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DasBroot last won the day on June 15 2017

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  1. Jessica Jones season two. It was solid enough but I felt it took a long time to get going and then, funnily enough, too long to resolve. I'd have liked to see 8 tighter episodes instead ... but a lot of people say that about a lot of the Marvel Netflix shows. Jessica commits way, WAY too many crimes in this season for my tastes, though - both in present day and flashback. Giving the odd break and entry and assault pass because of genre convention is one thing - nobody invites Batman in to snoop around their warehouse and knock their guards out, after all - but some of the things done this season would be justified with actual serious jail time. I know it was a thematic point - she said herself the line kept moving and she kept stepping over it - but it still bothered me a bit.
  2. Hopefully they're not going to rely too heavily on The Haitian's power negation power overcoming a fully powered Sylar. Er.... sub in Team Flash, Nega-Nurse, and Thinker as needed.
  3. I eliminate the +30 effect (capping the max effect at the +20 level) and limit them to once per turn per target. That fixes most of the RAW problems - in this situation when faced with the glory of Tako Bell the team would have missed their phase in segment 12 in horror, taken their lumps from some sort of nasty attack to capitalize on their 1/2 DCV, weathered it, and rallied. With 23d6 he would have made the team skip another full phase sometime in turn 1 and probably in turn 2 (22) and 3 (21) if he made it that long. I would have used those skipped phases to take a recovery action to keep the fight going as befits such a powerful opponent. Nobody can claim that possibly making your enemiies skip a full phase and be at half dcv as a free action once per turn isn't powerful enough.
  4. Finished it last night. I liked it a lot. I wasn't aware it was based on a book so I might be checking that out. There was really nothing new or innovative there - you could have told the same story (and sort of did a few times in bits and pieces) with the Ghost in the Shell movie and anime series (especially Stand Alone Complex) - but it was put together so well. Without knowing it was based on a work I considered it to William Gibson what Stranger Things was to Stephen King: a carefully crafted greatest hits compilation that managed to be its own thing. My favorite dialogue exchange in the series (presented without context to avoid spoilage)? "Can we have a minute?" "Take as many as you want."
  5. Well, it will do nothing to calm the outrage of fans who already aren't happy about that plot point in the slightest. But really, at this point if those "fans" are still watching they're hate-watching anyways so they can complain about it, so sucks to be them. I'm mostly sad at the idea that Saru probably won't end up Captain after all. It will probably be prime Lorca somehow.
  6. Exactly. Rightly or wrongly (wrongly in my opinion) people will judge the movie not on its merits but by the virtue that it doesn't star Harrison Ford. Even a digitally de-aged Harrison Ford. Star Wars is at its best when it's used as a vehicle for new stories, in my opinion: Rogue One. The Old Republic series of computer games. I'm looking forward to the possibility of a new trilogy - the less it draws on the existing three the better.
  7. I get that - but I think that Discovery had done enough to symbolise that themselves (they weren't exactly subtle about it, with Saru's speech in the mirror universe about this being the first voyage of the Discovery and Michael's passionate speeches about what the Federation stands for) The Big E looked beautiful, though. If Pike is captain will the first officer be a version of Majel Barret's "Number One'? Will they dare put a Spock in as science officer?
  8. It's because it had the least boxes to check (as in.... one box: get plans to rebellion by end of movie.) That granted the writers a lot of freedom. Han Solo and Obi Wan Kenobi's solo movies will have a lot more baggage than Rogue One.
  9. I'm OK with it. I just kind of wish they hadn't gone there so soon - but I had much the same feeling with using the mirror universe and it turned out well so we'll see.
  10. It was all over the moment a popular host basically said (paraphrased) "Ok, so that wasn't true... but it FELT like it could be true, and that's the real problem with <target of news> " before resuming the attack. "Feeling" it "could" be true about a broad demographic of people has led to some of the greatest atrocities in human history. Knock it off.
  11. I think my feelings towards last night's episode could be summed up as "Ok, but why?"
  12. In truth I think a detachable head would make your body absolutely suck in combat - even if you can still sense the body (sense of touch, proprioception) your point of view and hearing would be completely shot (though at least nobody would sneak up behind your body) If you were across the room watching I would think the best you could pull off is clumsy meat puppet. If you weren't in the same room the body would just be fumbling around in the dark without even a sense of hearing to try and figure out its surroundings. And that's assuming that the 'hyperspace neck' allows the body to benefit from the sense of balance that is one of the ear's biggest tasks. Otherwise it's faceplant time.
  13. Seeing how clothes actually look on you (no mirror, no camera)? Showering on days you don't want to wash your hair without getting it wet? Cleaning the compost bin without having to smell it? Since it obviously flies in some manner... finding your car in the parking lot? Getting a better view of the stage at a concert? I could think of worse powers.
  14. Really, the fact that his 'widow' - who was largely responsible for the incarceration in the first place due to her tearful performance about how dangerous Barry was - didn't instantly break down in relief (or at least call out his name happily and rush to him) - wasn't suspicious? And will Ralph compound things by actually 'co-operating' with the police to try and piece together his 'absence'? Or will it be the case that after Barry walked his victim - mysteriously back from the dead - was suddenly just as mysteriously never seen again? If this is all they need to do from the beginning they could have used HR's image device from last season at any point (or did they bury it with him out of respect? That would be a little shortsighted. More likely in a case like the Flash's helmet.) It's not a legal drama. I get that. Still.... I don't think it's unreasonable to 'try' and put together a plausible conviction and a plausible release if you decide to make that a chunk of your season. I liked the breakout, though (until the end). Most of the convicts managed to be more interesting crammed into half an episode than when they were the focus of one.
  15. This season's silliness has gone plaid. I was excited for the Thinker, in a way - with hopes of him maybe forming a kind of reverse Team Flash with himself in Wells role. Nope. Let's see how this all plays out but...
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