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Darth Sarcastic

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Darth Sarcastic

  1. Don't feel old, I did see Star Wars when it first came out in the theaters...I was just 8 at the time...not realizing what a whinner Luke was. Now I know better. Besides movies were cheaper back then.
  2. I'd go and see Star Wars when it first came out in '78. Mainly because it wouldn't cause a huge paradox like killing your own grandfather or Adolf Hitler. Or killing Adolf Hitler with your own grandfather...or is it killing your own grandfather with Adolf Hitler...this is why I hate time travel.
  3. Actually it is I who chooses who the Sorcerer Supreme will be...out of a bunch of names dropped into a big hat. Kinda like the last presidential election.
  4. Darth Sarcastic


    LXG: Very Good Movie. Jekyll/Hyde is what the Hulk should've been. One too many "Bond-isms" like "M" was thier boss, Quatermain being called "Q" and talking about his numerous lovers and of course "...Sawyer, Tom Sawyer..."
  5. I have to agree, the 4th-ed. cover is more subtle (this is Kragen on his adventure...). The 5th-ed. cover is pretty much a "T&A" fest (sorry to all the ladies out there)...although the lightning strike looks good. I'm not sure if they threw in any standard fantasy races (on the cover)...I'll have to look again.
  6. Years ago I ran a D&D game. As usual all the PC's were in the local watering hole. A dwarf (I think) comes up to them. Dwarf NPC: Excuse me gents, would you care to go on an adventure? (Ok, so I wasn't too inventive) PC's in unison: NO!! Dwarf NPC: Aw c'mon guys...please?!? Another amusing moment... GM (me): Ok so you do (dice roll) 8pts of damage * 6 (head shot)...hey...what's 8*6? Pete: Lots!! During a superhero game... GM(me): Ok, so he falls to the floor with a resounding thud...uh, Chris what are you doing this round? Chris: He's fallen to the ground? I get out and beat 'im in da' head!!
  7. I'm waiting for an episode with Captain Marvel. The creators of the JL keep promissing. I think I'm in for a really long wait.
  8. I think that request has been asked of Steve Long alot (you can't count that high) and I believe there are legal constraints...I think.
  9. Well being that I've only been GM-ing HERO "stuff" lately, I'd have to say Sean Connery.
  10. Almost anything by Steve Perry: The Alien(s) War Series The Matador Series (The Man Who Never Missed is a must) I think Steve Perry's daughter (S.D. Perry) did a few Alien(s) books incl. an Aliens vs. Predator that wasn't half bad. These are all mainly ground war type stories. Star Trek: Rogue Saucer and Ship of the Line are good ship battle stories.
  11. This was at the playtest forum area from Ben... Maybe I just read it wrong or something...I won't argue the point. I will send my comments/report to you from one Steve to the next. And thanks for taking the time to peruse said comments/reports. -Steve "Darth Sarcastic" Heller
  12. Are you really going to complain about getting the Pamela Anderson Virus on your PC? Granted its an old virus that we've all seen do the same thing over and over and over...but I'd prefer it to the Singing William Shatner Virus thats been going around. As for the Fantasy Hero playtesting...I went to the Playtest thread and was told to send (pm/email) my input/reports to Ben. I haven't gotten any feedback (not that I'm concerned really), so I don't know if it was recieved (well or otherwise).
  13. Kudos to you (that's a good thing...I think) on the HERO-Trek stuff in general. IMHO I think you could keep adding stuff to the TNG-HERO book and rename it to cover all the Trek era's. That's just me though. Speedy recovery to your wife.
  14. Don't tease me like that!! It's bad enough that Decipher can't get thier ships right (I like the system though), but to have the creator of Spacedock/HERO dangle a really good idea like a crossover (when are you going to help those poor guys at Decipher get thier ships together??) in front of me...aiigghh!!
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