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Mark Rand

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Everything posted by Mark Rand

  1. I know I'm probably beating a dead horse here, but I still think the Bat Team's possible. Assume for a moment that Robin's dead and Batman's either dead or so badly injured that he can never get out of bed, much less fight crime again. Either way, his identity has been revealed to the public. Besides Batgirl and, possibly, Nightwing, can protect Gotham City from criminals?
  2. The Slayer team I mentioned above would work in any campaign city, if it isn't Slayer Central and the location of Watcher Headquarters. Remember, the old headquarters, and its library, were destroyed by agents of The First. If it is, we have many Slayers there. Some are teaching anti-vampire techniques to SWAT teams, some some teach at Slayer Centeral, some are on duty, with people from various agencies, at the airport, and one or two are interning with the local forensics experts. We have newly-discovered Slayers coming in and trained Slayers either returning home either to train furthur, if they're leas than 14-years old, or to help protect their city. Buffy could take some with her to help deal with a major problem or some could work with the Initiative on missions. If we follow the Slayers / CSI storyline, Rona will be the one that works with the Finns and their team, as a consultant.
  3. We know, from the Buffy series that a Hellmouth is a weakening in the barrier between out reality and Hell. Does energy leak through the Hellmouth? If so, is the leak steady or does it change from time to time? Can someone that can sense magic sense a Hellmouth and its energy output, if any? In a high mana world, like the CU, what effects would it have?
  4. I think the Queen of Swords, from the syndicated television program of the same name, would fit here.
  5. actually, the Slayers wouldn't be PCs. They'd just be characters that the heroes would sometimes run into.
  6. Mark Rand


    badger3k, are you referring to Rose, the ghost from the thread Constructing a Mage's Mansion?
  7. Here are the names of the characters. The Slayers and their families have lived in the campaign city for, at least, three years. Kendra Masters is a 16-year old Slayer. Born and bred in Jamacia, she came to the United States with her family when she was 10. She has braided, waist-length black hair and prefers battle axe with handle spike. John Masters, M.D. and his wife, Sue, a nurse practitioner, tend the team's medical needs. Keiko Namura is a 16-year old Slayer and ninja. She has shoulder-length black hair and bangs and wields a katana. Midori Mamura, Keiko's mother, is a ninja, gymnastics coach who owns her own school and the team's trainer. She has waist-length black hair and wears glasses. Like her daughter, she likes the katana. Hikaru Namura, Keiko's father, is a police detective. Honey James is a 16-year old Slayer with golden blonde hair. Her favorite weapon is the scythe. William James, PhD, Honey's father, is the principal of the school all three girls attend. For added zest, its on a Hellmouth. Cathy James, Honey's mother, is a reporter for the local newspaper. Tom Marshall is the school librarian and the Slayers' Watcher. Like Giles, he likes books and dislikes computers. Connie Gray is the school's computer science teacher. She and Tom are dating. Cameron Chase is a PRIMUS intelligence agent and liaison to the superhero team the Slayers are part of.
  8. Hi, Nightfly. Glad you like the three Slayers. One good thing about them is that they're easily moved to whatever campaign city you're using. I'm thinking of having them all be students at the high school on the Hellmouth and their Watcher become the school librarian. His, more or less, girlfriend is the school's computer science teacher. Of course, the Slayers will occasionally run into the so called Popular Crowd. (Can you tell that I was watching my first season Buffy DVDs last night?) Although all Slayers are trained with stakes, crossbows, bladed weapons and other hand weapons, each uses what she likes. The Japanese Slayer prefers her katana, using it either two-handed, for a beheading, or one-handed, with a stake in the left, to bring the vamp to his knees. The Jamaican Slayer carries her own version of the scythe, a heavy axe with a stake-like point on the handle. The white Slayer has a scythe like Buffy used. I like your scythe writeup, Nightfly. Hopefully, the guy who made the Buffy writeup (not me) will add it to the page.
  9. The idea of the otherworld area being buildings around a large city park is a new one. The original one had nine buildings in three rows of three. If I go back to this, with the plans I have now, the setup could be a hotel, church and theater in the first row, the medical clinic, Washington Monument and gymnasium in the second and a mansion and two others in the third. Comments and suggestions for the last two are requested. Remember, I have to be able to find plans for these buildings somewhere.
  10. Mark Rand


