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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


The two FLGSs I shop at have EVERYTHING by Hero, as far as I can tell, and a local comic shop has most, if not all, of it.


Of course, if DoJ is eating the shipping right now, I'll definitely buy from them to bypass the local sales tax. :)

A couple of the stores in Portland stock Hero pretty well.


What is the sales tax in AZ and UT? (I'll just be looking it up...)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Once it becomes the longest thread, we have to keep posting to it or some other thread will pass it, making it no longer the longest thread.


?Does anyone understand what I just posted? I'm not sure I do.

Sure...it's just like playing Settlers of Catan. Once you've got the "Longest Road" card, you can't rest on your laurels or someone else will extend one of their roads until it's the longest, and take the card away from you! :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I got someone banned from the forum I moderate. He was intitally banned for being an idiotic jerk, and when he was still acting like an idiotic jerk, having been allowed back for all of a week, I e-mailed the admin and he instantly banned the guy.



Sweet. :D

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Never played SoC. Is it a good game?

A friend of mine brought the basic game back with him from a job interview at Mayfair years ago. For a long time I scorned playing it, because my first exposure to it (after Rob got back from the interview) was Rob and several of my other friends already in the middle of a game; the first thing I remember hearing as I walked it was "I'll give you a rock for that sheep." I decided on the spot that was one of the stupidest things I'd ever heard, and I wasn't going to have anything to do with such a stupid game.


All I ended up doing is proving that snap judgments are often in error and depriving myself of many months of game-playing pleasure I could have had if I'd just sat down and played the game instead of making that snap judgment.


So yes, it's a good game. :) Deceptively simple and quite addictive.


To give you an idea of how much it hooked me after I tried it...there have been a lot of supplements, add-ons, and so forth. It takes a while for them to get her to America because they're originally written in German and released over there...they've got to be translated and so on before showing up here. Well, when I found out they were coming out with what was in essence an entirely new type of Catan game, based on the same game mechanics but with a different thrust ("Starfarers of Catan") I paid $80 for the German version (and no, I don't speak or read German) that came with a couple of badly-photocopied sheets of German-to-English translation keys for the cards, rules, and so on because I couldn't stand to wait for the English version...and I've never regretted it!!

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


A friend of mine brought the basic game back with him from a job interview at Mayfair years ago. For a long time I scorned playing it, because my first exposure to it (after Rob got back from the interview) was Rob and several of my other friends already in the middle of a game; the first thing I remember hearing as I walked it was "I'll give you a rock for that sheep." I decided on the spot that was one of the stupidest things I'd ever heard, and I wasn't going to have anything to do with such a stupid game.


All I ended up doing is proving that snap judgments are often in error and depriving myself of many months of game-playing pleasure I could have had if I'd just sat down and played the game instead of making that snap judgment.


So yes, it's a good game. :) Deceptively simple and quite addictive.


To give you an idea of how much it hooked me after I tried it...there have been a lot of supplements, add-ons, and so forth. It takes a while for them to get her to America because they're originally written in German and released over there...they've got to be translated and so on before showing up here. Well, when I found out they were coming out with what was in essence an entirely new type of Catan game, based on the same game mechanics but with a different thrust ("Starfarers of Catan") I paid $80 for the German version (and no, I don't speak or read German) that came with a couple of badly-photocopied sheets of German-to-English translation keys for the cards, rules, and so on because I couldn't stand to wait for the English version...and I've never regretted it!!

You ever play Apples to Apples? That game is EVIL. :)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Woo hoo! Skilled normal at last. Ok' date=' who want me as a DNPC or follower? :)[/quote']

Why don't you make a sort of "job interview" thread and see what (or who) turns up? I don't currently have any followers, DNPCs, sycophants, or anything, and I've never considered it...until now... :eg:

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I visited the local game store this past weekend and found the same situation. There were no HERO games products, but plenty of D&D and other random other systems material.


Me: "Excuse me, do you carry any HERO Games products?


Clerk: "What products? HERO?"


ME: "Yeah, you know, HERO games...Champions, Fantasy Hero, the green man book? Ring any bells?"


Clerk: "Um...no. Hold on." He goes to the manager and asks.


Manager: (to me) "We don't keep it in stock, but I'll order anything you need."


And I think that's exactly why DOJ wants to emphasize online sales. I know of maybe ONE store in town that gets Hero products regularly, and of course the chain bookstores are all D20/White Wolf, or D20 White Wolf (Swords & Sorcery).


Of course, the online option has always been open to me technically, but I don't have a credit card or an online account.



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


What's the "TAP" reference' date=' Dr. A?[/quote']

Well, over in Eosin's thread about Rep and the spreading around thereof, MisterBaldy had this to say:


I think that my major problem with REP is that as it stands' date=' the current trend of "REP dispersement" comes from posting in such threads as So, who does look the best in a Cat suit?? or anything tight???, or other such T&A threads.


Now, before I get BLASTED :bmk: ... The little bit of REP that I have received thus far has been on other topics, but...


From what I have been told, T&A will get you REP the fastest (especially if you post pictures :jawdrop: )!!!


Sorry, but that seems to be the current trend on the boards!!! :(


As one of those who often posts "those kinds" of pictures, this comment made me curious (as well as annoying me more than a little, I admit) so I decided to find out just what percentage of the last 50 reps I'd received (all you can view) had been for posting "those kinds" of pictures. A little later on, after it had changed (from 12% to 16%) I decided to keep sort of a running record of it in my sig.


"TAP" stands for "T&A Percentage" -- out of the last 50 reps, what percentage currently were for "T&A" posts.


Part of my deciding to do that, I guess, is sort of proving to myself (and anyone who cares to find out what "TAP" stands for) that I'm "good for" (get rep for) things other than posting T&A pics.


Part of it is also still feeling a bit nettled at MisterBaldy, and it's a way of keeping it "in the face" of people who happen to think like or agree with him that those of us who post pics "like that" don't get all -- or even the majority -- of our rep for those kinds of postings.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Well, I'm going away from the HERO boards for a few hours...feel free to talk amongst yourselves! :D


(Got to start rustling up some more "post inspiring" pics to help this thread along, since I'm almost out of the batch I had set aside...)

Cool! Now we can say all the things about you we wouldn't say when you're around!..


...whatever THAT is... :think:


John T

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