," trying to be aware of it without controlont it. Notice when you start breathing rapidly. There is still plenty of oxygen in the bag, but your lungs and heart have spead up trying to disipate CO2 out of your body.
  23. Re: Science: Particles seen moving at FTL speeds (CERN) Yes, we should always ignore the science by identifying it with the most extreme outliers. After all, Chicken Little has never, ever been right! SEC Investigator Raised Madoff Concerns Years Ago, Was Asked to Look Elsewhere Expert Fired Who Warned Levees Would Burst Bin Laden Determined To Strike In US
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