    I don't recall seeing much anime here in Pittsburgh. My favorites are Robotech, Voltron (lion force only), and, assuming they're anime, The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers and Voltron, the Third Dimension.
  11. Silver Avenger Nakamura was created as the default Silver Avenger for the campaign. Now that I think of it, I could simply transfer Terry Kestler to the campaign city. That would work, too. I'm beginning to think a team of three Slayers might be best. One's the Japanese-American Slayer mentioned above. Her mother now teaches the girls how to fight. The second is from Jamaica. Her Watcher now serves as the team's Watcher. Since there's already a combat teacher, he serves as a researcher. The third girl's white, from the campaign city and the daughter of a high school principal. To make things more interesting, said school sits on the local Hellmouth. Agent Cameron Chase of PRIMUS serves as agency liaison for both teams.
  12. The Disney made for cable movie Up, Up and Away, mentioned on the TV Superhero thread comes to mind.
  13. Chromatic, I do read every post and print out the thread. I just wanted to make sure everyone was up to date. The idea of Batman being gone came from Blue. Thank you. Barbara training the new Batgirl is taken from DC Comics. The new Batgirl having her own cave is from DC Comics and the people on these boards. Thank you. Since we're not in the DC universe, there are a few more changes not mentioned in my pervious post. Here they are. Bludhaven doesn't exist. Atlantic City takes its place. The DEO doesn't exist, but PRIMUS, the DOSPA, and UNTIL do. UNTIL doesn't have a space station. Parts of Gotham City haven't be renaimed for people who worked on Batman. Neither earthquake nor plagues (sp) nor the No Man's Land incident occurred. Terry Kestler, who transferred from Portland, is Gotham's Silver Avenger. She met Batman once and was very impressed with him. Batman seemed willing to accept PRIMUS Gotham and its Silver Avenger.
  14. The idea is from 20-years ago, when Mayfair made a licensed DC Heroes RPG. Our version is a bit different. Gotham County is the southern part of Ocean County, New Jersey in a version of the CU. In this version, VIPER is realistic (see the VIPER Sourcebook for details), Gotham City replaces Hudson City, ETs are not known to exist, and the Sunnydale earthquake has happened. Oracle, with Batman's permission, is training a new Batgirl. She has her own Batcave, based on the old Wayne Manor one, her own Batmobile, a black 2001 ram-air TransAm look-alike and a two-woman support staff. (One's a laid-off trauma nurse, the other's a techie/ninja with mechanical skills and a masters in electronics engineering who prefers to work on bat equipment instead of fighting crime.) Suddenly, something happens! Batman, Robin and Nightwing are gone! Who will protect Gotham City now? The team Alfred and Oracle form around the new Batgirl, with her Batcave as their home base, of course.
  15. What city should the team be based in? How tied to PRIMUS are they? What kind of structure is their base? Is its location public knowledge? What do you think of the crossovers? Assuming you like them, are there any you'de like to add? There are probably more questions to answer, but I haven't thought of them, yet.
  16. Hi all, The Iowa superhero thread got me thinking. Why not a superhero team in Colorado? As I see it, either Denver or Colorado Springs would be the two best cities for a team. Denver is the Western capitol of the United States. It already has military bases and a PRIMUS bases. Colorado Springs also has military bases, the United States Air Force Academy, several military complexes inside mountains and the main Olympic training complex. If, like me, you're into crossovers, I have three for you, post season seven "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Stargate SG-1", and "Unicorn Mountain", a fantastic novel that I misplaced. Buffy has been talked about on the Sunnydale and Las Vegas threads. Read them. There's too much there to write about here. "Stargate SG-1" is a wonderful series on the Sci-fi channel. In our version, Senator Kinsey and his friends at the NID (National Intelligence Department) in an attempt to gain control of the Stargate Project and help Kinsey in his bid to become President of the United States, blow the whistle on it. All they end up with is a lifetime stay at the federal pen in Levenworth, Kansas. It might be a short stay if they get the death penelty for treason and violation of the Patriot Act. If you haven't read "Unicorm Mountain", read it. You'll understand why I'd like to include it. Comment is invited. Mark Rand
  17. The original idea was to use the Paulson Mansion, whose floor plans I found on the net, as the basis For the sorceress's house. Since it was an elevator and the one from The House That Jack Built doesn't, that might work better. The underground base could be based on the original Wayne Manor Batcave. A female ghost, Rose, from Titanic, wearing a black evening gown and long white gloves, haunts the mansion. She's kind and easy to get along with. The second floor has two gates. One leads to the USC gymnasium. Cheerleader uniforms from 1978 were found in a storage room. The second leads to a medical clinic, also from 1978. There, everyone wore white lab coats. The nursing staff wore them over their uniforms. The nurses also wore white caps. The team's nurse, who, until then, only wore scrubs, tried a white uniform and cap on for fun, found she liked the look, and now dresses that way. The attic leads to the otherworld. Its major feature is a large public park with hiking trails. The other structures, including the Japanese garden complex, fit around it.
  18. Mark Rand

    Hero Base

    Digital Hero issues 2 and 6 have PRIMUS updates in them. The one in issue 6 has a map of PRIMUS's Portland base in it.
  19. Tried it again and guess what the answer was? http://www.liquidgeneration.com/quiz/images/blackwidow.jpg The Black Widow.
  20. At Hermit's suggestion, I tried the heroine quiz and got Psylocke.
  21. I wanted Black Widow, but got Spiderman.
  22. A couple of minor changes to report. The female ghost has the run of the house, but prefers to stay in the living room and parlor. The rec center has been replaced by a collegate (sp) gymnasuim building that stands in for USC's gymnasium.
  23. Sorry about the delay. I had to find my files. Batgirl's cave is based on the Wayne Foundation Batcave. One one side are the workshop, syudy/meeting room and the computer & communications gear. On the other side are the parking space for Batgirl's Batmobile, the trophy room and the crime lab. Going through the portal, we have a hall with one door on the left, four on the right and one ahead. The one on the left goes to a four-floor gymnasium complex with several gyms, a weight room, a multi-purpose room, a pool and a mat room. The ones on the right go to, in order, a medical clinic, men's locker room, women's locker room and equipment storage area. If you go straight ahead, you're in what we call the otherworld, a flat surface with a group of buildings around the Washington Monument. These buildings include a church, a hotel and a Japanese Garden complex.
  24. A bit more on Silver Avenger Nakamura. I used three silver avengers to create her: Maria Chow (San Francisco), Terry Kestler (Portland), and Mayte Sanchez (Millennium City). She looks like Maria Chow and is Terry Kestler with ninjutsu and Mayte Sanchez's adrenaline junkie style. She also owns, and uses, her own martial arts weapons. Her favorites include a katana, made by a master swordsmith, that's been her family since the 16th century, throwing stars and a weighted chain.
  25. How about a miniature translater droid that can easily be carried?
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