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Help with a German Brick


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I just mess around with the "language tools" at Google.


Unfortunately "Unsotppable" and many other words don't translate well using this. But I kind of like the first one (Moloch)...


Moloch (Juggernaut)

Unbeweglich (Immovable)

Kugelsicher (Bulletproof)

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Originally posted by Von D-Man

Das Wall.


The pain! The Pain!


Make it stop.


Someone please make it stop.


*breaks down sobbing*


There there, D-Man. There'll never be any cheezy Wall related German villains in any of *my* games. (Unless I set them prior to 1989 and the character's a complete dupe. And I might throw in Cowboy Tex, "the toughest 'Merican stereotype you ever did see" for thematic balance)


Scott Bennie

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Originally posted by Blue

I just mess around with the "language tools" at Google.


Unfortunately "Unsotppable" and many other words don't translate well using this. But I kind of like the first one (Moloch)...


Moloch (Juggernaut)

Unbeweglich (Immovable)

Kugelsicher (Bulletproof)


"Nicht Aufzuhalten" is the closest you can come to Unstoppable .. literaly "Not Stoppable".

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For those who speak German, this character is a superman type, both in popularity, outlook (to a degree) and powers (Okay it's an homage), so help with an appropriate name...It should sound imposing, but at the same time have that element of being part of the people while being away...I am right now tempted to use Stahl

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Originally posted by ghost-angel

"Nicht Aufzuhalten" is the closest you can come to Unstoppable .. literaly "Not Stoppable".


I'm german and I think the closest is "Der Unaufhaltsamme", (The Unstoppable) if you go for a hero name (unstoppable would be "unaufhaltsamm/e/er/es" as an adjective)


@Von D-Man


are you german?, i mean... well... "Das Wall"... incredibly funny

rofl I remember RTCW, "Das Uebersoldat"... lol, ok we have 3 articles in german but somehow english speaking persons always use "das"... don't know why... maybe because it sounds funny... i realy had to lought for half an hour after this scientist introduced me to DAS Uebersoldat...

(i have played the imported english version... stupid indirect german censorship... grrrr... )




What year do you have in your game, well... maybe 50 years ago supers had choosen german names here in germany but today... hell no...

Superman is sometimes called "Der Mann aus Stahl" (the man out of steel) here in germany. Another name for a superman would be "Der Staehlerne"


my problem is I can't think of any german name for a super without the right article... "Der Unaufhaltsamme", "Der Stählerne"...


oh one moment... "Panzerbrecher" (i think a 1:1 translation would be "Armorpiercer") but this would be the name of some villain and not a hero...


oh, i have another Idea because it's an homage... use "Supermann", yep it's the same word in in english and german except this second n in the german version...


Super sounds like soup'r, a little bit french if you ask me followed by mann, mann is spoken with an A that sounds like the A in the famous "dAs".


So as an homage why don't call him "Supermann, der Staehlerne" or "Supermann, der Mann aus Stahl".


In german you have the problem that you can't create a new wordcombination, this only ends in an funny disaster (99 out of 100 times).

A short explanation, your Nightcrawler would be "Nachtkriecher" (the 1:1 translation, a ridicules name for a german "hero", not if this would be a pulp-kill-all-the-krauts game and he would be a german hero (or a german fighting for the allies against germany) from this time but today... absolute absurd. A better translation would be "Jener der durch die Dunkelheit/Nacht schleicht/kriecht" this would be "He who crawls through the Darkness/Night" in english or short Nightcrawler. The long version sounds mystic in both german and english, the short version only sounds cool in english.


Somehow in german everything get so long, well what do you await from the sometimes so called "language of the philosophers", our language is just to complicated for fun things like superheroes...


The only halfway cool name of a superhero I can think of would be "Steppenwolf" wich means "Wolverine" :)


oh oh... the unbeatable would be "Der Unschlagbare", not even bad if you ask me


ok, well I don't know, just want to say that you can ask me for german names and I will try to give you some good german translations, i never come up with good names in german by my own but will try to provide some good, and right translations if someone asks



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Originally posted by Hisho

@Von D-Man


are you german?, i mean... well... "Das Wall"... incredibly funny

rofl I remember RTCW, "Das Uebersoldat"... lol, ok we have 3 articles in german but somehow english speaking persons always use "das"... don't know why... maybe because it sounds funny... i realy had to lought for half an hour after this scientist introduced me to DAS Uebersoldat...

(i have played the imported english version... stupid indirect german censorship... grrrr... )


Das Wall was a German brick in European Enemies. A badly designed, cliched, grammatically incorrect German brick...


I'm American and I can get by in German, but I generally flub the various articles for "the" - in this case, however, its not my fault.


Its the publisher's fault.

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Thanks Hisho, you do D-Man, and all the rest


What do you guys think of Stahl? It keeps the homage to the mane character, is somewhat distinct, and represents how tough he is?


Some extra info for you, My world has a verry large team of heroesd, similar to the old JLI, except they actualy are international (They have 10 sub teams of 7, plust 25 other members). This guy is the leader of the most powerful of the 10 standard subteams (Lunar-1), his team is the only subteam that is truley global (One American, One German, One Alien, One Austrelian, One Jappanese, One Egyption, One Columbian), while the others normaly recruit from there area.


His Team, as imagined right now




Pharoh-Egyption-Blaster/Force Manipulator

Ronin-Japanese MA/WM

Star Knight-Blaster/PA/WM-Alien

Coral-Aquatic Brick/Mentalist/Blaster/Metamorph

Lightning-Columbian Speedster

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Originally posted by Hisho

I'm german and I think the closest is "Der Unaufhaltsamme", (The Unstoppable) if you go for a hero name (unstoppable would be "unaufhaltsamm/e/er/es" as an adjective)


I'll preface this bit by stating I'm not German, and I don't speak the language fluently by any means. I can't even hold a short conversation to be honest .. well - not yet :)


My understanding of Unaufhaltsamme is that it isn't so much a physical "unstoppable" but a mental state of "unstoppable" .. a closer translation might be "Unmovable" versus "Relentless"... I'm not sure which form/concept of unstoppable was intended though.


Of course, my problem with English is that everytime I go to learn another language I find too many options in English to translate the Non-English to and my brain trips up. The only language I've ever gotten down is French and that took ten years.

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As I have said elsewhere I tend to use more primitive linguistic aids (a German/English dictionary in this case) but one name that I liked for a German brick is "Eisenfurst". This translates as "Iron Fist" and should not be confused with "Panzerfurst" the German WWII anti tank rocket (which translates as "Armour Fist"). That would also make a good name for a German brick but might have too many Nazi connotations as would the other obvious name of "Ubermensch" (Overman or Superman)

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