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What Would Your Character Do.. #45


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It is Friday morning and you receive a call/message/Email/telepathic message from your parent/sibling/son/daughter/creator/ex-hubbie (pick a suitable person) inviting you to supper tonight. S/he sounds happy and clearly has something to tell you.


You arrive at the house/apartment/secret base to find most of his/her/it's closest relatives/favorite creations are also present. The time comes for the announcement, and in walks a well known villain(ess) in what you know to be their Secret ID, dressed to the nines in an expensive outfit.


The happy couple is showing off a huge diamond engagement ring and they are flying to Bermuda in the morning for a holiday weekend.


What do you do?


(Choice of villain and level of vileness up to you and your campaign but suggestions include one of your Hunteds, Firewing, Dragon Master, Mechassassin, Oculon, or Foxbat)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: What Would Your Character Do.. #45


Originally posted by Mayday

It is Friday morning and you receive a call/message/Email/telepathic message from your parent/sibling/son/daughter/creator/ex-hubbie (pick a suitable person) inviting you to supper tonight. S/he sounds happy and clearly has something to tell you.


You arrive at the house/apartment/secret base to find most of his/her/it's closest relatives/favorite creations are also present. The time comes for the announcement, and in walks a well known villain(ess) in what you know to be their Secret ID, dressed to the nines in an expensive outfit.


The happy couple is showing off a huge diamond engagement ring and they are flying to Bermuda in the morning for a holiday weekend.


What do you do?


(Choice of villain and level of vileness up to you and your campaign but suggestions include one of your Hunteds, Firewing, Dragon Master, Mechassassin, Oculon, or Foxbat)


Flippant: Shrug. He knows their secret ID and they're not in prison, so might as well wish them well. Might pass along a warning (secretly) to the other one though.


Wraith: Start questioning ghosts, tracking them through time to check how legit this all is... and place a sub-etheric APB on the villain.

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Uncle Slam has no living relatives or S.O. His best friends are old enough to make their own proper judgements. He'd congratulate him thinking "At least someone will keep her on the right path". Then he'll check and see if she's still wanted. If she is, that may prove to be a problem.


No one who knows him will call him to meet with a wanted criminal unless they wanted him to arrest the crook.

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LINEDRIVE shows up in a windbreaker and clean white shirt, warily because this is his ex-wife #1. Upon seeing Sandpiper, the goon that's been trying to kill him for weeks now, he spills his drink and as soon as he can get away, flees out the back door. :-)


SHADOWCROSS appears at her favorite uncle's house, he built her suit and staff weapon and maybe afterwards he can fix this little malfunction in the anti-grav unit... She has a pleasant time chatting and a glass or two of wine through the evening. The announcement comes and she wishes him well, kisses his cheek and contemplates breaking Rainbow Archer's hand rather than shake it. Shake she does, and vows to watch Archer like a hawk until she can get her uncle away from her and let him in on who she really is. Since they probably met when he was making her a bow or some new arrows, SC is not thrilled but there's nothing she can do to stop them from marrying and if she tries to break it up she'll lose her fave uncle and her weaponsmith.


MAYDAY flies home and dresses elegantly for supper with her widowed grandfather. When Psiona appears as the intended bride it becomes painfully obvious that Psiona has found her Secret ID out and is going to twist the knife a little (alot) before presenting her demands. Since this probably includes joining PSI, Mayday's grandfather's life expectancy just got alot shorter.


She'll play for time in case something works in her favor but not allow him to sign over any of the family property or business to Psiona, and grieve horribly if Psiona kills him or is the cause of his death. Or worse, she is the cause.


There will be a fight, it will be messy but not bloody (the benefit of two mentalists going at it) but held off as long as possible to giver her time to prepare an ace in the hole.


WRAITHE shows up for the promised pizza and beer on time wearing a leather jacket and blue jeans, hugs her sister and razzes her about the big surprise, has a beer, has some pizza, watches some ESPN with the family and enjoys the commotion. She has a huge family and there are probably 30-50 people here, from grandparents to kids.


Sis calls for attention and turns the tv down (not off) then introduces her fiancee to the curious crowd. More beer is poured, a toast is made and sis starts taking him around to meet everyone while Wraithe, a PRIMUS silver avenger, reviews what she knows of him and his threat index. The guys quickly turn the tv back up, the women retreat to the kitchen to wash dishes and get all the details.


If it is a dangerous villain on a Wanted List like MechAssassin Wraithe slips upstairs and places a call to her superviser, the house is surrounded and she spends the evening smiling till her face breaks, holding a plastic cup of warm beer pretending to drink it until everyone leaves and she can seperate him from her family and sister, lure him outside and let PRIMUS nail him.


If it is Foxbat she pastes on a smile and tries to think of a way to get him out of here without any of her co-workers knowing. The embaressment would be too great. She works on undermining him to her sister, digs up info, makes it up if she has to, whatever it takes to her her to dump him.



I'm sure some of my heros would actually try to talk to the fiancee and see if he has reformed, but right now I can't think of any....

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Kenneth will be flabbergasted by his uncle's new girlfriend and try to excuse himself from dinner as soon as possible he'll then lock himself in the basement and activate a Kenneth bot to "do homework at his workbench" he'll then go into the secret lab and take advantage of this opportunity to get as much data on the villainess as possible while she's this close to his sensory equipment if he detects some kind of mind control he'll sneek out the secret tunnel and have Husky barge in on the villainess's trail and take her in. If not he'll rig some tracking gear and try to discretely place it on her person so Husky can follow her later. After changing into Husky, Husky will confront her about her "love life" and ask her what she's doing messing with a civillian before taking her down in front of Kenneth's uncle. On the other hand if she claims she's given up her life of crime Husky will give her the benefit of the doubt and only check on her to keep Kenneth from obsessing about it.

