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  1. Re: Good Zombie flicks The three Romero zombie movies are the best by far. You should check out Day of the Dead. I would love to know what happens between them. How it goes from pockets of zombies to pockets of humanity. It would make a great pick up game campagin. Diashan
  2. Re: And For My Next Trick... What about Missle Deflection by catching them with her cape. Also a good side plot when that other dimensional creature shows up to find out why she keeps throwing crap at him. Diashan
  3. Re: Combat Manuever: "Crack The Whip" I agree all the Ultimate books are great. The Ultimate Mystic isn't as crunchy as the others(in my opinion) but it still had lots of great info in it. I highly recomend them and the USPDB. Diashan
  4. Re: Need help creating a power. I belive it would only be one activation roll. Have the player buy the power skill and make that the second roll. Maybe give RSR limitation or pool can't be manipulated at all. Thats probably how I would handle it. Diashan
  5. Re: Garrote and Bola This is how I would handle it. Out Of Combat By Surprise The defender is at half DCV (page 252) the hit location modifier is half (page 277) and the defender suffers double stun (page 252). In Combat By Surprise The defender is at half DCV (page 252) the hit location modifier is normal (page 252) stun is normal (page 252) In Combat No Surprise This would just be normal combat The modifier for the grabbed character to hit the grabbing character would be completley situational depending on what the do. I would probably wave it for a non wepon or small wepon (like a knife). I wouldn't let the target use any powers that require the Incantations Limitation. I would consider the garrotte to be the "squeeze" part of the grab and squeeze manuver and allow the damage to continue until the grab was broken. I think I covered everything. Post a follow up if I can help anymore though I won't answer till tommorrow(dinner time then off to bed). Diashan
  6. Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf I belive I read early this week or last week that Ben was on vacation. I'm sure when he gets back he's going to have a ton of email to wade through so this may take a little time. Diashan
  7. Re: Giant Character Help I belive it was under fourth edition rules were shrinking gave a plus to CV instead of just DCV. Come here mister martial artist WHAM It's not as broken anymore. Your right about DC's we didn't take it all into consideration and it endeed up being a big mistake. By the way I usally don't play bricks thats why the DC thing didn't jump out at me. Diashan
  8. Re: Giant Character Help Growth, shrinking, and density increase is a very nasty combination. I played a brick of this sort once it was very gross. Nobody realised it's potential, not even me. He could take out just about any brick toe to toe. Diashan
  9. Re: How many ways can you do this? No he said stop it in mid air. Transform: Speeding Bullet to Non-Moving Bullet Diashan
  10. Re: He's a WHIMP !!! (My Gripe) I've got to agree with Magmarock. As I've been upgrading my 4th charaters the vast majority of my changes have been in adding skills/talents/perks not raising power level. If anything my average attack and defense levels have come down just slightly to make more well rounded characters. I swear I feel the point crunch worse at 350 than I ever did at 250. Diashan
  11. Re: Ripping Telephone Poles From The Ground Telephone poles make wonderful wepons in combat. So your villian wants to stand of and try to plink me I don't think so. A little off topic but manhole covers make great projetiles for bricks, big metal Frisbees. 9 DEF 5 BODY ohhhh! Just hope you don't miss. Diashan
  12. Re: Who let the Id out? Instead of duplication maybe do it as a summon. Only to create duplicate of a character, only to characters power level. Will have to do some research could make an intersting character. Maybe Ghostrider like confront your inner evil. Diashan
  13. Thanks I think I'll go with the 2 point knowledge skills it makes the most sense. Supreme Serpent I am the GM I just don't think that I've encountered this situation in almost 10 years. So I thought what better place to go for opinions.
  14. Lets say you have a character who was a talented agent(many skills). He then recieves super powers that reduces his fine manipulation so that he can't use some of them(security systems, lockpicking, etc). Do you go ahead and buy them, maybe with limitaions, just so the character makes sense? I'm torn he can't use them but he would still know them.
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