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What Would Your Character Do? #25


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Edit again: scratch that, this is #25.


Two major villains in the campaign city have had a long-standing bitter rivalry, each trying to destroy the other at every encounter. This time things are really heating up as villain A kidnaps villain B's DNPC love interrest and publically threatens to harm her if he doesn't face him in a final showdown atop the tallest building in the city. As you and your teammates arrive at the site, villain A threatens to hurt the girl if you interfere, forcing you to back off and watch from a distance. Then villain B shows up, and he looks understandably pissed off. They have the obligatory exchange of banter, ending with villain A making a rather crass remark along the lines of, "And when I'm finished killing you, I'm going to have some fun with little precious here." To this, villain B replies, "We'll see who kills who." and the battle is joined with both combatants going at each other with no punches pulled. What do you do at this point?

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Quasar - Rescue the DNPC, even if the DNPC was someone like Harley Quinn. Next try to minimize co-lateral damage from the brawl and help the civilians evacuate, then prepair to apprehend the winner of the fight.


Mystica - Teleport the DNPC away. If the DNPC was Harley Quinn, then she’d teleport her into a jail cell. Follow that up with AOE Ego Blasts until the villains drop.


Shadowhunter - Entangle the DNPC "for her own safety." Then wait in the shadows, watch the brawl and ambush the winner.

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Given the choice (which he likely wouldn't be given by his superiors), stay out of the way unless Villain A wins, at which point he'd do whatever he could to keep him away from the DNPC -- attack him, snag her, whatever. Once that was past, what he'd do next would depend heavily on the nature of the DNPC. -- Pteryx

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Thomas Temple would bag the DNPC and stash her for later - no reason not to throw away a potentially useful bargaining chip, even if his intentions are going to be rather more innocent towards her personally. Following that, wait for one villain or the other to win, then bust heads while both are weakened - he can repair the property damage later with his powers.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Flippant: Hide the hostage. These two should be at it for a while.

Then watch, prepared to take down either one should they start winning, as he's not really powerful enough to take on two superpowered opponents at once...


Wraith: He can be sneaky with his powers. So he will. A friendly poltergeist (tk) will rescue the hostage, then the combatants will be assailed by whatever ghosts he think will work.

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Rampage: First and foremost, get the DNPC to safety, then try to evacuate the area. Second, try to figure out which villain he'd have the most luck battling, and help that one pummel the other ... then pummel the 'lesser of the two evils' for great justice.


Crosshair Collie=Pretty much the same trick, albeit much more flippantly. Depending on who else is there, she'd be willing to be bait for a trap (taunt both villains, lure 'em into an ambush, that sorta thing).

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Since Villain A goaded Villain B into the fight by threatening the life of B's girlfriend, I'd say that speaks volumes about what a sleaze A is and makes B seem to be the more honorable of the two in the comparision. So I'll be rooting for Villain B to give Villain A the asskicking he richly deserves.

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Checkmate, having seen this coming, would push the button that removes the holographic disguise from the 'DNPC', revealing one of his nastier allies, close in and able to strike at both with equal effect. While they are trying to make sense of what just happened, every hero who's hunting them, having received messages about where they'd be, shows up to fight the two and take them both into custody.

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Well, it is always good to have two villains beat the snot out of one another. If we get lucky, one of them will kill the other. That's when we swoop in to finish the job on the victor and hand him over to the authorities. That's what our group would do now.


However, in the campaigns I've played in over the years our darker, edgier group would just obliterate the victor and make sure he didn't wake up any time soon (like ever again).

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Husky would hurry to a convenience store and offer to sign some autographs in exchange for the display case of candy and the contents of the slushy machine in anticipation of watching the fight if the convenience store clerk wasn't willing then Husky would plead and beg and probably miss the whole fight unless the destruction drew his attention away. If people were endangered by the fight he'd rescue them but if it became hard to do that, he'd just charge into the middle of the fight in an attempt to get it over with since he isn't able to enjoy it anyways.

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