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Adonis has three hunteds:

IHA: Unlikely, Adonis isn't really aware of that the IHA is actually after him. All of their attacks and attempts have been through proxies or indirect attacks on his reputation. He personal would be surprised that either Rodrigo, the man who has bee like a father to him, or Rickie, his first lover and closest friend his own age, would choose to associate with a anti-people with powers bigot. Still for either of their sakes, he would slap a smile on and be as charming as he can.


The second hunted represents any number of ex-lovers that Adonis has had that either were super-villains at the time or became such after the event. A lot would depend on which one of his exs this was and if it were Rickie or Rodrigo. Rodrigo is an officer with the Miami PD SWAT/MARS, and is generally fairly competent in taking care of himself. Adonis would be reluctant to say anything in front Rodrigo that would indicate his past with this person. He would make sure that Rodrigo was aware that the person was a criminal, if appropriate, and leave it at that. Rickie has been a walking victim since before Adonis met him, and still is. Adonis reaction would depend on his relationship with the ex when it was active. If Adonis remembers the person as abusive or a user, he would get in their face and tell them if they hurt Rickie unnecessarily, that he will willingly accept assault charges and jail time.


PSI: Once again, Adonis is aware of PSI’s interest in him. I as a player have seen this as a likely first move for them in an attempt to get at him. Since we are assuming that Adonis knows about PSI, than they would have already made their first move. Adonis would have already warned Rodrigo and Rickie, so he would just assume Mind Control. He would call for back up, and wait for it to arrive before acting.

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the Rook:


there are _multible_ possibilities here. simplest is that discovers roomate(of over a year) is new supervillian in town, engaged to ex #2 and father to my godchild....

Father dead, brothers? one is happily married(for decades no sign of superpowers) other brother (and younger) could be problematic. however now is the opportunity to have a major transform on their psy lims. (got to love psionic surgery)

Mother dead,

Alternate dimensional relations, look alikes, and dopplegangers? keep from cracking up.


PS: make sure the engagement ring is real and not stolen.....

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Unfortunately, I can't think of much of anyone outside my character's faction who has a Secret ID... but chances are, were this to somehow happen, it'd have to be his creator/father (no other member of the faction in their right mind would openly admit to being in love -- that's grounds for reprogramming) and my character would be stuck as one of the people trying to get the more impulsive of his robotic brothers to hold their fire! -- Pteryx

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Special Agent Trent works for the FBI, so if HE knows what this villain's secret ID is, then it's public knowledge. Also, Trent doesn't have a secret ID of his own, so there's nothing to give away.


If it's a villain whose powers come from foci, he gets arrested on the spot. If it's someone with innate powers, he's not going to start a super-brawl with his sister present, so he will instead take her aside and make sure that she knows what she's dealing with and that he does NOT approve.


Wait a minute, if Trent (and by extension the FBI and PRIMUS and any other concerned organizations, groups, and individuals) knows this villain's secret ID, why are they still running around free in the first place?



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Mister Fabulous would recieve the message from his ex-wife, Suzanne. Initially he would be happy that he wouldn't have to pay alimony any longer...the divorce went pretty bad for him.


Upon reflection, he would attend the supper, with the ntention of warning th poor fiance about her evil ways. His marriage to Mrs. Fabulous only lasted three days after all, following a wild weekend in Vegas. It wasn't his fault...they were giving away those martinis after he saved the world!


Mister Fabulous would be very surprised when Doktor Grondicus walks in, with his ex-wife on his arm. He would rant and rave and shout how could she commit such a wicked act as lie down with this person. He would also make slurred comments about Doktor Grondicus's upbringing, education, and non-WASP background (note: Mister Fabulous is from the 1950's, and is completely comfortable with his racist upbringing).


Doktor Grondicus, one of the strongest being on the planet, would take all this in stride, and allow the Heroic Inventor to run out of steam. Then he would simple say:


"Mister Fabulous, I intend to make Mrs. Grondicus very happy. I fully intend to utilize the money she recieved from your divorce to construct a weapon of truly cosmic proportions...a weapon which I will use to destroy you!"


*Mister Fabulous then wakes up, screaming*


MF: "What a horrible, horrible dream."


Looking around the hotel room he is in, Mister Fabulous sees the bottles of champagne on the floor, the sleeping figure next to him, and flashing neon logo of a Vegas casino outside the window...


Turns to the woman to his left:


MF: "Madam, I believe I want need a divorce."

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Guest Worldmaker

The Shield stays polite until the party is over, gritting his teeth whenever Khof smiles at him. It would be just like that villain to go after the Shield's little sister socially, just to get under his skin.


When all the guests are out of the house and the servants are cleaning up, will confront his baby sister. As head of the Clan, he will absolutely forbid the marriage to Khof, and if she insists on going through with it he will cut her off from the family fortune.


He will point out that not only is Khof a mass murderer and terrorist, but he is a known womanizer and gambler and definitely not of the right social class to be marrying into the Ausloto family.

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Irving doesn't have any relatives and certainly no past relationships. His best friend (another hero in the group) Elizabeth van Leiden, however, has a younger sister who's something of a hero groupie. It should be noted that Elizabeth came by her powers (and Distinctive Feature: Permanent Green Glow) by accident, and thinks the only people on earth more mentally damaged than superheroes are supervillians. (She doesn't really count herself as a super, partly out of denial, partly because if she could find a cure she'd probably get out of the business).


So Irving would probably be trying to keep Elizabeth from doing something violent and dangerous...

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