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Shaking Up Your Campaign (DC&Marvel)


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Recent years have introduced some shake-ups into the DC & Marvel Universe that would be cool to introduce into reg'lar campaigns.


1) Lex Luthor as President - He has even more resources at his disposal, but has more on his mind that just the problems of dealing with Supes and Friends.


2) The outing of Professor X as a mutant, and the creation of the X-corporation / foundation... and the weird "wanna-be'" mutant cults. It's now cool to be a mutant...


3) The rumored conspiracy involved in the dissemination of all the villainous Powered Armor technology in the Marvel Universe coming from one source (to be resolved this year).


4) Human Defense Corps / Stormwatch: Team Achilles - regular standing special ops groups against aliens, magic, & superhumans.


5) Identity Crisis - the upcoming DC Universe storyline seriously tackling the difficulties of Secret Identities and what happens when they're discovered...


ANY other favorites in the past year or rumored changes in the future?


P.S. Supergirl from Krypton's coming back!

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Supergirl is coming back? So much for the Last Son of Krypton thing. By my count, they're totally undone every element of Crisis now... lol.


As far as the Secret ID thing goes, it's a rediculous idea for a superHERO to be hiding his or her life's work from friends. loved ones, and the world. Figure an average lifespan of a superhero is about ten years. You mean to tell me being a pathological liar for ten years won't drive someone nuts, and drive his friends and loved ones away?



On the other hand, we're talking about people who wear leotards and beat up on other people in leotards. It's only one of about 30 rediculous conventions of the superhero genre that make it the superhero genre. If I wanted to read about something that made logical sense, I'd be a math buff or something.

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Bengal

Supergirl is coming back? So much for the Last Son of Krypton thing. By my count, they're totally undone every element of Crisis now... lol.


Nunno. Still the last SON of Krypton. Just now there is a Last Daughter too. :)

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I am an avid fan of the Stormwatch: Team Achilles title. I love the idea of a group of normals taking down supers. Myself and another player had characters that were highly trained, highly skilled normals with guns take down supers.


Kawanga Kid may remember the exploits of Elvis A. Hoffa and Matt Black. We were 150 points at best but with team work and effort, we were able to take on AND take down a freakishly tough super (Jason Poins??).


That type of story line is incredible!

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Personally,I think that most comic book shake-ups are an insult to the loyal readers.

And I would be glad that Crisis has been undone,as I thought that the post-Crisis world was almost as bad as the Heroes Reborn universe.(and for most of the same reasons).However,judging from DC's post-ZH record,I'm certainly not holding my breath in anticipation.

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There are only two reasons that companies shake up their universes on a fairly regular schedule:


1) Poor and unimaginitive writing and editing creates untennable paraoxes which the same group of poor writers and editors can't seem to figure out a way out of. "Screw it all, let's reboot", says Mr. Half-Assed-Editor-In-Chief, or whatever. "We can't seem to find a writer capable of tying this all together coherently. Maybe we should just go get John Byrne and Grant Morrisson and Chris Claremont and let them muck around with our characters some more. But first, we need some big event to erase all this useless continuity."


2) Flagging Sales. You may remember the horrid "2099" line from Marvel. After about a year and a half, they shook every title up and turned it on its head in a big summer event. "You know," says Mr.-Half-Assed-Editor-In-Chief, "It can't possibly be these flat, boring characters are being written in a crappy manner. After all, I hired the writers and fans love them. Let's take the same creative teams, have them continue writing the same books, but make the characters entirely different! That ought to make people want to buy more copies."


While short-arc multipart stories can be fun, they are only going to be fun if they fit the character's conceptions and the prior continuity. That's why Morrison's World War III (JLA vs the Injustice Gang) largely worked, but most everything Spider-Man did in the mid 70's didn't, despite the fact that Morrison is a hack, and most of the Spidey writers would be considered gods in today's thin world.







The point is: stick to core character concepts, and good stories are sure to follow.

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Speaking of shake ups - Marvel's Age of Apocolypse several years ago was quite a hit and something that could be done "to" an established super group that has been playing in the same universe for a long time.

POOF! Some of their long standing villains are now on the side of Good (Dr. Destroyer just saved us?!?!!?) and some good friends are now bad (Until is the ultimate bad guy group).

You could even make changes in NPC's or have new ones (in THIS universe your character is married and you have 2.5 kids).

Obviously you have to guage how things are taken by the players. If you mix things up too much and they're not having fun it's time to switch back to your regular scheduled universe.

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Originally posted by Bengal




There are only two reasons that companies shake up their universes on a fairly regular schedule:


1) Poor and unimaginitive writing and editing creates untennable paraoxes which the same group of poor writers and editors can't seem to figure out a way out of. "Screw it all, let's reboot", says Mr. Half-Assed-Editor-In-Chief, or whatever. "We can't seem to find a writer capable of tying this all together coherently. Maybe we should just go get John Byrne and Grant Morrisson and Chris Claremont and let them muck around with our characters some more. But first, we need some big event to erase all this useless continuity."


2) Flagging Sales. You may remember the horrid "2099" line from Marvel. After about a year and a half, they shook every title up and turned it on its head in a big summer event. "You know," says Mr.-Half-Assed-Editor-In-Chief, "It can't possibly be these flat, boring characters are being written in a crappy manner. After all, I hired the writers and fans love them. Let's take the same creative teams, have them continue writing the same books, but make the characters entirely different! That ought to make people want to buy more copies."


While short-arc multipart stories can be fun, they are only going to be fun if they fit the character's conceptions and the prior continuity. That's why Morrison's World War III (JLA vs the Injustice Gang) largely worked, but most everything Spider-Man did in the mid 70's didn't, despite the fact that Morrison is a hack, and most of the Spidey writers would be considered gods in today's thin world.







The point is: stick to core character concepts, and good stories are sure to follow.


Doom 2099 was the ONLY decent 2099 title.

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Originally posted by Bengal

When I saw that you'd quoted my entire rant... I was hoping you'd wanna blast me or something. Oh well. I must not be ranting hard enough yet.

Hmm. i really enjoyed Grant Morrison's work on Animal Man & Doom Patrol. (I am thinking of the correct writer?)

But then maybe since then his quality suffered?

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