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What Would Your Character Do? #60


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Captain Fantasistic was once a famous and well respected superhero, one of the most popular in the city. That is, until he agreed to lend his good name to the mayoral campaign of a man by the name of Richard Wad. Wad was eventually busted for a long laundry list of shenanigans, including tax evasion and violations of the city's campaign finance laws too numerous to list. The press was pretty brutal with Captain Fantasistic during the scandel; those that didn't accuse him of being in kahoots with Wad labelled him a gullable schmuck for letting Wad play him for a fool. With his reputation smeared and his popularity waning, the Captain became a bitter, dispondant drunk and slowly faded from the public eye.


It's now 5 years later. Richard Wad has got time off his sentience for good behavior and is now free. But no soon was Wad released on parole that he turned up murdered! (dum, dum, dum). Knowing that Captain Fantastic never forgave Wad for what happened to him, you and your colleuges tracked the Captain down and confronted him. He denies having anything to do with Wad's death and according to the team's telepath, he's telling the truth...atleast, as far as he knows. The telepath has found evidence the Captain's mind has been psionically tampered with. At this point, the authorities have arrived on the scene and taken Captain Fantasistic into custody, saying they have physical evidence that links him to Wad's murder. What do you do?

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Guest WhammeWhamme


Wraith has an added avenue of investigation (and it was him who would discover any temapering).... the victim.


He'll ask him, and any thing that saw the death. Should things still be hazy, he has a problem: his SFX don't really fit for psych aid. At this point, the team is probably stuck with looking for help.


Other Characters: Take point. They're not really able to make the decisions here...

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Mayday hires the Captain a really good lawyer and volunteers to help. First the Captain's memories of events need to be tracked and verified. Was he where he remembers being? Second the physical evidence must be examined and verified independently that it is accurate. No offense to crime labs, but accidents can happen.

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Hmmmm, let's see....


Adrenaline would help Deathwish (skills) and Nebula (Mental Powers) investigate the murder, trying to find the murderer. Then he would make sure that Captain Fantastic got into a alchol treatment program.


Realm would have already arrested Captain Fantastic and trust in the DA and the defense attorney to figure out the truth (while secretly trying to find the answers himself).


Hecabus would make sure it wasn't a scheme he cooked up and then keep an eye on the situation, because anyone that could pool this murder off is someone worth watching.

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Originally posted by WilyQuixote

OMG!!! Wormhole...You have characters capable of "grilling" Menton until he talks?! Zoiks!!! The rest of those bums you listed wouldn't bother my hero but I'd steer clear of Menton unless he really was the culprit. Then I'd call in my teammates for back up.

You'd be surprised at the wonders a little anti-psi tech, and a 19- Interrogation roll can do with Mr. Menton. ;) The characters in question are a cadre of bounty hunters (read: NPCs) I've tailored specifically for tracking down and capturing rogue mentalists. The members of PSI have nightmares about these guys.


(Oops! I'm over at Cybernaut's place and I forgot he had his cookies for the board active, that was a real trip.)

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Technically, Mayday could interrogate Menton, but I'd shoot him up with some happy drugs first and wear someone else's costume with mask. Since Mayday never rolls good when she really needs to (and he has that 26- Danger Sense), I'd bring a team. Maybe two.


If she gets in the first blow though (her EGO is higher), he's going to be stunned then he's going to be toast. Her MDef will keep her safe from his Ego Attack (and then some, unless he rolls really well she won't take any damage at all) but the rest of his tricks (TK, RKA, Entangle, Flash) she has nowhere near enough defense against.


All that power and 3D6 Luck, and he only has 5 pts Wealth?

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Hmm, would Captain Fantastic have at least some culpability if mind controlled? Suppose the mentallist only needed a +0 result to get Captain Fantastic to kill because he was that close to doing it already. Would that be treated any differently than if the mentallist needed a +30 result?

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Gary

Hmm, would Captain Fantastic have at least some culpability if mind controlled? Suppose the mentallist only needed a +0 result to get Captain Fantastic to kill because he was that close to doing it already. Would that be treated any differently than if the mentallist needed a +30 result?


Well. In a Bright, Shiny World, of course not.


In a more realistic world...


The nearest RL equivalent is mind altering drugs. If someone... I dunno... injects alcohol into your bloodstream and points you at someone, is it your fault?


It's like temporary insanity, only you're even less culpable. Captain Fantastic made no choices that were wrong. I mean... what if the jerk cuts you off in traffic, and a mentalist who was waiting used the momentary anger (which would otherwise just be an obscene gesture...) to get you to ram him.


*Anyone* could situationally be more susceptible.


I mean... Thought Police? I think not. The only grounds to charge him would require some kind of legal obligation for all people to not get angry, not be bitter, and to SMILE AND BE HAPPY AT ALL TIMES.

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Originally posted by WhammeWhamme

The only grounds to charge him would require some kind of legal obligation for all people to not get angry, not be bitter, and to SMILE AND BE HAPPY AT ALL TIMES.

Yeah like that will work....


nor will constant application of Freaking Bob Freaking Marley really help me to not get angry or bitter. I need my Weird Al.....


The Rook will use temporal manipulation if necessary to get at the truth.

he probably did mentally examine Captain Fantastic and would be willing to aid him in getting back on his feet.


And would suggest the Captain starting out again fighting street crime. After all there is allways plenty more of that to go around.

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  • 6 months later...

Re: What Would Your Character Do? #60


Nova would use his powers to forcibly extract the Captain from the authorities' grasp in nonlethal ways, and abscond him someplace private, then he would go investigate the crime, and summon some help to deal with psionic villains. Once the Captain's name is cleared, he would use his Transform powers to heal him from alcoholism, and offer him to re-build his superhero career by associating with him for a while.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #60


Given that our team's telepath is, IIRC, registered with DOSPA, that makes his telepathic inquiry at least as valid of evidence as anything physical they found. Given the trust our team's leader has, that should be more than enough to get the police to leave Captain Fantastic with us.


Aside from the expected, Microman personally would probably check this physical evidence for signs of tampering.

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Re: What Would Your Character Do? #60


Mask of Justice: Will be able to use his powers to examine the evidence himself, then go out in his investigative reporter identity to crack the case. (He's a Golden Age character. It'll work.)


Rock Bottom: Someone else will have to take point. But if you need something smashed, call him.


Calculus: Will use his superintelligence to crack the case (possibly right there in the room.)


Kira Midori: *Is* the authorities, and the team mentalist. She'll check for tell-tale clues as to who tampered with Captain Fantastic's mind, and lead the police investigation. (Given there's a mind-warper in the vicinity, any pressure from above to stop the investigation will only encourage her.)


Talion: "Bummer, man. I'll look into a few things." Talion will blunder around hopelessly, until he accidentally stumbles across the real killer.

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