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Dr. MID-Nite

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Everything posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. Re: Marvel's Rogue It's listed at the end under Miscellaneous Powers. Rob
  2. Re: Marvel's Rogue I thought the write-up in USPD was generally ok....though far too expensive for PCs in all but the highest point campaigns. Still...mechanics wise.....I thought it was reasonably well done. Rob
  3. Re: Marvel's Rogue Given past examples....I'd say...he generally laughs. She's absorb some of his power, but not enough to challenge him or knock him unconscious. Likely, Galactus has too much power for her to absorb safely, so I think the power backlash would actually knock her out for a long time. Hence...attempting to absorb Galactus' power would be a useless gesture....as she'd probably not be in any shape to use that power. Rob
  4. Re: Champs Worldwide: Whaddya want? Personally, I'd like to see an established Russian super team. It probably wouldn't be government sponsored anymore, but there should be enough supers within the former Soviet Union who care about the greater good to band together. Rob
  5. Re: Ultimate Mystic Review Okay....so Agent X won't buy the book. Got it. Now....does anyone have anything objective to say about the book's gaming content? I'd offer a review myself, but my copy hasn't arrived in the mail yet. Rob
  6. Re: Classing Naming: (this) and (that) I'll take a stab. I'd say the name would be...Tittie Twister? Rob
  7. Re: Twins I'd say just make sure they have the appropriate skills(Teamwork for example) and leave it at that. If they are identical, one character sheet will probably do. Rob
  8. Re: Is there such a thing as TOO evil? Well....for my part...targeting the TRULY innocent.....babies...and say....puppies....is truly reprehensible. I'd say people who'd be willing to harm either fit my definition of vileness beyond redemption. Rob
  9. Re: Goofy hero names that you still love Land Lord He had earth control powers, but every session there's be a comment about his "Cosmic Eviction" powers that would leave the gaming group laughing hysterically for at least 5 minutes straight. Rob
  10. Re: Your PCs might be Underpowered if... .....you're honorary members of the All Body Cast Squad. Rob
  11. Re: So, what would be the impact of... There's going to be a fair amount of attrition among the new superbeings. They'll fall to the governments or other superbeings. The 200 pointers may not even have any damage resistance....in which case they can be killed just as easily as anyone elses. A lot assumes the nature of the powers and the person who posesses them. A powerful, but thoughtful clairvoyant may exceed 700 points without ever being massively powerful. And one thing to mention is despite the power level....these are all NEW superbeings...unlikely to all realize the scope of what they can do. The ones that survive the early stages.....will be the real threats. What is certain is that they'll all become instant celebrities...regardless of motivation. Rob
  12. Re: Woo Hoo! We whipped Eurostar! I'd leave out White Flame...only because his powers are very close to those of Feurmacher. Seems pointless to have both. Bringing the others back would be fine. Rob
  13. Re: Trolling for suggestions, 1982-style. Mechagodzilla made his premiere(in Japan) in 1974. He didn't hit the States until 1977. Rob
  14. Re: What graphic novels should I get? Emperor Doom was a good read. Rob
  15. Re: What's *your* superpower? My power: Transform: Any simple task into a needlessly complex one....always on....damage shield....inherent. Rob
  16. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing! Well, The Living EGO would either give them a personal cloaking device(designed by his team's gadgeteer) to allow them some peace and quiet....or he'd try to solve one or their outstanding unsolved cases. As for villain crashers, for light-hearted.....Foxbat never disappoints. If you want a bit more serious, try Utility. With his obsession with beating supers, this wedding is probably a blessing. Rob
  17. Re: Language ???? As one of my players has ancient Egyptian, I basically use the same scale, but charge 1 less point for the lack of spoken form. Or...alternately......depending on origin of character in question...maybe they DO know a verbal form of the language. In that case, no point break. Rob
  18. Re: Arcane Adversaries Review Good review. I have to say that IMO The Advocates are not even close to Eurostar in terms of power(especially a straight up fight), but their potential role in a campaign would probably be similiar. I also thought Bocal was the most interesting of the Sylvestri Clan. Patriarch seemed dull in presentation. As for the Kings of Edom, I would have prefered more info about them, but I assume they did more in the DEMON book(though I can't confirm this). I didn't worry too much about the power level of the villains as my new group is heavily into the noncombat aspects of the game, so the entire book was useful in some capacity if I needed them to be. For combat heavy groups, less options, but still some there. The bad guys just have to do more prep work(especially true of The Devil's Advocates). Rob
  19. I'd like to build a Native American mystic, but not being that well versed on Native American religious culture, I'm not sure where to start. I was thinking that they communed with spirits, but not sure what other aspects a tribal shaman might display, especially as a character in a Hero campaign. Ideas anyone? Rob
  20. Re: Must-Have Books of 2004? I'd say must haves are the Hero system rulebook and the Hero Beastiary. Then whatever genre book pertaining to what your playing. For superheroes, Conquerers, Killers, and Crooks and the Until Database are pretty much must haves. Everything else is buyer discretion, though much of it is VERY good. Rob
  21. Re: Crime and Punishment I assume at GM's discretion, but "technically" without Extra-Dimensional Movement yourself....you're screwed. Rob
  22. Re: Thoughts on Arcane Adversaries(Spoilers) Tezcatlipoca is about as tough as any of the other " Master Villain" types. He spent a large number of points. I hope he isn't a typical "god", as he'd be about twice as powerful as anything from the 4th Edition book, The Olympians. Now if he's supposed to be among the most powerful of the Aztec gods, that's probably ok. Rob
  23. Re: Thoughts on Arcane Adversaries(Spoilers) The name did seem odd for a boy and now that I think about it...the description did say "fraternal" twins, but the background fits in well with the gay concept(and the picture doesn't help). For example, that quote can be taken in many contexts. Honestly, they were far more interesting as gay characters(as that isn't something you see every day). No making any moral judgements here, but for the sake of story, they are far more intriguing as identical twins....so I think I'll just leave them that way. Change Anais to Alan and viola.... Rob
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