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Doc Democracy

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Everything posted by Doc Democracy

  1. In original Traveller, IIRC,every stat was a damage. Wasn't a game I played much, so I might be wrong. In this case, however, my perspective is simply that Max END becomes variable in gameplay. If you use physical tokens (I like doing that for END and STUN), it is a matter of a separate cup, to put unavailable END tokens into.
  2. I liked Sean's suggestion. It is analogous to long term end loss. The more big hits you take, the less able you are to take damage and longer healing requirement. Not for supers but definitely in more heroic genres. Doc
  3. Set up a base i the bit that gives me pause. Beyond that, it is the old Instant Change power (now a cosmetic transform) with a focus (probably IIF). Doc
  4. In my job it would be entirely impossible. I also cosume my news online and I play games with my friends online (both console and boardgames). It means I still game with friends who are in Scotland while I am in London. I think the internet enhances my life, I read about games and gaming, I download books that I read offline when I am commuting, I check the availability of trains and buses online while on the commute and stay in touch with my team as we work hybridly.
  5. And I thought I was old. My phone cost £150 and I pay £10/month for unlimited minutes, texts and social media with 60GB data for everything else. I think modern life demands an internet connection and a mobile phone is the most convenient way to achieve that. I fully expect the next generation of ROGs to integrate a mobile device in accessing rules and being an interactive character sheet at the gaming table rather than a distraction.
  6. I have been in London for 25 years now, there has never been a wet year, not compared to the West of Scotland...
  7. Hmm. I hate to go against explicit rule descriptions. What about a "gate" teleport, with physical manifestation that passes through intervening space. The SFX are walking through a dry passage...
  8. Going to jump the shark.... I propose Summon. Create the most passive, non aggressive Water Elemental. It appears, goes to where you want it and stays there. All it has is size. Should be pretty cheap.... 🙂 Doc
  9. For the red sea style thing, I might be inclined to use tunnelling where the "tunnel" remains intact. If the radius of the tunnel is enough, you get to the surface, or you might give the headroom for free. Depends on what additional use you think the character might make of having a u-pipe rather than a pipe.
  10. I think there is less handwaving than in other things. At least barrier is fundamentally about creating volumes of some substance or another. The big handwave is allowing people to move through the barrier without causing it damage, everything else is about aplying the standard environmental effects of being inside a body of water. We would not create a pool with the suffocation element from APG, we would say - "you are under water, here are the rules for that". As I said, would need to apply the advantage of blocking gaseous transfer for barrier.... Doc
  11. I find myself with less sympathy for those pining for the days when "our thing" was special and pointed at and laughed at. I think I am happier with more people who are comfortable with superhero and gaming references, not least the appearance of NPC as a concept in random social media conversations. I think there is more stuff for me to cherry pick and live off than in the old days when everything was specialist, expensive or home-made. Obviously there are the issues like complete canon and I take great pleasure in educating newbies in the tyrrany of continuity. I have been there, pined for completeness and then come out the other side, looking for complete stories that can exist. I love asking those saying that batman should kill the Joker whether they would be happy knowing there would never be another joker story? Some are but the majority want more stuff to watch and read. Joker's continued existence is purely by commercial demand, not from any inherent flaw in Batman's priniciples or society as a whole. I want lots of stories, I want good complex series. I am content for those stories to be coherent within themselves and owe no continuity to previous stories or to limit future stories by what they reveal. I guess that is why I drifted into almost exclusively reading old stuff and Elseworlds stories. However, the more people there are involved and interested, the more people there are who are likely to create in this space and, even if 90% of that is dross, it is still likely to be more than I had growing up. Doc
  12. Barrier in 6th Edition is much more than erecting a wall. Indeed, the description says that "a barrier, once created, is a physical object that remains in existence until destroyed by attacks, the passage of time, or other factors". it is an incredible tool to do a lot of things. As such, my idea is to create a coherent body of water, you can enter that body of water as it has 0 PD, and swim thorugh it. While in it you would be subject to the SFX of being inside a body of water (I might need to add an advantage because barrier, by default, allows the passage of gases etc). You can configure the barrier to whatever shape you want - it also allows a certain amount of flexibility such as adpating to the surface (or fill a location). So, the barrier of water will stand free but once it takes enough damage, it will collapse into that much water and act just like a body of water that is no longer being held in place. I think it is ideal to be used for this purpose. It requires a slight handwave of SFX by allowing people to swi through it for no damage but the lack of utility as a barrier is more than made up for in other places. Barrier is worth a good read - it is one of the powers that contributed to the expansion of pages but it adds a bch of utility that makes the reading worthwhile. Doc
  13. I would be content with creating a barrier of water. I would be content with the SFX being "water" and applying the usual environmental effects. It would be DEF 0 with enough BODY to soak up damage, should people decide to try destroying it rather than swimming through. If the barrier was in a hole, then once the DEF of the barrier was overcome, the water would still exist and fill the hole. Doc
  14. I almost never use extra time so don't think I ever read that. I suppose it is up to you but most of the stuff I have looked at, like charges and (in 6th edition) requires a roll, things are added and subtracted. Choice is yours...
