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Burrito Boy

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Everything posted by Burrito Boy

  1. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel I was reading The Count of Monte Cristo today and came across this: In the hotel in the Rue Saint-Germain-des-Pres which Albert de Morcerf had chosen for himself and his mother, the second floor, composed of a small apartment, was rented to a very mysterious personage: a man whose face had never been seen when he entered or left the hotel, even by the concierge, for in winter he buried his face in a large red scarf and in summer he always blew his nose just as he was passing the concierge's window. His visits were usually quite regular: it was nearly always toward four o'clock that he took possession of his apartment, in which he never spent the night. Twenty minutes after his arrival, a carriage would stop in front of the hotel and a woman, dressed in either black or dark blue but always wrapped in a flowing veil, would alight, pass before the concierge's window like a shadow and mount the stairs without causing a single step to creak under her light footsteps. She was never asked where she was going. Her face was therefore also completely unknown to the concierges, perhaps the only members of the vast brotherhood of Paris concierges who were capable of such discretion. It goes without saying that the woman never went any higher than the second floor. There she would scratch on the door in a certain way; it would then be opened to her and closed tightly behind her. The same maneuvers were employed for leaving the hotel. The woman, always veiled, would leave first, climb into her carriage and drive off, sometimes in one direction, sometimes in another. Twenty minutes later the man, his face sunk down into a scarf or hidden by a handkerchief, would come out and also disappear.
  2. Re: The Spy Factory It's not a matter of getting into the real life reasons but dealing with the results. In the documentary, the FBI (or maybe it was CIA) went to the NSA asking them for the Bin Laden conversations the NSA had recorded. When the NSA refused, the FBI set up their own surveilance program. But because they were unable to monitor satellite communications, they were only able to get half of the conversations. They took what they had to the NSA and said, in effect, "Look, we have this much. Can you give us the other half?" The NSA refused. So how do the characters deal with this? Let's assume they work for the FBI or CIA but can't get some needed information from the NSA. Do they station a mentalist near the NSA complex to read the minds of agents as they go to and leave work? Does the entire team stage a Watergate style break in? (Hopefully not getting caught in the process.) Dark Champions characters might not bat an eye at these types of underhanded actions. But Champions characters would likely have more reservations and that could make for some good roleplaying as the characters debate how far they should go to get what they need. And if they decide to break in to a building, there's a caper to plan and play out.
  3. Re: The Spy Factory I'm watching it right now and what bothers me more than the level of information gathering is the refusal of NSA to share important information with the CIA and FBI. What is the purpose of having such organizations if they don't work together to prevent terrorist attacks? To make this relevant to Champions: How would supers involved in intelligence gathering deal with that kind of non-cooperation?
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos That video was awesome, tkdguy! I nearly died laughing. You must spread rep, etc., etc.
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine You must spread rep...etc. Fantastic characters, Pariah!
  6. Re: The cranky thread I just found out that the copy of The Count of Monte Cristo I'm reading is abridged. I'd like to meet the guy who first thought of abridging novels so I could abridge his face.
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Child In Time" - Deep Purple.
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I completely agree. I do use IE but that doesn't really matter because the new control system is horrible. Before I could click my way to a good character. Now I have to use a confusing mix of mouse and keyboard. So I have to divide my concentration between the two and try to remember which key does what. I don't understand why some people think making something harder is the same as making it better. Fortunately, this will break my addiction to the thing.
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings Suggestion: Shoot a man in Reno just to watch him die.
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Bohemian Rhapsody" - Queen "The Show Must Go On" - Queen
  11. Re: A Game Of Questions Is he the kid in Peanuts who played piano ?
  12. Re: The Monster As Hero thread But are there any Stalk-Forrest Group or Oaxaca fans?
  13. Re: The Monster As Hero thread Another Blue Öyster Cult fan? YES!!! By the way, that's one of my favorite BÖC songs. How I did it: I went to http://blueoystercult.com/main.html, clicked on studio, selected the Imaginos album, and copied the song title Blue Öyster Cult. How you should do it: Just copy it from my message and save it somewhere. Or use the insert special character feature in Works Word Processor and select the Times New Roman font. Happy umlauting!
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I've watched this a million times on YouTube. You, sir, have great taste. Mr. T on 80s Fashion (Not Suitable...Anywhere) Mr. T on the Flavorwave Oven Infomercial
  15. Re: Super Fantasy- The Land of Mar'Veldc I imagine Spidey making woodcuts, possibly getting them printed in books if the campaign world has printing presses. Otherwise, he'll just do whatever a spider can.
  16. Re: A Game Of Questions Wouldn't it be more entertaining for me to remind you the Chargers kept the Donkeys out of the playoffs and watch you cry?
  17. Re: A Game Of Questions Why would I be entertained?
  18. Re: A Game Of Questions Entertaining for you or entertaining for me?
  19. Re: A Game Of Questions Are you trying to make me paranoid?
  20. Re: A Game Of Questions Since you can't hear me, does it matter?
  21. Re: A Game Of Questions Would you believe me if I did?
  22. Re: A Game Of Questions Are you implying that I'm evil?
  23. Re: A Game Of Questions If they do, where are we gonna keep all the bad guys?
  24. Re: Musings on Random Musings When the owner of the local rock station in my hometown threatened to switch the format to country, a few of the DJs locked themselves in the broadcast booth and played "It's the End of the World as we Know It" for over 24 hours straight. My brother and I both cranked up our stereos so you could hear it through the whole house. It was great. P.S. At first I thought it was just a publicity stunt - especially when the owner gave in - but the format did change a few months later.
  25. Re: A Game Of Questions If I say that I do, won't they just lock me up too?
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