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Dr. MID-Nite

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Everything posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. Re: What would your character do? #71 The Living EGO: Well....with his vast mental powers, dealing with the locals is easy. That might not help him get back home though. He'd probably try to focus his power and develop a technique to psychically move him through time(ala Rachel from the X-men). In the meantime, he'd probably use his powers to have the locals provide for him...as he has few survival skills. Rob
  2. Re: WWYCD #94: The Nar Cola endorsement The Living EGO: "I will not in any way, shape, or form do anything that might make me look....undignified. Why don't you talk to Orca...or perhaps Ninja? "
  3. Re: WWYCD #92 - Zero Sum The Living EGO: " I spent my whole life accepting that I was special and now you're going to make me ordinary. I think not. "
  4. Re: Whatever happened to the Wyvern? Actually...given that list....I'd say the likely candidate is Power Crusher. Rob
  5. Re: JLA - CU Style Ok...was using the show as a guide. Humanite grow in the comics I take it? Rob
  6. Re: JLA - CU Style Well...among the bad guys... Black Harlequinn makes a good Joker... Ultra Humanite? Make Doc Silverback evil and you're done. Shade=Shadowdragon Felix Faust=Zoran Grodd=Evil Doc Silverback with mental powers Pantera(4th edition) serves as a good Cheetah fill in That's a start....
  7. Re: Whatever happened to the Wyvern? Wow...the Soviets(especially the updated ones in Classic Organizations) were among my favorite teams. They tied nicely into Russian culture and you had the potential for both flat out Hunteds and friendly rivalries. I only remember the really old GAC...and I liked Shocktrooper out of that and not much else(mainly cause they were so poorly built). I'm surprised you didn't like them(and even more surprised that the only one you liked was Disinformer-the least interesting to me), but to each their own I guess. Rob
  8. Re: Why not start a thread on revised editions of your old favorites? I agree...though on the other hand....I have enough old 4th Edition stuff to keep me doing update work until 6th Edition comes out.... Rob
  9. Re: Who have you updated? Wow...I no longer have Enemies 3, but mentioning the names brought up memories. I had almost completely forgotten about Buffalo. Didn't he have like insane REC and Regeneration? The other two I've almost completely forgotten their powers. Death Touch for Dark Angel and Darkness for Darkon(I'm assuming)? Rob
  10. I'm just curious as to which characters you all have updated from the various older titles that as yet haven't been done. For my part, I'd done.... Every character from The Olympians... Dr. Megaton, Fusion, and The Hand from Challenges for Champions... The Devil's Advocates from Horror Enemies(though I hear their update will soon be official) Glacier, Facet, and Black Druid from European Enemies..... Bastille from Shadows of the City(turned him into a hero) Copperhead From Dark Champions How about you guys? Rob
  11. Re: Simple Request: Colossus Clone Thanks for the responses everyone. One thing that was confusing me...is....that according to the Marvel universe handbook, if Colossus is knocked out while in armor form, he remains in armor form. That's what was throuwing me...as not only does it mean that his powers would basically be Persistent....nut the OIHID wouldn't be a valid limitation anymore. On the other hand, the character i have in mind(called Cataclysm) doens't have to be identitcal by any means...so I guess I could ignore the issue all together. Rob
  12. Re: Simple Request: Colossus Clone Thanks for the responses everyone. One thing that was confusing me...is....that according to the Marvel universe handbook, if Colossus is knocked out while in armor form, he remains in armor form. That's what was throuwing me...as not only does it mean that his powers would basically be Persistent....nut the OIHID wouldn't be a valid limitation anymore. On the other hand, the character i have in mind(called Cataclysm) doens't have to be identitcal by any means...so I guess I could ignore the issue all together. Rob
  13. Okay...I need some ideas for creating a Colossus clone, but I can't seem to pin it down. How do you guys do it? Rob
  14. Okay...I need some ideas for creating a Colossus clone, but I can't seem to pin it down. How do you guys do it? Rob
  15. Re: Easiest way to do this....? I wanted to avoid that...mainly because that prevents an equally skilled opponent from disarming said hero...which in my opinion...should be possible. I went with the extra STR idea..and it seemed to be a good fit. Rob
  16. Re: XP....how much per session....? No problem. As a newer GM, I can use all the help I can get. Rob
  17. Re: XP....how much per session....? Thansk, Dust Raven. Your comments...along with everyones else's are most appreciated. My last campaign lasted nearly two years. I expect this one will be similiar in length. Rob
  18. Re: Easiest way to do this....? Hmm...okay..hadn't though of the extra Strength idea... Thanks, Rob
  19. I'm starting a new campaign in a week and I'm always at a loss as to how much XP I should give out per session. This is a bi-weekly game. What's the going rate? Rob
  20. I have a character who is a very skilled swordsman. I want to show that it's difficult to grab the sword form him or disarm him. Now, would I buy 5 point DCV levels...with limitations? If so...what value for only vs. Grabs and Disarms against weapon? Is there an easier way to do this? Help! Rob
  21. Here's the concept: 1) He's a doctor.... 2) He has inate powers of healing and regeneration. 3) Uses gadgets(of a nonlethal nature) to help fight crime. Ideas? Everything I think of seems too cheesy...so I beg Herodom assembled for aid. Rob
  22. Re: So, how do you plan on using your Galactic Champions? Well....I'll probably adapt some of the characters for my regular game. Some characters(with a bit of tweaking) will work just fine in the modern day. Echo for example. Rob
  23. Re: marvel conversions That may be true. For my part, I gave Nightcrawler a 23 DEX, +5 combat reflexes, +3 HtH levels, + 1 DCV level with another +3 DCV levels of Blink Teleport(uses END)...and a 7 SPD. Regardless of actual DEX, this Nightcrawler would be formidable. Rob
  24. Re: marvel conversions Fair enough. not rying to be mean or anything. I guess just saying that as usual...more than one way to do things in Hero. Rob
  25. Re: marvel conversions Well, the current Marvel directory suggests otherwise...and certain accounts(Secret Wars for example) also suggest Spiderman's obvious superiority. I agree with you that Nightcrawler is generally more agile and faster than other characters....I just think it can be done in other ways beyond giving him raw DEX, which just adds to characteristic inflation in my opinion. Rob
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