  15. Right, there were a lot of characters using this feature and it was formally written in in 6th Edition. It is not halving the limitation, it is subtracting 1/2 from the limitation, so +1 becomes +1/2 and +1/2 becomes 0. Concentration, in 5th edition, provides values where activation only is the default. I realise that you are confusing things by considering an instant power (killing attack) like a constant power (availability of killing attack). I think as GM I would allow you to take concentration at -1/4 the usual value. Doc
  16. You can take a lesser limitation on the activation roll, if it is only to switch on a constant power. Will go look at the details and edit this. Later... OK, the requires a roll limitation is +1/2 for 11 or less, you make no change to that if it is only a roll to switch on the power. If that was 11 or less every time you wanted to use the power it would be a +1 limitation. P389 of 6E1.
  17. You have laid out the progress itself Obviously the core power is the one used by masters of the art. It depends on how many steps you want but you add in, or increase more limitations as you get to the novice level. A master has HKA, with possibly no limitations at all. The SFX are that a sword appears in the masters hand, slashing or stabbing. If the blade is parried or disarmed, it flickers out of existence and back in again, completing the attack unhindered. Those less gifted need to spend END to bring the blade into existence, they may not always be successful and, if disarmed or restrained, need to make that effort again. Some even take seconds to form the blade, possibly even only when they can concentrate sufficiently to do so. As characters progress, they buy off limitations on the HKA until, when all limitations are gone, they become masters of the MindBlade. 😁
  18. Not sure you were following either my point or Vlad's. The summon spell is the magic part, we were talking about the costs of getting there and what is easiest. A crunchy system should not mean you always go for a complex or difficult approach, it means you can, if you need, tinker with the small details of how it all works and rely less on the meta-game narrative. So, if you can get a cost to use in a spell simply, then you should go for it....
  19. And debating the finer points of whether we know less than we think....
  20. Ach - I have tried Discord so many times and bounced off it every time. It feels chaotic to me and cannot understand its value over a forum like this. I guess I am old now and cannot get my head round these new-fangled things. 😞 The shame is that the community is so small now that the spread cross different platforms dilutes the community further.
  21. You made me go back and look at ancient character sheets that I have kept for decades! 🙂 What I found was that, in my group at least - I have no other reference - that secondary characteristics were indeed bought up, but only after we had bought up primary characteristics to the point that one secondary had already been bought down drastically and a second had reached an acceptable point and the gains from buying primaries could no longer be realised because the system forbade you buying down more than one secondary. It shows that the designers had already seen that primaries were too good a deal and that the astute player would ramp up CON and STR until every possible secondary had been bought down, exploiting the value in that relationship. The reason, in my group, that secondaries were bought up was because, after a certain point, the rules prevented us exploiting buying them down... I tend to avoid these conversations because I am a characteristic extremist, well out of alignment with most others on the boards. However, what Chris said resonated with me We had no access to anyone else, we had to learn it among ourselves and, like Chris, our first characters both players and GM were not viable in combat - they failed in multiple ways as we found out what worked, what didn't and settled on values for baselines in the game that the figured characteristics did not help very much at all beyond giving us vague suggestions that characters with a high con might be expected to have higher ED (but not PD) higher REC and much higher END than baseline characters. Unlike Chris, those unviabe characters were indeed supposed to be played, and they were. We learned by making those mistakes and changing how we did things. Doc
  22. I reckon I would allow real weapon for the basic mindblade. It probably can be broken and while the maintenance might be different, may require something to keep it functioning. It also means that, while it's manufacture is different, it is treated identically to any normal weapon.
  23. Hmm. So what you are suggesting is that we see superhuman increasingly get involved in politics, possibly to the point the execute an effective coup where participation in executive politics and governance is based on personal power. This process, which the PCs may be investigating, has, in the shadows, been supported and provoked and potentially subverted by the aliens. Driving human societies to this, driving them to take-up offers to be made super. They then manoeuvre elections away from broad suffrage to gladiatorial contests, broadcast as part of the bread and circus element of authoritarian societies. Is that it?
  24. So it is, like many narrative systems, very important to set up the contest: what victory means, what failure means and the consequences of each, with a handful of fuzzy edge elements you might throw in to qualify both victory and failure. You say normal 8 round tracker. I presume longer teackers are easier for PCs, shorter ones harder. I also presume that turning red sooner makes it easier because PCs get access to those abilities for longer in the scene? Though that feels a bit counter-intuitive...
  25. I think I did and got no uptake, the forums don't seem particularly active and I may not gave hung about long enough. I was thinking of setting up a one-off, possibly using Sentinels for an arc of the Golden Age HERO game I am playing with my group. I converted the characters but when I thought of the first scene I froze. This first encounter us supposed to be the characters escaping from a lab where they had been getting experimented on. Obviously the environment us important, lots of things that might interrupt or complicate the scene. There are the guards to defeat and a perimeter defence to breach. So, the scene tracker. How long? When to change G to Y to R? What happens if the tracker ends? Do I need another scene with higher stakes? How long should that be? I reckon this would become more obvious with experience of the game but I wanted the one off to go well. Any hints and tips would be useful, I want that first scene to get easy but, for plot reasons, not too easy (they are being allowed to escape but should not know that). I was also wondering about whether and how the GYRO system might be used for the meta plot of the adventure. Two heroes were captured, the scene begins with the other heroes breaking in to free them, there will be three other prisoners, one of whom will escape with them, the other two will die/be recaptured. They need to get to London and return to their secret base. Actually, this is all in their minds, the nazis are watching to find the location of the secret base and the surviving prisoner the captors way to communicate with the heroes. I want each scene to have the potential of giving away the secret, possibly using an additional GYRO counter. Or am I being too ambitious? 🙂
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